Octavirate Presents Volume 02 - The Night of the Krampus.pdf

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S. Trent Troop and Ronald Smith
Ronald Smith
Cover Illustration
Ronald Smith
Ronald Smith, S. Trent Troop
Design, Layout and Typesetting
S. Trent Troop
Mark Gedak, Russ Trippett, J.R. Garringer,
Shawn Shelton, Rann Aridoron, Cory Goset
Special Thanks
Kristen Maxwell, Rose Tursi, Truman Troop,
Gary Gygax, Johnathan McClure, Tim Mann,
Jeff Howard, David Willis, Brad Venable,
Marcus Troop
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Welcome to our second installment of Octavirate
Presents . Gaming is about having fun with friends,
imagination and dice. Role-playing games are an
opportunity for us to step out of our normal selves and
interact with other people. As always, the rules are in
your hands and it is up to you to decide what you will
do with them.
The fi rst winds of winter bring with them snow and ice.
The blanket of cold that envelops the land heralds the
coming of the winter solstice and a thousand different
holidays that coincide with it. These holidays are the
domain of giving and thankfulness, and fall under the
dominion of a fantastic being known by many names,
the most common of which is Santa Claus, bringer of
gifts and joy, the living embodiment of hope, kindness,
and generosity. Wherever he goes he leaves hope
behind, along with gifts both subtle and fantastic.
We plan on going a lot of different places with Octavi-
rate. Our cross-compatible approach to gaming doesn’t
restrict our development choices and sometimes we
will develop supplements that are, for a lack of a better
word, surreal. This time we decided to try something
different in line with the holidays. Thus the Octavirate
Presents: Night of the Krampus, a Holiday Special was
Presents: Night of the Krampus, a Holiday Special
born. We know it is an off-beat concept, but if the small
publishers don’t ever break out the mold then we’re
never going to shine.
Yet the universe, it seems, is beholden to its own strange
symmetry. For where Claus rules the bright side of
the season another entity rises the cold and shadowy
elements of mortal kind. The clack of hooves on the roof
may be the kindly red-clad spirit or it may be the hooves
of the fi endish Krampus. Those who fi nd themselves
unworthy of Claus’s rewards may fi nd themselves at
the mercy of the Krampus, a dark creature who leaves
terror in his wake along with switches and coal.
The idea for a Krampus-themed module rose out of my
fi rst contact with the lecherous Germanic anti-Claus
through the internet. The idea of a demonic arch-nemesis
for Santa seemed so utterly game-worthy that I immedi-
ately started pondering how to integrate Krampus into
d20 fantasy. Of course, the Krampus brought with him
a host of friends and, as one might expect, his archrival
and sometimes-partner Santa Claus.
For some, it is the most joyous of holidays.
For others it is the night of the Krampus.
This year, give the gift that keeps on giving, give the
gift of gaming. And since game time doesn’t always
follow the real world seasons, you can bring Santa,
the Krampus and their legions of highly market-
able companions into your campaign. If all goes well
everyone will learn the true meaning of the holidays in
time to prevent the latest plane-wide catastrophe.
We are fully aware that this is a somewhat bizarre
subject for a gaming supplement.
When we set out to create a Holiday Special, we quickly
discovered that it was much tougher than expected. The
decision to quantify Santa Claus and the Krampus as
demigods came after realizing the sheer power required
to perform the feats these beings supposedly perform.
Even then, however, the tone and feel of the supplement
was up in the air. We like to think of this supplement as
the RPG equivalent of a holiday TV special: strange,
off-beat and somewhat surreal while at the same time
relevant to the feel of the season.
Getting a gaming group into a holiday adventure can be
somewhat surreal in and of itself. Gamers are used to
the idea of saving townships, cities, nations or even the
world. Saving Christmas (or Yule, or Saturnalia, or the
Solstice, or whatnot) is somewhat stranger. The very
idea seems strange. Santa Claus is real and needs the
help of adventurers. Unless the players are fans of C. S.
Lewis, they’re likely to fi nd it a strange concept.
