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Designer: Charles Rice
Editing : Carrie Baize, Charles Baize, David Jarvis, and
Eric Rountree.
Cover Art: John Longenbaugh
Interior Art : John Longenbaugh
Layout : Chris Davis
Creative Director: Chris Davis
Playtesting: Carrie Baize, Charles Baize, Corey
Hodges, Edward Lennon, Paula Rice.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 2
Chapter 2: Characters 3
New Allegiances 3
Believer 4
Cultist 5
Dark Warrior 7
Grave Robber 8
Monitor 10
Relic Seeker 11
New Skills 13
New Feats 13
Chapter 3: The Spirit 18
New Conditions 18
Brainwashed 18
Spiritual Afflictions 18
Despair 18
Doubt 18
Hate 19
Malaise 19
Possession 19
Chapter 4: History 22
Chapter 5: Secret Societies 29
Cathari 29
The Knights Templar 30
“The Doctrine” 31
Chapter 6: Items Of Legend 32
Chapter 7: Creatures Of Legend 36
The Caeder 36
Celestan, Lord Of Vermin 36
Marcus Adrastas 37
Servitor Fiends 38
Bloat Fiend 38
Hatemonger 38
Fiendish Vessel (Template) 39
Chapter 8: Gamemastering 41
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of the most precious treasure of all, the Blood of Christ;
and the Believers, able to perform miracles of healing.
Blood and Relics also gives you new monsters and
a completely new system for magic. The magic is
based on ritual, veneration, and sacriice, all of which
represent the legendary abilities of priests and warlocks.
The new monsters include many new types of Fiends,
from the lowly Servitor Fiends of Hatred, Gluttony,
Vanity, and Lust, suitable for everyday campaign use
as partners and servants to the Cultists, to the powerful
Caeder, the butchers who have sought to eradicate the
Bloodline of Christ for millennia, suitable for long-term
campaign use as master villains.
Next comes a series of items pulled from the legends
of the world. Items sought by both sides in the Blood
War. Power Relics such as The Shroud of Turin, the
Nails of the True Cross, and the Lance of Longino (the
Roman spear that pierced Christ’s side, now a weapon
for the enemies of the Holy Blood) can be found here,
as well as lesser known items such as Brandea (healing
cloth buried for a time with the Saints), Encolpion (a
potent holy symbol given sacred power by the small
sliver of a relic contained inside it), and Liturgical
Tomes containing lost potent rituals of power.
Finally, Blood and Relics also contains a Secret
History of the World, providing the Blood and Relics
GM with an overview of the Blood War from the
Great Flood, through the light of the Holy Blood from
Roman butchery, through the Inquisition, down to the
present day!
Malcolm glanced up at the rear view mirror. A quick
lash of lights let him know he had company. Damn. I
thought I’d lost them in that last switchback. Ahead of
him, a dirt road appeared, branching off into the dark
forest that blanketed both sides of the desolate country
road. Without a second thought, Malcolm hit the gas,
banked hard, and took it. As soon as he turned, he killed
the lights, driving by feel and instinct as much as by
sight in the darkness. Out of the corner of his eye, he
saw the girl sitting next to him shift uncomfortably.
She was crying. Why those thugs were after her was
beyond him, but Malcolm was damned if he was going
to let some misguided cult sacriice a nine-year-old
girl because of some religious delusion. “Don’t worry,
sweetie. They won’t catch us.”
The girl shook her head, raising her hands up so the
lights from the car’s speedometer turned them a sickly
green. They were wet with blood. Malcolm checked the
mirror again. No lights. He hit the brakes and turned
on the overhead map light. She was bleeding from her
forehead as well. And her side.
The overpowering smell of roses illed the car.
Malcolm ignored the tight ball in the pit of his stomach
as he handed the girl the irst aid kit from the glove box
and gunned the engine again. The lights behind him had
returned. And Malcolm could only remember what that
crazy old man had told him on that dusty side street in
Cairo last month. A month that had seemed an eternity.
From the dawn of time they have walked among us,
since Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise.
