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Blood Waters
Written by Greg A. Vaughan
Illustrated by Richard Clark, Andrew Hou and Kevin Yan
Cartography by Rob Lazzaretti
Edited by Nicolas Logue
“Blood Waters” is a deep sea adventure of murky intrigue and death designed for
four to six 7 th -level characters. It ties directly into the Dark Vistas #1: Razor Coast
and serves as an offshoot side trek to that adventure, or it can be used as a stand-
alone delve into the depths. This adventure takes place beneath the waves of the
Razor Sea, and as such requires that the PCs have access to water breathing magic
or have the aquatic subtype themselves. If the PCs do not possess these resources,
they can be provided at the beginning of the adventure. For useful info on running
underwater adventures and facing aquatic dangers see Death Beneath the Waves by
Wolfgang Baur (also available for download on www.sinisteradventures.com ).
This module is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use
with the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game. The OGL can be found at
the end of this product.
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are not Open Content: All trademarks,
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(characters, deities, artifacts, places,
etc.), artwork, and trade dress.
Open Content: Except for material
designated as Product Identity (see
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Adventure Background
The seaside city of Port Shaw, its Kai Bay brimming with mast, sail and cannon,
is not the only power that holds sway along the Razor Coast. Not far away
rests a sprawling kingdom largely beyond the knowledge of the landbound folk.
In the kelp forested depths of the Great Rift reigns the Court of the Sea King.
The Coral Kingdom was once a powerful force on the loor of the Razor, a
nation of locathah that kept the peace beneath the waves and held at bay the
more fearsome predators of the Far Deeps. Through the Sea King’s benevolent
guidance, his people spread far and wide, annexing other peaceful undersea
communities such as the Merfolk Triperium, the triton clans of Murdrak Hold,
and even the frivolous Nereid Sisterhood. So powerful was the Coral Kingdom’s
Indulgences are published by Sinister
Adventures, LLC under the Open Game
License v 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards
of the Coast, Inc. All other trademarks
are property of Sinister Adventures®,
LLC. ©2008 Sinister Adventures.
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royal inluence they were even able to conduct trade and
make treaties of alliance with several tribes of the indigenous
Tulita natives dwelling along the Razor Coast.
Then came Harthagoa, the Demon Below. This kraken-
iend from the Far Deep cowed the savage sahuagin shark-
riders, and even intimidated the inscrutable aboleths into
his service. The Demon Below rallied all manner of barbaric
and villainous creatures from the deepest reaches of inky
darkness. With this army under his tentacle, Harthagoa
began his own conquest of the waves. The Malenti Enclave
fell to his crushing grasp, and he spewed misery upon the
Empire of the Sea Elves. Underwater kingdoms fell before
the kraken one after the next. Only the locathah continued to
resist, striking out from their labyrinthine Coral Kingdom and
hiding under the shroud of their dense kelp forests.
Unable to take the Court of the Sea King by force, the
kraken’s servitors nevertheless pressed at their borders in a
constant low-grade war of attrition. The locathah held irm
but were spread too thin to defend all of their holdings and
allies. One by one the communities and territories of the
Sea King’s allied peoples fell away into the dark embrace of
the Demon Below never to be seen again, until even the Sea
Kingdom itself was whittled away to a splinter of its former
glory. Now the kingdom encompasses little more than the
locathah stronghold of the Court of the Sea King nestled deep
in the well protected Great Rift.
Though the locathah held irm and seem to have carved
some breathing room for themselves from the constant
onslaught of the Demon Below’s dark servants, their position
is far from stable. In fact, the relative peace they enjoy in
recent tides is not born from their valiant resistance, but is
rather the rotting fruit of the Demon Below’s latest stratagem.
Two great-tides ago, the Sea King’s beloved mate suddenly
died after an unfortunate encounter with a rare sea urchin.
After a suitable period of mourning, Gla’gool, the current
reigning Sea King announced he would take a new wife in
the tradition of his ancestors in order to renew and cement
old alliances. He named as his bride the mermaid lass
Avareth, a breathtaking beauty and one of the only survivors
of Hartagoa’s brutal assault on the Merfolk Triperium.
