MCSA - MCSE - 70-350 - Implementing Microsoft Internet Security And Acceleration Server 2004.pdf

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MCSA/MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-350): Implementing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 eBook
Microsoft Press
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Copyright © 2005 by Microsoft Corporation
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As always, I dedicate this book to the three wonderful women in my life:
my wife, Rhonda, and my daughters, Angela and Amanda.
Stan Reimer
To my beautiful and lovely wife, Oksana, and my fantastic son, Rooslan.
You make this all possible.
Orin Thomas
About the Authors
Stan Reimer , Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), and
Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), is the president of SR Tech-
nical Services based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Stan works as a
consultant and trainer specializing in Microsoft ISA Server,
Microsoft Exchange Server, and Active Directory design and
implementation. Stan has worked as a consultant with some of
the largest corporations in Canada, as well as some of the
smallest. He is the co-author of Active Directory for Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Technical Reference , published by
Microsoft Press, and also authors courseware and security clin-
ics for Microsoft Learning. In the summer, Stan finds hitting the
road on his motorcycle or hitting golf balls on a golf course to be excellent therapy. In
the winter, he just works, because it is too cold in Winnipeg to do anything else.
Orin Thomas is a writer, editor, trainer, and systems adminis-
trator who works for the certification advice Web site Cert- His work in IT has been varied: he has done
everything from providing first-level networking support to a
university department to managing mission-critical servers for
one of Australia’s largest companies. He has co-authored sev-
eral MCSA/MCSE self-paced training kits for Microsoft Learn-
ing. He holds a variety of certifications, a bachelor’s degree in
science with honors from the University of Melbourne, and is
currently working toward the completion of a Ph.D in Philos-
ophy of Science.
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