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Thus, we introduce the Krampus, Santa’s Germanic
arch-nemesis/helper/counterpart. The bestial demon-
monster that punishes the naughty brings a more
familiar edge to the experience. Our interpretation of the
Krampus goes a step further, saddling him with the task
of supplying goblins, orcs and the like with munitions
to use against the heroes of the realm. Chances are your
players have wondered where goblins even get magic
items. Its simple: a +2 short sword is a goblin’s Playsta-
only way out is to go from being “naughty” to being
“nice”… but that’s not an easy task for a grown-up.
• A female love interest or relative of one of the player
characters, or a female PC, has caught the eye of the
lecherous and uncouth Krampus. An elaborate (and
harrowing) series of challenges stand between the
player characters and the liberation of their friend.
+2 short sword is a goblin’s Playsta-
tion 3.
• As a kid, one of the PCs was going to be taken by the
Krampus but managed to escape. Now the Krampus is
back and looking for trouble.
If the raw power of Santa and the Krampus makes them
intimidating additions to your game, feel free to use
their incarnates as powered-down proxies. An incar-
nate of Santa is just as good as the real thing for a low-
level party. A holiday adventure, however, need not
be resolved with violence. A bit of clever roleplaying
may be all that’s required to save the holiday and bring
peace to the land, if just for one night. As always, these
are just tools to accommodate your own gaming world.
Use as much or as little as the situation calls for.
• A battle of deities has caused Santa’s equipment to
be lost on the Material Plane. The players have a few
months to retrieve these treasures and return them to
their rightful owner or the holidays will be ruined.
• The player characters return from an extraplanar
journey to fi nd the whole world has been changed for
the worse. An infl uential friend has vanished, no one
remembers him, and reality is completely different.
The players must fi nd out how his disappearance is
connected to the holidays and how he can be brought
Here are a few plot hooks for Holiday themed adven-
• The Krampus tricks a member of the party into
accidentally unleashing an ancient evil that imprisons
Santa Claus. The players must save the holiday and
Santa or the Krampus will have free reign for the next
• After offending the Krampus in some fashion, the
PCs fi nd themselves transformed into children. They
have to fi nd a way of setting things right before their
mortal foes fi nd out about the change and use it to their
• A member of the party recognizes a magic item
he lost in a far-off land in the hands of a humanoid
monster. When interrogated, the monster reveals that
the Krampus gave him the weapon as a gift. Who or
what is this strange entity that arms evil humanoids
with stolen weapons.
• A powerful species of extraplanar beings trap Santa,
the Krampus, or both demigods and force them to bring
the holidays to their plane. This is all well and good for
the outsiders, but the material plane must go without if
nothing is done.
• Santa’s minions seek the help of the player charac-
ters in appeasing Jack Frost, who is interfering with the
coming holidays. Jack’s power rivals Santa’s, and the
Krampus is mixed up in it too.
• An evil wizard has found a scroll that has the names
of every intelligent creature on the plane, and it has
detailed information on them as well. An old man with
a white beard offers a fantastic reward if the scroll is
• Every scrap of holiday related material has vanished
overnight for miles in all directions without a trace.
Even if the event has no larger supernatural impact, a
lot of people will have a miserable time if the food, gifts
and decorations aren’t located.
• The most greedy of the PCs gets a visit from three
ghosts looking to change his or her ways. The visions
seemed real, but are they? And if not, who sent them?
• A PC offends the Krampus and is continually pranked
and tormented by the demigod and his minions. The
Octavirate Presents
Night of the Krampus
Male Demigod (Divine Rank 2) Clr20/Exp20
NG Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
Init: +12
Languages: Santa Claus can understand and speak any
form of language.
——— —— —— —— ——
AC: 40 (Dex +9, Divine +2, Natural +2 , Santa’s suit
+7, Defl ection +10) touch 31, fl at footed 31; DR:
15/epic and evil
HD: 20d8+120 + 20d6+120; hp 520
Resistances: Fire 30 (7 natural), spell resistance 34
Immunities: Mind-infl uencing effects, Energy Drain,
Ability Drain, Ability Damage, electricity, cold,
acid, poison, stunning, sleep effects, paralysis, death
effects, disintegration, polymorphing, petrifaction,
or any other attack that alters his form, not subject
to death from massive damage.
