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Terrorism Primer
Welcome to the second edition of Blood and Guts: War
on Terror, the campaign model that serves as the monster
manual for the Blood and Guts line. In the real world
the monsters are human and War on Terror updates these
monsters to the second edition following the pattern used
in Blood and Guts 2: Special Operations Command.
These rules should provide the game master with the
perfect opponents for his special operations campaigns,
providing adventure hooks, historical information on the
organizations involved as well as a number of ready made
NPCs representing the rank and file of the different groups
What is Terrorism?
The official United States definition of terrorism is defined
in federal law as follows: “The unlawful use of force or
violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce
a government, the civilian population, or any segment
thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
The FBI also makes a distinction between domestic and
international terrorism.
Domestic Terrorism
Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use,
of force or violence by a group or individual based and
operating entirely within the United States or its territories
without foreign direction committed against persons or
property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian
population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of
political or social objectives.
International Terrorism
International terrorism involves violent acts dangerous
to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws
of the United States or any state, or that would be a
criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction
of the United States or any state. These acts appear to
be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population,
influence the policy of a government by intimidation
or coercion, or affect the conduct of a government by
assassination or kidnapping. International terrorist acts
occur outside the United States or transcend national
boundaries in terms of the means by which they
are accomplished, the persons they appear intended
to coerce or intimidate, or the locale in which the
perpetrations operate or seek asylum.
To this, an added definition is assumed throughout
this work, that those forces which attack government and
military forces exclusively are guerillas , not terrorists.
However, a force which attacks both government/military
forces and civilians is considered a terrorist organization
throughout this work.
Homeland Security
In an effort to coordinate domestic efforts
to combat terrorism, the Homeland
Defense Agency issues a daily threat level
based on a five-tier color-coded system.
Green (Low Threat Level): At this
threat level, agencies concentrate on
maintaining alertness, and training personnel,
War on Terror
including training on the Homeland Security Advisory
system. All facilities and regulated sectors will be
monitored for any weaknesses in security, and all possible
steps will be taken to mitigate any weaknesses discovered.
Blue (Guarded Threat Level): This condition
indicates a general risk of terrorist attack. In addition
to the procedures outlined above, agencies will: 1)
Check emergency communication with designated
emergency command centers; 2) Review and update
emergency response centers; 3) Provide the public with
any information that would strengthen its ability to act
Yellow (Elevated Threat Level): This condition
indicates a significant risk of terrorist attack. In addition to
the procedures outlined above, agencies will: 1) Increase
surveillance of critical locations; 2) Coordinate emergency
plans with neighboring jurisdictions; 3) Assess whether
the precise characteristics of the threat require refinement
of preplanned Protective Measures; 4) Implement, as
appropriate, contingency and emergency response plans.
Orange (High Threat Level): This condition indicates a
high risk of terrorist attack, usually in regards to a specific
statement by one or more terrorist groups or intelligence
of a specific risk of imminent attack. In addition to the
procedures outlined above agencies will: 1) Coordinate
necessary security efforts with Federal, State, and local
law enforcement agencies, or the National Guard, or any
appropriate armed forces organizations; 2) Take additional
precautions at public events, including consideration
of other venues or cancellation; 3) Prepare to execute
contingency plans, including relocating command centers
or dispersing emergency services personnel; 4) Restricting
access to any threatened facility to essential personnel only.
Red (Severe Threat Level): This condition indicates a
severe threat of terrorist attack, almost always coupled with
a specific threat or specific intelligence. This threat level
is not meant to be maintained for extended periods of time.
In addition to the procedures outlined above agencies
will: 1) Increase or redirect personnel to address critical
emergency needs; 2) Assign emergency response personnel
and pre-position and mobilize specially trained response
teams or resources; 3) Monitor, redirect, or constrain
transportation systems; 4) Close public and government
Certain groups of people: Christian
Fundamentalists, Jewish Fundamentalists, Muslim
Fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana,
are eventually going to provide us with a great deal of
George Carlin
Max and Bri walked hand in hand down by the
water. Following that business with the Hanmei and
Marcel, they had come to South Korea, the place
where Bri’s soul could always feel at home. They
were two lovers, trying to rediscover what they’d lost.
“Bri! Max!”
They turned, seeing Kimmy running up to them at
full tilt. Max laughed, “I told you the old man would
send someone after us.”
Then they saw the blood. About twenty yards away
from the couple, Kimmy collapsed, blood seeping
from her shoulder.
