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Artifacts of the Ages:
Legendary Weapons
Designers: Gary Astleford, Eric Cagle, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Andy Collins, Brian Cortijo, Darrin Drader, Rich Redman,
Sean K. Reynolds, Marc Schmalz, Mat Smith, Owen K.C. Stephens, Rodney Thompson, & JD Wiker
Development: JD Wiker
Editing: Marc Schmalz
Creative Direction: Marc Schmalz
Proofreading: Vincent Szopa
Art Direction: Stan!
Layout and Typesetting: Marc Schmalz
Front Cover Design: Jefferson Dunlap
Cover Artist: Clarence Harrison
Interior Artist: Jacob Elijah Walker
How to Use This Book ..............................................2
Improving Exotic Weapons .......................................2
For the GM ................................................................2
General Rules ............................................................3
Battle Scions .............................................................3
Faith Scions ...............................................................4
Aquine Despoiler —Darrin Drader ............................8
Dawnbringer , the Blade of Light—
Gamaliel , Keeper of the White Sword
Gerechtigkeitaxt , the Justice Axe—
Shademaker , the Scabbardless Blade—
Silence and Whisper , The Assassin’s Tools—
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons ® , Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
Also requires the use of one of the following: Swords of Our Fathers (PDF) or Staves of Ascendance (PDF) from The Game Mechanics, Artifacts of the Ages: Swords
and Staves (print) or Artifacts of the Ages: Rings (print) from The Game Mechanics and Green Ronin Publishing, or Unearthed Arcana from Wizards of the Coast.
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Welcome to Artifacts of the Ages: Legendary
Weapons —a sourcebook for magic weapons in
fantasy d20 System games.
For most d20 System characters, weapons are
their most valued and important possessions. Yet
many heroes cycle through magic weapons on a
regular basis, selling off a trusted blade because
a new, more powerful weapon was found in the
possession of a vanquished foe. While this “trading
up” activity is common in fantasy roleplaying
games, fans will seldom fi nd it in fantasy literature,
where a hero’s weapon is an extension of his or
her own personality. Tossing aside such a weapon
would be akin to losing a limb!
Legendary weapons give player characters a
reason to hang on to magic items. The legendary
weapons found in this book grow in power as a
wielder dedicates herself
to mastery of the weapon.
A GM can give a family
heirloom to a player at a
low level, and the weapon
will mete out its powers
bit by bit over time, so
that the GM needn’t worry
about pu� ing too powerful a weapon into the
hands of a low-level character.
How to Use This Book
The weapons in this book are designed for use
with the rules featured in Swords of Our Fathers
and Staves of Ascendance , PDFs from The Game
Mechanics available on RPGNow.com. These
rules were also compiled in Artifacts of the Ages:
Swords and Staves (from The Game Mechanics and
Green Ronin Publishing) and Unearthed Arcana
(from Wizards of the Coast). Any of these sources
should give one the base one needs to introduce
legendary weapons into a campaign, including
full details of the prestige classes required to
unlock the powers of legendary weapons.
Chapter Two details 17 legendary weapons
that grow in power as their scions grow in level.
Chapters are divided by scion type (ba� le, faith,
spell, and swi� ), and each weapon includes a rich
history, requirements for becoming its scion, a plot
hook that a GM may use to introduce the weapon,
and full details of its ever-growing powers.
These weapons are wri� en by some of the fi nest
designers and developers working on the d20
System today, as well as some new and growing
talent we’ve found at The Game Mechanics.
We greatly appreciate their participation in this
project! Chapter Five includes new optional rules
for use with legendary weapons, including further
specialization of the prestige classes to match d20
System base classes.
Improving Exotic Weapons
One may fi nd more exotic legendary weapons in
these pages than one may initially expect. Without
legendary weapon rules, there can be a high,
hidden cost to exotic weapons. By defi nition, they
are more rare as loot, so people who take feats
for exotic weapons have a much smaller chance
of fi nding an upgrade in a monster’s horde than
someone who specializes in a more common
martial weapon. Such a character may have to buy
upgrades, or may decide that very nice magical
martial weapon is be� er, leaving the exotic weapon
feats unused.
With legendary weapon rules, the conditions
have changed. A character is no longer taking
feats to support a type of exotic weapon, but a
specifi c weapon that will grow in power as the
character advances. The risk of taking exotic
weapon feats is greatly minimized because the
character will probably dedicate the rest of her
adventuring career to mastering that single
weapon. A legendary weapon is a treasure for
life, and a character who chooses to dedicate
herself to advancing a legendary weapon will
certainly be willing to spend the exotic weapon
feats on it as well.
