SSH, the Secure Shell_ The Definitive Gu - Barrett_ Daniel J_.pdf

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SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide
Publisher : O'Reilly
Pub Date : January 2001
ISBN : 0-596-00011-1
Pages : 558
Table of
SSH (Secure Shell) is a popular, robust, TCP/IP-based product for network security
and privacy, supporting strong encryption and authentication. This book covers Unix,
Windows, and Macintosh implementations of SSH. It shows both system
administrators and end users how to install, maintain, and troubleshoot SSH;
configure servers and clients in simple and complex ways; apply SSH to practical
problems; and protect other TCP applications through forwarding (tunneling).
Team-Fly ®
By Daniel J. Barrett, Ph.D. , Richard Silverman
Table of Content
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