Fort +27, Ref +23,
Fright: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a –2
morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks as
they are overwhelmed with guilt over their various
naughty deeds throughout life. The merest glance
or gesture from Santa makes them frightened, and
they fl ee as quickly as they can, although they can
choose the path of their fl ight.
Resolve: Santa’s allies receive a +4 morale bonus on
attack rolls, saves, and checks, while Santa’s foes
receive a –4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves,
and checks.
Protective Ward (Su): Santa can generate a protec-
tive ward as a supernatural ability. Santa can grant
one creature he touches a resistance bonus of +20
on the creature’s next saving throw. Activating this
power is a standard action. The protective ward is
an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour that is
usable once per day.
Spell-like Abilities: At will – Greater teleport (self and
Greater teleport
100 lbs. of objects only) Caster level 20th. Animate
rope, antimagic fi eld, create food and water, create
water, fabricate, genesis, hardening, heroes’ feast,
major creation, mind blank (DC 30) , minor creation,
minor image (DC 24) , permanent image (DC 28) ,
prismatic sphere (DC 31) , protection from energy
(DC 25), repulsion (DC 29) , sanctuary (DC 23) ,
shield other (DC 24) , spell immunity, spell resis-
tance (DC 27) , stone shape , true creation, wood
shape (DC 24). Caster level 12th, except for conju-
ration (creation) spells, which are caster level 15th.
The saving throw is Charisma-based and includes a
+2 Divine bonus.
Turn/Destroy Undead: Santa can turn undead 13/day.
He gets a +6 bonus to turning checks and a +2 bonus
on turning damage in addition to his Charisma
——— —— —— —— ——
Santa’s staff +5 merciful, defending holy
quarterstaff of frost ) +38 melee (1d6+11 plus 1d6
cold plus 2d6 vs. evil-aligned creatures)
Full Attack: Santa’s staff (
Santa’s staff +5 merciful, defending holy
quarterstaff of frost ) +38/+33/+28 melee (1d6+11
plus 1d6 cold plus 2d6 vs. evil-aligned creatures)
BAB : +15/+10/+5; Grapple: +33
Cleric Spells Known (6/8/8/7/7/7/6/5/5/5; Save DC 24
+ spell level):Santa Claus can spontaneously cast
any cleric spell from the standard list as well as
all spells from the artifi ce, creation and protection
domains. Santa casts conjuration (creation) spells
+3 caster level.
Divine Aura: Santa radiates a divine aura with a 20
ft. radius. Mortals and deities of lower rank can
resist the power of his aura with a DC 22 Will
save. Santa chooses the size of the radius and can
change it as a free action. If Santa chooses a radius
of 0 feet, his aura power effectively becomes non-
functional. Santa can make its own worshipers,
beings of neutral good alignment, or both types of
individuals immune to the effect as a free action.
The immunity lasts one day or until Santa dismisses
it. Once affected by an aura power, creatures remain
affected as long as they remain within the aura’s
radius. Santa can choose from the following effects
each round as a free action.
Daze: Affected beings just stare at Santa in fascination
(if children) or dumbfounded confusion (if adults).
They can defend themselves normally but can take
no actions.
Santa’s staff (
——— —— —— —— ——
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 28, Con 22, Int 26, Wis 34,
Cha 30.
SA: Divine aura, protective ward, spell-like abilities,
spells, turn/destroy undead
SQ: Automatic actions, communication, create magic
items, divine qualities, divine senses, salient divine
Feats: Blind-Fight, Brew Potion, Combat Expertise,
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft
Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge,
Forge Ring, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative,
Mobility, Scribe Scroll
Skills: Appraise +30, Balance +13, Concentration
+21, Craft (Alchemy) +32, Craft (Armorsmith)
+37, Craft (Weaponsmith) +24, Craft (Toys) +57,
Ref Will +31
Spd: 60 ft.
Attack: Santa’s staff (
Santa’s staff (
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