Fighting a war of Blood. Seeing the red soak through
the bandages the snifling girl had wrapped around her
hands, Malcolm thought he understood. Or that he was
losing his mind.
Welcome to Blood and Relics for d20 Modern™ ,
the irst in a series of supplements that brings gothic
conspiracy in the modern world to life! This installment
of Blood and Relics focuses on Europe and the Blood
War between the servants of light, the Sang Real, and
those who serve Shadow, the butchering Caeder. It is a
war fought since the dawn of time, a war that continues
unnoticed by the bulk of humanity, even to the halls
of the Vatican itself, a war fought over not only lost
artifacts of power, but over knowledge and the soul
Blood and Relics provides six new advanced classes
for your d20 Modern™ game: Relic Seekers and Grave
Robbers, who hunt ancient treasures in a personal
bid for fortune and glory; Cultists, who worship and
serve the Fiendish masters of the Caeder, currying
favor through offerings of blood; Dark Warriors who
willingly invite Fiends by the dozen into their bodies to
increase their dark power; Monitors, vigilant guardians
No disrespect is intended by the author toward the
billions of people who draw comfort from faith. This
work is a fantasy and is meant only for entertainment
purposes, not to attack or espouse a religious views
of any kind. Some of the subjects dealt with in Blood
and Relics may strike a nerve: the Cruciixion and
Resurrection of Christ; the Inquisition; the Holocaust.
These real events have been twisted and cast in the light
of fantasy, conspiracy, and whimsy in a fashion meant
to be enjoyable to everyone. Wherever possible, care
has been taken to be fair to all the world’s religions.
Heroes in Blood and Relics come from all religions,
venerating many different Higher Powers. Catholic
Priests, Islamic Sui, and Jewish Kabbalists walk side
by side in the light.
2 - Blood and Relics
The character has an allegiance to an otherworldly
entity associated with evil religions, the undead,
human sacriice, and so on. These powers are hinted
at in the most ancient tomes, and characters with this
allegiance seek to contact these powers directly for the
dark powers they are rumored to grant to those who
serve them well. Followers of different Dark Powers
are likely to attempt to kill each other in search of
more ancient lore and powerful artifacts of the past,
so when characters choose this allegiance, they must
specify which Dark Power holds their allegiance. Baal,
Mammon, and the Dark Lord (sometimes confused
with the Lucifer of the Bible) are all examples of this
allegiance. This allegiance also grants the character
Knowledge (Arcane Lore) as a class skill.
Allegiances are one of the best things about d20
Modern. For Blood and Relics, new Allegiances have
been added to those provided in d20 Modern. Also,
many of the Advanced Classes in Blood and Relics
require certain Allegiances to enter. For this reason, it
is recommended that Allegiances be required in a game
using the Blood and Relics rules.
The character shuns the material world, the lesh, and
all things base. Characters with this allegiance typically
take vows of poverty, celibacy, and chastity to avoid
any attachment to the physical world and focus on
purity of spirit. Characters with this deep conviction
are almost universally respected. As a result, they
gain a +2 to all Charisma-based skills when dealing
with characters of this allegiance and characters with
allegiances to a Higher Power or Philosophy. However,
due to their strong devotion to acts of charity, these
characters take a –4 Wealth Bonus penalty and a –2 on
all Charisma-based skills when dealing with characters
who have the Avarice allegiance.
The character has an allegiance to an otherworldly
entity, most commonly deined by the world’s major
religions (Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam
to name only a few). Depending on the campaign, this
Higher Power may take an active role in the character’s
affairs, or it might simply be a philosophical ideal.
The character gains a +2 bonus to Charisma-based
skills when dealing with other characters who share
an allegiance to the same Higher Power and, with the
GM’s discretion, when dealing with organizations that
work on that Power’s behalf. For example, a character
with an allegiance to Higher Power (Christianity),
might also gain a +2 bonus to Charisma-based skills
when dealing with a Catholic Bishop in the course
of an adventure. This allegiance grants the character
Knowledge (Theology) as a class skill.
The character cares for one thing above all else: wealth.
Characters with this allegiance rarely have real friends,
only employers and employees, and their loyalty to
these associates extends only as far as their wealth does.