Unfortunately for the Sea Kingdom, Avareth is more than
she seems.The mermaid is no mermaid at all, but rather a
deadly sea hag who serves the Demon Below as a deep-cover
agent. Her dowry is the destruction of the locathah people.
She plans to bring the realm of the Sea King to its knees from
ancient lava tubes by
Gla’gool’s ancestors
when the sea was
young. There
they unravel the
truth of the Sea
King’s new bride and
confront her in the
secret throne room
she had established
as part of her
soon to
ensue coup.
It is up to
the party
to end the
menace she
or abandon
the locathah
peoples to the
cold mercy
of the Demon
Adventure Hooks
There are several ways that the PCs
can become involved in this side trek.
Some of these hooks incorporate material from the ongoing
plots to be found in Razor Coast , and can be used to link
this side trek directly to that Dark Vista . Choose one of the
following or create your own hook to draw the PCs into
the machinations of the Sea King’s court. If the PCs do not
possess the means to adventure beneath the waves on their
own power, Old Edigar provides them with this ability as
described below.
•  The party has chartered a vessel
and set out to plumb the depths of the Seafarer’s Graveyard
and the king’s ransom worth of treasures that has been
lost there over the years. In this hook, the PCs have taken
on Old Edigar as a member of their crew, relying on his
expertise to aid them in dives down to the wrecks of the
lost ships below.
Sunken Treasures:
•  The Elders Council of Port
Shaw has taken an interest in reclaiming the lighthouse of
Beacon Island for use in better protecting its shipping lanes.
They provide the PCs with transport out to Beacon Island
warning the party to beware of the restless spirits of the
former light keeper’s family that may haunt it, as well as
the hungry wyverns that are known to nest in its beacon
tower. However, as the PCs journey out to the island, their
ship is beset by tumultuous storms and run aground on a
reef near its shores. They are rescued and brought ashore
by Old Edigar who has lived on the island as a hermit for
the last several years, though he avoids the lighthouse
(“Nothing but shadows and whispers live there, ain’t it
Reclaiming the Beacon:
Adventure Summary
The PCs travel to, or are lured into the depths where they
encounter Jab’roth, the wave-cursed retainer of one of the
Sea King’s sons who has recently disappeared. At his urging,
the PCs must ind a way into the palace in the Court of the
Sea King where Jab’roth believes his prince’s betrayal took
place, and where he fears his master is being held under
guard. By utilizing resources within the Sea King’s court, the
PCs are able to iniltrate the inner recesses of the undersea
palace – a wonder of coral and cooled magma, sculpted from
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for the living no more”). The PCs are free to explore the
haunted lighthouse if you wish (see Razor Coast for details),
but when the PCs elect to return to Port Shaw they will
need to brave the waves to do so, possibly with Old Edigar’s
waves. If the PCs need assistance in traversing the depths, he
can cast mass countenance of the deeps for them and provide
them with general information about adventuring underwater
(see side bar below).
Old Edigar is actually the great uncle of the sea captain
Bethany Razor and has his own reasons for helping the PCs in
whatever endeavors they are undertaking in this side trek. He
does not reveal this relationship to his infamous grand-niece
both for her protection and his, though if you choose, he can
become a recurring NPC in the Razor Coast mini-campaign to
serve as a constant source of aid and information to the PCs
and possibly to eventually reveal the truth of familial ties.
•  The PCs are hired as part of the
Sea Spider Trading Company to serve aboard a rich cargo
vessel bound for Port Shaw. While still a few days out from
port, their vessel is stopped by a ship lying the colors of
Port Shaw. The ship claims to be a customs vessel of the
Port Shaw municipal dragoons and boards the PCs’ ship to
search it for contraband. During the search, a scufle breaks
out between a customs inspector and member of the PCs’
crew who had some ivory totems hidden in the covers of
his rack. In the course of the scufle, the inspector’s shirt is
torn revealing a large circular scar, like the mark from the
tentacle of a giant octopus, on his chest. The inspector
immediately orders his soldiers to execute the man and all
witnesses. The PCs and other members of the ships crew
battle desperately against the customs oficers only to
ind that the customs ship has pulled away from their ship
and opens ire just as they ight their way to the top deck.
