Part VI Leiden Explanation of Signs.pdf

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are placed in spare brackets [: 1. Lacunae in
the original, for which no restoration is suggested, are represented
by dots. Words in rouizd brackets ( ) are not in the original,
but are added by the translators; those between angular
brackets ( ) are intended to be omitted.
The second person singular has been rendered by thou, thee’
in invocations, by (you’ elsewhere. In the very few instances
in which the second person plural occurs, it is indicated by the
use of ye or you (plur.) ; (bis) following a word indicates
that the word is followed in the original by the sign sp s?z,
implying that the word or phrase is to be repeated.
An accurate transcription of the magic names is given in the
transliteration ; in the translation we have rendered the sound
approximately without strict adherence to any one system,
generally following the glosses where they exist, as it was
thought that this would be the most useful .course for such
readers as are not Egyptian scholars.
For the system, see note preceding the demotic glossary.
Words transliterated with Coptic letters betwem asteyisks are
written in cipher in the original.
]In referring to the plates of the papyrus in vol. ii, Col. I. 1. I is
quoted as I/I and verso, Col. 11. 1. 3 as V. 2/3, &c.
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