These characters can buy loyalty and good will among
those who share their love of wealth, gaining a bonus to
Charisma-based skills equal to 10 + one-half the wealth
granted to a companion for a like number of weeks.
For example, a character could make a wealth
check against DC 16 (the same as if the character
were making a purchase with a DC of 16) to “buy”
friends. If this check is successful, the character would
gain a +3 bonus to charisma-based skills for 3 weeks
when dealing with the person who received the “gift”.
After that time, more money must be offered in return
for further shows of “loyalty”. This bonus can also
apply to the characters Leadership score, though if the
character’s ability to pay diminishes, he will lose all
the extra “followers” gained through his wealth. This
allegiance grants a character +2 to his beginning Wealth
In addition to new Allegiances, Blood and Relics
provides you with six new Advanced Classes for your
gaming pleasure. The Believer is a mystic with ritual
magic and the power of miracle which he believes
come from a Higher Power. The Cultist is a follower
of the Dark Powers, and also has ritual magic abilities.
The Dark Warrior invites iends of hatred into his body
to gain great strength. The Grave Robber and the
Relic Seeker both attempt to ind the many lost relics
and artifacts of the past, though for different reasons.
Finally there is the Monitor, who tries to preserve the
past, keep relics out of the hands of those who would
abuse their powers, and protect the Sang Real.
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This character is a true believer in a Higher Power.
There are as many different kinds of Believers as
there are religions: Jewish Kabbalists, Cathari Monks,
Catholic Contemplative, an Islamic Sui, and even
some followers of Dark Powers. However, whatever the
source of their Belief system, all Believers have many
things in common. Believers take their faith to the
extreme, putting it ahead of any worldly considerations.
The spirit likewise takes precedence over concerns of
the body. Therefore, all Believers must take vows of
poverty, celibacy, and chastity.
To qualify to become a Believer, a character must fulill
the following criteria.
Skills: Knowledge (Theology) +6
Feats: Educated, Faith
Allegiances: Higher Power or Dark Power (the
religion the character follows), Asceticism
Class Information
The following information pertains to the Believer
advanced class.
Hit Die: 1d6
Action Points: 6 + 2 character level, rounded down,
every time the character attains a level in this class.
Class Skills: The Believer class skills are as follows:
Craft (Pharmaceutical) (Int), Decipher Script (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Arcane Lore, History,
Ritual, Theology) (Int), Read/Write Language, Research
(Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Treat Injury (Wis).
Skill Points at Each level: 6 + Int Modiier
Class Features
The following features pertain to the Believer advanced
Turn Undead: A Believer has the supernatural ability
to turn undead a number of times per day equal to three
plus the character’s Charisma modiier.
Lay on Hands: They shall lay hands on the sick, and
they shall be healed. (Mark 16:17)
This ability allows the character to heal wounds and,
at higher levels, cure Blindness, Disease, and Poison.
Each use of this ability (for any purpose) requires the
expenditure of one action point. All healing die rolls
are modiied by the character’s Believer class levels
(so at 4 th level, the character could heal 1d8+4 points of
damage by spending an Action Point, then one round
later Cure Disease by spending another Action Point).
Speak in Tongues: T hey shall speak in new tongues
(Mark 16:17)
This ability allows the character to tap into deeper,
hidden meanings of language. This allows the character
to add a circumstance bonus to any Ritual the character
is attempting equal to his Believer level. This ability
may be used a certain number of times each day, as
shown on the Believer class table.
And these signs shall follow them that believe (Mark
We had ditched the car and were running through the
woods. I felt like I had been punched. Next thing I
know, I’m lying on my back, and I can’t move my legs.
My vision was fading, everything bleaching into a pale
blur… And then I was back. It was the girl. Mary. Her
hands were bleeding again, but I wasn’t, even though I
was lying in a pool of blood, my blood. “C’mon Mal,
they’re coming.” That was all she said, pale blue eyes
wide and innocent. At times like that, I can almost
believe she’s human. What the hell have I gotten myself
From the Journals of Malcolm Gideon.
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