The PCs watch helplessly as the other ship sails away and
their own ship, its hull splintered by shot and ball, sinks
beneath them, its lifeboats damaged beyond repair. As it
slips beneath the waves, the PCs ind that they are the only
survivors of the ship’s sinking along with a grizzled crewman
named Old Edigar.
Trading Troubles:
AdvEnTuRIng undERwATER
Chapter 3 of the DMG provides rules for combat while underwater.
This side bar provides only a brief summation of these rules. For
more detailed information on adventuring in the deeps see Death
Beneath the Waves by the legendary Wolfgang Baur available for
download at www.sinisteradventures.com . Thrown weapons
are ineffective underwater, and all other ranged weapons have
a –2 penalty to attack rolls for each 5 feet of water they pass
through. Slashing and bludgeoning weapons also have a –2
penalty to attack rolls and deal half damage. Creatures with a
swim speed do not suffer these penalties when attacking with
natural weapons.
Fire spells do not function unless the caster makes a DC 20 +
spell level Spellcraft check. Even then the spell creates a burst
of damaging steam rather than ire but otherwise works as
•  The PCs are approached one dark
night by a masked man who claims that Captain Jacob
Razor, A hero of the Pirate War against Garr Bloodbane
that almost destroyed Port Shaw a decade past, was foully
betrayed and murdered. The masked man wishes to hire
the PCs services in order to prove this to the government
of Port Shaw and root out the corrupt dragoons responsible
for Captain Razor’s death. His plan it to sail to the site
where the Razor’s Edge went down and use magic to
contact the deceased captain’s spirit and learn the truth
of his death. One of the members of this clandestine
expedition is Old Edigar who will help them reach the
sunken wreck of Jacob’s ship, The Razor’s Edge.
Razor’s Revenge:
Whatever the PCs’ reason for entering the waves, whether
one of the hooks above or one of your own invention, not
long afterward they are approached by a small, swimming
form - a wave-cursed halling named Jab’roth (LN male wave-
cursed halling rogue 3). He approaches the PCs in peace,
obviously unarmed. If allowed to speak, he does so in Aquan
if the PCs speak it or stumbling Common if they don’t.
The strange halling approaches, the incandescent light
relected off the coral reef nearby revealing his mottled
complexion, a slight touch of blue to his skin, subtle
webbing between his inger and toes, and gaping red gills
like slash wounds on the sides of his neck. He bows as
he bobs with the current and speaks with a torrent of
“Greetings, landlings. I see you have adapted well to
our ways beneath the waves. Please allow me to vent
my gills for an eddy if you have the time. I am Jab’roth,
Firstsworn Finman to Cal’la’joola, Seventh Prince of the
Court of the Coral Kingdom. I come to you on behalf
of my master, Prince Cal’la’joola, who has gone missing
these past seven tides. It is believed, and the Sea King
has publicly declared to his subjects, that the Honorable
Prince Cal’la’joola was surely lost in the border wars
with the Demon Below and such is a great tragedy to the
allied peoples of the Undersea. However, I know that my
master left the ighting at the front to return and report
Old Edigar
Old Edigar is a plot device that can be used to allow the
PCs to adventure beneath the waves if they do not have
the capabilities to do so on their own. He is not intended
to join them on the side trek, though you can stat him out
completely to have him do so if the challenges presented
seem to be beyond what the party can handle on its own. Old
Edigar is a Neutral Good male aquatic half-elf druid 15. He is
a wizened individual with grizzled gray hair and a long beard
despite his elven heritage. He wears simple brown, home-
spun robes belted with a piece of lanyard and eschews the
wearing of shoes (“a bizarre custom of you land dwellers I’ll
never understand”). Long a devotee of the open ocean, this
sea druid spends most of his time in solitude on or beneath its
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to the Sea King at his palace before he went missing, so
it would be impossible for him to have been lost in battle.