For the GM
Artifacts of the Ages: Legendary Weapons makes use
of prestige classes in the truest sense: taking one of
these classes and dedicating oneself to a legendary
weapon makes a character someone special in the
grand scheme of things. Consequently, the GM
must be prepared to utilize these weapons in his
campaign. If he’s not prepared to do so, then he
should make it clear to his players that these items,
and thus these prestige classes, aren’t available.
On the other hand, if a GM is willing to take
this plunge, the characters can wield legendary
weapons that more or less automatically scale to
the level of the characters’ power—running the
gamut from minor magic item to minor artifact.
The very existence of these items can be used
to make the campaign world that much more a
magical place, full of adventure and mystery—
which is what heroic fantasy is ultimately all about.
Web Enhancement
Additional material for use with Artifacts
of the Ages: Legendary Weapons and
any discovered errata can be found at
The Game Mechanics’ website
Chapter One: Variant Rules
By Rich Redman
The magic items described in this series of books
build on reducing the basic character classes of
fantasy d20 to four: ba� le scions, spell scions, faith
scions, and swi� scions. While those are useful
general categories, they put a tremendous burden
on the magic items themselves. Items designed for
barbarians must advance barbarian rage as well as
provide their own unique abilities, items designed
for fi ghters need to grant additional feats, and so on.
This variant proposes variant scion classes for
use in your game and suggests example alterations
to existing items when using this variant.
General Rules
When a character takes his or her fi rst level in a
scion class, he or she must choose a path to follow.
For example, a ba� le scion must choose barbarian,
fi ghter, paladin, or ranger (your game may have
additional or diff erent basic classes). The character
does not choose again, so the path is fi xed at the
beginning of his or her career as a scion.
Battle Scions
The table below shows the variant ba� le scion paths.
If you use this variant, the table below replaces the
standard ba� le scion advancement table.
Hit Die: All ba� le scions use d10 for Hit Dice.
that pursues a career as a
ranger ba� le scion uses the
ranger’s skill points and
class skill list.
Behind the Scenes
These variants have two, complimentary,
purposes. The fi rst is to provide more
variety among the different scion
classes. A barbarian battle scion will
become quite different from paladin
battle scion, for example.
The second is to give characters more
of the signature abilities of their basic
classes. Doing so relieves the legendary
items of having to duplicate those
abilities. This variant does not provide all
the class abilities, nor does it advance the
abilities it does provide as rapidly as the
base class does. This is intentional.
Class Features
The following are class
features of the ba� le scion
prestige classes. Like the
standard scion prestige
classes, these abilities are
retained with or without a
legendary item. Each such
item provides a unique set
of additional special abilities, which are detailed
in their descriptions in Chapter 2. These abilities
accrue in addition to those in this table, but are
functions of the item and are lost if the legendary
item that granted them is lost.
Rage (Ex): Barbarian ba� le scions gain
additional uses of their rage class ability as noted
on the table. If the character became a barbarian
ba� le scion before gaining the rage class ability, this
does not grant it. However, when such a barbarian
ba� le scion reaches fi rst level as a barbarian, he
immediately gains all the uses per day granted by
this ability.
Bonus Feat: Fighter ba� le scions gain bonus
feats as indicated on the table. These bonus feats
must be chosen feats noted as fi ghter bonus feats
on Table 5-1: Feats in the PHB v3.5 .
Undead (Su): A paladin ba� le scion’s eff ective
cleric level when turning undead increases as noted
on the table. If the paladin became a ba� le scion
There are no changes in the rules for requirements.
Class Skills
Ba� le scions use the skill points and class skill
list of their chosen path. For example, a fi ghter
Table 1–1: Battle Scion Variants
Save Barbarian Fighter Paladin Ranger
1st +0 +2 +0 +0 +1/day rage Bonus feat +1 undead +1 Ref save
2nd +1 +3 +0 +0
Attack Bonus
+1 animal
3rd +1 +3 +1 +1
Bonus feat Smite evil +1/day
4th +2 +4 +1 +1 +1 DR
+1 animal
5th +2 +4 +1 +1 +1/day rage
+1 Ref save
6th +3 +5 +2 +2
Bonus feat +1 undead +1 animal
7th +3 +5 +2 +2 Enhance rage
combat style
8th +4 +6 +2 +2 +1 DR
Smite evil +1/day +1 animal
9th +4 +6 +3 +3 +1/day rage Bonus feat
+1 Ref save
10th +5 +7 +3 +3
+1 animal
Chapter One: Variant Rules
before gaining the ability to turn undead, this does
not grant it. However, when such a ba� le scion
gains the ability to turn undead through cleric or
paladin levels, he immediate gains all the eff ective
levels granted by this ability.
