Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics To Tap Vacuum Energy - Bearden.pdf

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The Tom Bearden Website
The Tom Bearden Website
Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics To Tap Vacuum Energy
Floyd Sweet, Association of Distinguished American Scientists
2311 Big Cove Road, Huntsville, Alabama 358010
2311 Big Cove Road, Huntsville, Alabama 35801
(Also published in: Proceedings of the 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC
August 4-9, 1991, Boston, Massachusetts. Vol 4, Advanced Energy Concepts, pp. 370-375.)
Copyright © 1991 by T.E. Bearden & F. Sweet. All Rights Reserved.
Based on E.T. Whittaker's previously unnoticed 1903-1904 papers which established a hidden
bidirectional EM wave structure in a standing forcefield free scalar potential, a method of directly
engineering the ambient potential of the vacuum has been developed and realized experimentally.
Adding Whittaker's engineerable hidden variable theory to classical electro-magnetics, quantum
mechanics, and general relativity produces supersets of each discipline. These supersets are joined by
the common Whittaker subset, producing a unified field theory that is engineerable and tested.
By treating the nucleus of the atom as a pumped phase conjugate mirror, several working model
energy units have been produced which excite and organize the local vacuum, increase the local
virtual photon flux between local vacuum and nucleus, establish coherent self-oscillations between
the local excited vacuum and the affected nuclei, utilize the self-oscillating standing wave for self-
pumping of the nuclei/mirrors, introduce a very tiny signal wave to the mirrors, and output into an
external load circuit a powerful, amplified, time-reversed phase conjugate replica wave at 60 Hertz
frequency and nominal 120 volt sine wave power.
Several models have been built, ranging from 6 watts early on to one of 5 kilowatts. Both closed
batteryless systems with damped positive feedback and open loop systems with battery-powered
input have been successfully built. Open loop power gains of from 5 x 10 4 to 1.5 x 10 6 have been
Antigravity experiments have also been successfully conducted where the weight of the unit was
reduced by 90% in controlled experiments, with a signal wave input of 175 microwatts and an output
of 1 kilowatt.
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The basic theory of the device is briefly explained and experimental results presented. In the
demonstration session, a videotape of one operating open-loop unit with a 1.5 x 10 6 power gain is
planned, as is the demonstration of an actual working model closed-loop system with a nominal
rating of 500 watts, and without external power input of any kind.
The units are solid state, with no moving parts. Each of them comprises a unique form of self-
powered vacuum triode of extraordinary gain, where the cathode power and plate power are freely
furnished by the vacuum, and only a small grid signal need be furnished either from an external
power source or by clamped positive feedback from the device's output. The output is negative
energy, and some of its unique characteristics are pointed out.
Implications of the experimental application of the Sweet vacuum triode, the Bearden approach to the
nucleus as a pumped phase conjugate mirror, and the unified field theory based on Whittaker's
engineerable hidden variable scalar EM potential theory are also briefly addressed.
In 1837 Sir W.R. Hamilton said,
"The notion of time may be unfolded into an independent pure science... a science of pure time is
As is well-known, the fundamental units utilized in physics are arbitrary. It is even possible to
construct all of physics on a single unit, time. This oddity shows the truth in Hamilton's statement; it
is even more odd, because quantum mechanically time is not an observable. This means that the
observable world can be modeled completely in terms of the nonobservable, which is essentially what
modern quantum mechanics is now doing.
Hamilton viewed his magnificent quaternions as essentially having accomplished the mathematical
structuring of time. Maxwell's original EM theory, as is well-known, was modeled in Hamilton's
quaternions , not in the highly curtailed Heaviside/Hertz vectors erroneously taught today as
"Maxwell's theory."
Not a single one of the present so-called "Maxwell's" vector equations ever appeared in a book or
paper by James Clerk Maxwell.
For some years the author has worked on an extended electromagnetics theory, involving the scalar
component of the quaternion. [ Ref. 1 ]
In Maxwell's original quaternion theory, this scalar component often remains when the directional
components zero. Further, it then enfolds vectors and functions of vectors inside, in a hidden variable
manner. Specifically, the author has patterned a unified field theory concept upon the previously
unnoticed but remarkable early work of E.T. Whittaker. [ Ref. 2 ]
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In two fundamental papers in 1903 and 1904, Whittaker showed that all present vector EM can be
replaced by scalar potential interferometry, and that bidirectional harmonic EM plane wave sets could
be used to produce a standing wave of force-field-free potential (Figures 1 and 2).
Thus Whittaker anticipated the quantum mechanical Aharonov/Bohm effect by 55 years, including
extending it to the macroscopic world instead of the mesoscopic realm where it has been established
to date. [ Ref. 3 ]
In modern terms, Whittaker showed how to turn EM wave energy into electrogravitational potential
energy, then how to interfere two such scalar potential waves to recover electromagnetic energy, even
at a distance. [ Ref. 4 ]
This unrecognized work is of great importance: when applied to modern physics, it produces
supersets of quantum mechanics (QM), classical electromagnetics (EM), and general relativity (GR).
Further, all three extended disciplines unify on their common Whittaker subset, in a testable and
engineerable fashion. [ Ref. 5 ]
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Figure 2. Infolded EM plane wave structure of a Whittaker wave.
The Nucleus As a PPCM and Triode
The author has also considered the highly nonlinear nucleus of the atom as a pumped phase conjugate
mirror (PPCM), having found no other consideration of same in the literature.
The author also dubbed a PPCM a "triode," since the amplified phase conjugate replica of the signal
wave is much like the amplified output of a triode, and the signal wave input to a PPCM is much like
a triode's grid signal input. The PPCM pump wave then corresponds roughly to the power input to the
cathode and plate of a triode. [ Ref. 6 ]
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Figure 3. A pumped phase conjugate mirror.
About seven years ago, the author was privileged to see and examine an invention of Mr. Floyd
Sweet, that produced about 6 watts of electrical power from the vacuum itself.
This remarkable device, which the author dubbed a vacuum triode , in a single unit utilized most of
the scalar EM concepts the author had so painfully and slowly formulated over the years.
Sweet, a brilliant inventor with a remarkable knowledge of magnetics, had utilized barium ferrite
magnets and special coils to produce a solid-state device that successfully tapped the vacuum energy.
The author quickly put together a theoretical concept for the energy-tapping mechanism, based on
treatment of the nucleus as a PPCM and Whittaker's scalar EM potential unified field theory. [ Ref. 7 ]
The author furnished the technical concept, treating the nucleus as a pumped phase conjugate mirror,
to the inventor along with copies of Whittaker's papers.
Sweet's Synthesis and Extension
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