I fear some treachery within the palace itself has waylaid
my master and deceived his father, the King of the Seas.
“Unless you would have the waves froth with blood
foam to taint even to your dry shores, I beseech you to
help me ind my prince before news of the treachery gets
out and rends the Sea Kingdom from within. I would not
see my realm reduced to blood waters, and I fear that
outsiders such as yourselves may be the only hope to
stem this red tide.”
dragon turtle shell dome to the kraken’s legions. Yarrowdalg
proved an apt lickspittle and formidable commander in the
Demon Below’s hordes, but was slain in furious battle with a
cantankerous benthic serpent (see Death Beneath the Waves )
who refused to acquiesce his territory to the Demon Below
without a ight. Harthagoa begged his demonic sire to restore
his servant, offering the blood of an entire merfolk village in
sacriice. Yarrowdalg rose from the depths again as a hideous
undead servitor of the Demon Below who now terrorizes
the locathah manning the border of the Great Rift, succoring
himself on their souls day and night.
yarrowdalg the devourer: hp 78, MM page 58 (add
the Wave Cursed Template below)
While Jab’roth is an excellent manservant and information
gatherer, he is not much of an adventurer. Therefore, he
cannot gain the PCs access to the palace itself. However, he
can help them make contacts with certain individuals who
can as described below. If the party agrees to help Jab’roth, he
offers them an armband of rare golden coral inset with rough
diamonds worth 2,500 gp if they can locate Prince Cal’la’joola
and rescue him if still alive. He explains that the armband
belonged to the prince and was gifted to Jab’roth as a reward
for years of faithful service. He will part with it, his most
prized possession, if it will bring his master to safety.
3. locathah Patrol (El 8) Brave warriors, whose loyalty
is unquestionable, this band of locathah reconnoiter the
dangerous eddies on the edge of the Great Rift along with
Mab’lil’kar, their trusty orca whale companion. When they
see the party, the leader, a female locathah named Blool’dra,
hails them and asks Jab’roth to explain why he’s bringing
outsiders into the kingdom. Blool’dra is on the lookout for
spies of the Demon Below, and carefully inspects Jab’roth
trying to discern if perhaps he is an illusion, an enemy in
disguise, or under the inluence of some foul enchantment
magic. Jab’roth attempts a DC 20 Bluff check to pass (but
his Bluff is only +3). The PCs can attempt their own check
or aid Jab’roth’s as they wish. If the check fails, the locathah
attack in a paranoid frenzy. If the party succeeds, the locathah
let them pass and may also engage them in idle conversation,
during which Blool’dra conides in Jab’roth that the king
is sadly absent from daily affairs now and spends his days
sequestered in some secret reach of the palace out of sight,
entreating with no one except his new bride.
locathah warriors (4): hp 35 each, See Area 3 below.
Mab’lil’kar, Orca whale: hp 88, MM 283
Entering the Coral Kingdom
The rim of the Great Rift, a tall ridge of coral encrusted
basalt, is now the heavily defended border of the tattered
remnants of the Coral Kingdom. Though the kingdom is
not currently under siege, agents of Harthagoa and other
dangerous predators lurk just beyond the border. Locathah
patrols roam on sea cat back, skirmishing with sahuagin
shark raiders. The water here is misted with blood and the
torn carcasses from casualties on both sides draw dangerous
scavengers. As Jab’roth leads the PCs past the border into
the kelp forests and coral canyons of the Great Rift roll on
the random encounter chart below or simply choose the
encounters you like and toss them the PCs way.