Kimmy woke to find Max and Bri standing over her,
she started to sit up. “Where…”
Max shook his head. “Don’t move. Don’t. You
took a through and through to the shoulder. I patched
you up, but stay still.”
Kimmy’s eyes wandered lazily around the small
minbak the couple had rented. Max got up, giving Bri
room to sit on the edge of the bed. “Kimmy, it’s Bri
honey, we need to know… where’s my father? You
and he went to see the old Korean Folk Village. Do
you remember?”
Suddenly, the girl’s glazed eyes focused on Bri. Her
hand grabbed the older woman’s forearm in a bruising
grip. “They took him Bri. They had masks, and guns.
I tried to stop them, but they shot me, and then I just
ran. I knew I had to find you. I knew…”
And then she was unconscious, those words taking
the last of her energy.
against, and in general who the organization will conduct
operations against. As the campaign progresses, these
enemies may change, and a change in leadership in the
organization will almost always add an enemy to the list.
Operatives: This indicates where you are likely to
encounter members or affiliates of a group in small
numbers. These affiliates will usually not have access too
much of the organization’s resources (maximum requisition
value being one-fourth the organization’s resources.
Size: Size indicates the general size of the organization,
including leadership, die-hard members, affiliates and those
who provide aid. Small organizations are more difficult to
locate and track through the Investigate skill, but tend to
have more resources.
Home Base: A group’s main bases of operations.
Cells: Cells indicate where the organization has active
cells working on future terrorist action. Members of a
Terrorism Sourcebook
Below are described various terror groups, their
motivations, and their histories. Before each group is
described, relevant information is provided for the GM,
including Holy Wars, Operatives, Size, Cells, and Financial
Holy Wars: An organization’s Holy Wars determine
which targets Zealots and Terrorists will get bonuses
War on Terror
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Cell will have the Cell or Splinter Cell feat, and thus be
much harder to trace back to the home organization with
the Investigate skill. Cells can requisition Equipment at a
–6 penalty, while Splinter Cells requisition equipment at a
Financial Resources: The wealth of the group. The
number given is the maximum Wealth value of items that
may be requisitioned from the group.
Group Enemies: Members of 17 November receive a +1
morale bonus to hit and damage when fighting American or
Greek military or government officials.
Typical 17 November terrorist (Strong Hero 3) CR 3;
Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d8+3; HP 17; Mas 13; Init
+2; Spd 30 ft; Defense 15, touch 14, flatfooted 13 (+0
size, +2 Dex, +2 class, +1 equipment); BAB +3; Grap +5;
Atk +5 melee (1d4+4, Combat Martial Arts), or +5 ranged
(2d4+0, Walther PPK); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ ; AL
none; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0; AP 1; Rep +0; Str 14,
Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Knowledge
Skills: Climb +5, Craft (structural) +3, Demolitions
+3, Knowledge (Streetwise) +3, Knowledge (Tactics) +3,
Repair +3
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor
Proficiency (light), Combat Martial Arts, Exotic Firearms
Proficiency (rocket launchers), Personal Firearms
Talents (Strong Hero): Melee Smash, Improved Melee
Possessions: Leather Jacket, Walther PPK
17 November
17 November was established in 1975, and named after a
student uprising that occurred two years earlier (November
17 th 1973) that protested the government’s military ties to
the United States. The group seeks the removal of U.S.
military bases, and the withdrawal of Greece from NATO
and the European Union (EU).
17 November has engaged in the assassination of
U.S. and Greek officials, bombing and assassination of
EU targets, and attacks on foreign companies investing
in Greece. Kidnapping of foreign businessmen is a
possibility, both as a means of raising capital, and to draw
further attention to their cause from the international
Recently, rocket attacks have been conducted against
targets of opportunity. These attacks seem to be more spur
of the moment, rather than planned operations.
Holy Wars: Greek Government, European Union,
NATO, United States.
Operatives: Europe, Turkey, Cyprus.
Size: Small.
Home Base: Athens, Greece.
Cells: Europe.
Financial Resources: +15 (well funded by a small,
committed group).