Refl ex Saves: Unlike the other three base classes
that shape this variant of the ba� le scion, the ranger
has two good saving throw bonuses: Fortitude
and Refl ex. This class ability improves the ranger’s
Refl ex saving throw as noted in the table above.
Animal (Ex): Add the indicated bonus to the
ba� le scion’s ranger levels when determining
adjustments for his animal companion. For example,
a 6th-level ranger’s animal companion has the same
adjustments as that of a 3rd-level druid. The animal
companion of a 4th-level ranger/2nd-level ranger
ba� le scion has the same adjustments as that of a
2nd-level druid, because his eff ective ranger level
is 5th when determining adjustments to his animal
companion’s scores and abilities.
If a ranger ba� le scion does not have the animal
companion class ability, this does not grant it.
However, when such a ranger ba� le scion gains the
animal companion class ability through druid or
ranger levels, he immediately gains all the eff ective
levels granted by this ability.
Smite Evil (Su): A paladin ba� le scion gains
additional uses of her ability to smite evil as noted
on the table. If a ba� le scion does not have the
ability to smite evil, this does not grant it. However,
when such a ba� le scion gains the ability to smite
evil through paladin levels, he immediately gains all
the uses granted by this ability.
Damage Reduction (Ex): A barbarian ba� le
scion’s damage reduction improves as indicated
on the table. If the ba� le scion does not yet have
damage reduction, he gains it now at 1/—. If the
ba� le scion gains additional damage reduction
through barbarian levels, the bonuses stack. A 10th-
level barbarian/4th-level ba� le scion has damage
reduction of 3/—.
Enhance Rage (Ex): If the barbarian ba� le scion
has the rage class ability, this ability grants him the
Greater Rage class ability. If he has the Greater Rage
class ability, this ability grants him Tireless Rage.
If he has the Tireless Rage class ability, this ability
grants him Mighty Rage. See the barbarian class
description in Chapter 3: Classes of the PHB v3.5 for
rules on the various rage abilities.
If a character completes all ten levels of the
ba� le scion class and then takes suffi cient levels of
barbarian to gain an ability granted by this class a
second time, he gets no additional benefi t.
Enhance Combat Style (Ex): If the ranger ba� le
scion does not have the combat style class ability,
this ability grants it to him. That means he must
choose between archery or two-weapon combat
now. If the ranger ba� le scion has the combat style
class ability, this ability grants him the improved
combat style class ability. If the ranger ba� le scion
has the improved combat style class ability, this
ability grants him the combat style mastery class
ability. See the ranger class description in Chapter
4: Classes of the PHB v3.5 for rules on the various
combat style abilities.
If a character completes all ten levels of the
ba� le scion class and then takes suffi cient levels
of ranger to gain an ability granted by this class a
second time, he gets no additional benefi t.
Spell Scions
It is possible that a wizard will choose to pursue a
sorcerer spell scion career, or vice versa. The path
chosen is also the class to which additional caster
levels apply. For example, a wizard decides to
pursue his spell scion path as a sorcerer. He must
add his spell scion levels to his sorcerer levels
when determining spells per day and spell known.
Class Skills
Spell scions use the skill points and class skill list
of their chosen path. For example, a wizard that
pursues a career as a sorcerer spell scion uses the
sorcerer’s skill points and class skill list.
Faith Scions
The table below shows the variant faith scion paths.
If you use this variant, the table below replaces the
standard faith scion advancement table.
Hit Die: All faith scions use d8 for Hit Dice.
There are no changes in the rules for requirements.
Class Skills
Faith scions use the skill points and class skill list
of their chosen path. For example, a cleric that
pursues a career as a druid faith scion uses the
druid’s skill points and class skill list.
Class Features
The following are class features of the faith
scion prestige classes. Like the standard scion
prestige classes, these abilities are retained
with or without a legendary item. Each such
item provides a unique set of additional special
abilities, which are detailed in their descriptions
in Chapter Two. These abilities accrue in addition
to those in this table, but are functions of the item
and are lost if the legendary item that granted
them is lost.
Undead (Su): A cleric faith scion’s eff ective
cleric level when turning undead increases as
noted on the table. If a faith scion does not yet
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