4. Stinging Manta-core (El 5) These dangerous predators
with a stingray’s body and ins, sporting a sea cat’s head
and claws, and a cluster of spine linging sinewy tails are a
constant menace in and around the Great Rift. When the
Manta-core spots the party it hides behind a giant clam shell
(giving it cover) and then barrages them with its tail spines.
wave Cursed Manticore: hp 57, apply the Wave
Cursed Template below to a Manticore ( MM 179)
1. Sahuagin Shark Raiders (El 8) A band of ten sahuagin
and their three black-inned bale-sharks roam the border
seeking locathah patrols to devour. The PCs make a ine
substitute, especially when the leader of the sahuagin, a fat
bloated specimen of his vile race named Kartanga, spots
Jab’roth and recognizes the wave cursed halling as the
right hand man of one of the Coral Kingdom’s Sea Princes.
If the sahuagin detect the party before they themselves are
detected they hide in a thick swash of kelp under a coral
outcropping and suddenly surge out to attack.
Katanga and his fellow sahuagin raiders (10): hp 11
(18 for Katanga), MM 217
Bale Sharks: hp 38, use Large iendish sharks, MM 279
and 107
The usual Suspects
Once the Jab’roth and the PCs draw near the Sea King’s
Palace, they’ll need to devise a means of entry. Queen
Avareth has manipulated her beloved king into sealing the
palace up tight “to prevent dangerous agents of the Demon
Below from gaining entry of course!” Additionally, Jab’roth
has already searched the palace up and down for his master,
but cannot locate him. He knows the Queen ordered a sub
level built recently as a redoubt for the royal family in case
of a siege, but Jab’roth cannot locate the entrance to this
level. Jab’roth’s recent snooping has not escaped notice, and
2. yarrowdalg the Soul Render (El 11) Formerly a sea
giant warlord and despicable demonist, Yarrowdalg betrayed
his people to Harthagoa by opening up their enclave’s
many suspect he is a spy, or worse, that he had something to
do with his master’s death on the frontlines. The poor wave
cursed halling is now persona non grata in the palace grounds.
Since he cannot gain the PCs access to the palace or
the prince’s whereabouts, he instead points them towards
some people who may be able to. Following is a list of three
individuals that he may suggest that the PCs speak to if they
meet the prerequisites as described below. All dwell in the
Great Rift near the palace, and he can set up introductions on
short notice. The PCs can speak to one or all of them as they
see it.
be disloyalty in the palace and will tell all he knows but not
here. He asks the PCs to meet him at dark tide (midnight) at
an inconspicuous location where he can ill them in on what
he knows. A Sense Motive opposed to his Bluff (+12) detects
duplicity in his words. He is actually a servitor of the queen,
and his directions lead the PCs into an ambush with a force
identical to that found at Area 1 (see below). If his subterfuge
is detected he retreats behind the protection of his twelve
gate guards (male locathah warrior 5) who can summon equal
reinforcements in 2 rounds. The PCs will be unable to gain
further contact with Draveross.
Draveross Untillion, King’s Door Warden
If the PCs ask about an oficial who controls access to the
palace or keeps records of visitors, Jab’roth nods and says:
“Draveross, the King’s Door Warden. He monitors the
comings and goings of the palace!” If a PC makes a DC 10
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) or DC 15 Intelligence check
they remember tales of the Sea King’s Door Warden as well,
remembering stories of his unwavering allegiance to the King.
It is easy to gain an audience with Draveross (LE male aquatic
elf aristocrat 7), and he listens gravely to any concerns they
express over the prince. If they reveal their mission, he leans
in conspiratorially and whispers that he too believes there may
Fluesh’pa Makko, Master Cellarer
Jab’roth brings up Makko if the PCs ask about anyone who
might have free access throughout the palace grounds or
knowledge of the palace’s staff. Likewise a DC 15 Profession
check related to some related service industry such as
innkeeper, cook, vinter, or brewer or a DC 18 Wisdom check
made by any PC reveals that a palace must have a cellarer
who knows the lesser monitored servants’ means of entering
the stronghold. Getting to see Makko requires a DC 12
Diplomacy check or a DC 16 Bluff check. Makko (N male
locathah expert 3) is an old friend of Jab’roth and helpful
but knows nothing in particular about the prince. He does
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