Plot Hook: Anniversary Present : On November 17 th
group members decide to remind the world of their cause
by kidnapping an American serviceman, Capt. Ronald
Tracy, having lunch with his girlfriend. Unknown to
the terrorists, the girl is the daughter of an American
ambassador. Since she would make a much better
“statement” than a fighter pilot, and one hostage is easier to
care for than two, Greek Intelligence believes Capt. Tracy
will be killed the moment the group discovers the girl’s
At the insistence of the Greek government, American
special operations forces must work with Greek authorities
and free the hostages before the situation turns into a
major international incident. Also, one member of the
Greek forces the PCs are working with is a 17 November
plant, who will try to alert his fellows to the identity of
the girl without being detected. Worse, if he is unable to
do that, he will try to turn any operation into a bloodbath,
killing his fellows to turn them into martyrs, as well as the
hostages, and damaging both the reputation of the Greek
and American forces, but also souring their relations with
one another.
Group Requirements
To qualify for 17 November a character must meet the
following criteria.
BAB: 3+
Skills: Knowledge (tactics) 3 ranks, Demolitions 3 ranks
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced
Firearms Proficiency, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Rocket
Group Features
All of the following are features of 17 November.
These specialties and abilities take effect 30 days after you
join the group and last until 30 days after you leave the
Group Specialties: +2 competence bonus to
Demolitions skill checks, +1 competence bonus with
rocket launchers.
Abu-Nidal (also known as Black September) and its leader,
Sabri al-Banna, split from the PLO in the 1970’s. Since
that time, Abu-Nidal has engaged in terrorist operations in
over twenty countries, killing close to a thousand people.
War on Terror
Targets have included the United States, Great Britain,
Israel, the PLO, moderate Palestinians and Arabs.
Abu-Nidal is believed responsible for the Pan Am Flight
73 Hijacking in 1986, and the assassination of two high-
ranking PLO officials in the early nineties. For unknown
reasons, Abu-Nidal has not attacked a Western target since
the late 1980’s.
The membership of Abu-Nidal is believed to be close to
five hundred, and in the past the organization has received
money, equipment, training, and logistical support from
Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Due to a falling out with Syria in
1987, and current United States and British operations in
Iraq, it is believed that this organization’s external support
has been considerably diminished of late.
Holy Wars: Israel, PLO, moderate Arabs, Palestinians,
and Muslims; previously the United States (Abu-Nidal has
not attacked a United States target since the late eighties.
Future attacks are still a possibility, however, since no
formal cessation of hostilities has been declared and the
United States continues to work with Abu-Nidal’s enemies,
particularly Israel.)
Operatives: Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia.
Size: Medium.
Home Base: Believed to have relocated to Iraq in 1998.
Previously believed to be based in the Bekaa Valley of
Cells: West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan.
Financial Resources: previously +25 (considerable
external support from Iraq, Syria, and
Libya); currently +20 after ongoing
operations in Iraq and a falling out
with Syria (considerable external
support from Libya).
Typical Abu Nidal member (Fast Hero 3) CR 3;
Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d8+3; HP 17; Mas 13; Init
+2; Spd 40 ft; Defense 16, touch 16, flatfooted 14 (+0
size, +2 Dex, +4 class); BAB +2; Grap +4; Atk +4 melee
(1d4+2, Knife), or +4 ranged (2d6+0, Ruger Service Six);
FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ ; AL none; SV Fort +2, Ref
+4, Will +1; AP 1; Rep +1; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 12,
Wis 10, Cha 8.
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Skills: Craft (mechanical) +4, Demolitions +7, Drive +8,
Hide +10, Knowledge (Streetwise) +4, Move Silently +10,
Survival +6
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Endurance, Personal
Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Stealthy
Talents (Fast Hero): Increased Speed, Improved
Increased Speed
Possessions: Knife, Ruger Service Six
Plot Hook: The Great Escape: High-ranking Abu-
Nidal organizers, trapped in Iraq since the beginning of
American and British operations there, have decided the
time has come to slip out of the country. American and
British special operations are alerted to the pending escape
by Saudi intelligence. The group’s plan is to slip out of
Iraq into Jordan (a country not at all friendly to terrorists),
Group Requirements
To qualify for Abu Nidal a character
must meet the following criteria.
BAB: 2+
Skills: Hide 6 ranks, Move Silently 6
ranks, Demolitions 6 ranks
Feats: Personal Firearms
Group Features
All of the following are features of Abu Nidal.
These specialties and abilities take effect 30 days after
you join the group and last until 30 days after you leave
the group.
Group Specialties: +4 competence bonus to
Demolitions skill checks; +4 competence bonus Hide and
Move Silently skill checks in desert or urban terrain.
Group Enemies: +1 morale bonus to attack and
damage rolls against the PLO and moderate Palestinians
and Arabs. +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls
against American and Israeli military forces.
War on Terror
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