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Cartography: Brian Dalrymple
Additional Material:
Peter Barrenechea, Scott Charlton,
Duane Choquette, Henry Lopez
Team Paradigm: Henry Lopez,
Nelson Rodriguez, Eric Wiener,
Peter Barrenechea, Jim Beck
Introduction ..............................3
Giant Races................................4
Hill Giants ............................5
Hill Giant NPCs ..................10
Stone Giants ............................11
Stone Giant NPCs................15
Frost Giants ............................17
Frost Giant Characters ........20
Frost Giant NPCs ................21
Fire Giants ..............................23
Fire Giant Characters ..........28
Fire Giant NPCs ..................29
Cloud Giants............................30
Cloud Giant Characters........34
Cloud Giant NPCs ..............35
Storm Giants............................37
Storm Giant Characters........41
Storm Giant NPCs ..............41
Celestial Giants........................43
Celestial giant characters......47
Celestial giant NPCs ............48
Giant-Kin ................................50
Ettins ..................................50
Cyclopes ..............................51
Ogres ..................................52
Ogre Magi............................52
Half-Giants ..........................53
Friends and Foes ....................54
Game Mechanics......................58
Giant Examples....................60
New Skills................................63
New Feats................................63
Blood Gift Feats ..................68
Taste of Fear [Bloodgift] ......69
Prestige Classes........................69
Blood Disciple......................69
Catapult ..............................70
Giant-Slayer ........................71
Reaver of Wyrms..................73
Terramancer ........................75
Giant Equipment ....................76
Giant Religion and Magic ........77
Clerical Domains..................80
Cloud Domain ....................80
Cavern Domain....................80
Cold Domain ......................80
Giant Domain ......................81
Storm Domain ....................81
Magic ......................................81
Giant Spells..............................83
Giant Magic Items................86
Giant Lairs ..............................90
Giant Lair Examples ............90
Glacier of a Frost Giant Jarl ....90
Cloud Island of a Giant King....92
ISBN 1-931374-14-7
This product is web enhanced
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Races of Legend: Lords of The Peaks
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Welcome to Lords of the Peaks , a sourcebook about giants,
their society, culture, magic, and kin. This book is the first in
a series detailing fantasy races for use in d20 roleplaying
games and includes a lot of information for use by both
players and Game Masters (GMs). Before getting into the
meat of the book, let’s take a look at a few basic questions.
At the same time, there is a lot of detailed information here.
Certain assumptions are made within these pages. For the
most part, those assumptions are made clear in the
appropriate sections. The GM need not be kept in the dark as
to the whys and wherefores of giant culture or magic, for
example. We do make explicit statements about giants and
draw conclusions from those statements. The information in
this book inter-relates and builds upon what we already
know about giants from Core Rulebook III . With luck, it does
so in a seamless and holistic way, so that the largest number
of people can get the widest possible use from this book.
As always, the golden rule remains the same: if you don’t like
it, change it. We believe we have reached a nice balance
between absolutism and wishy-washiness. Rather than say,
"This is how it is," we make suggestions and offer alternatives.
Yet, we do not leave the GM or player stranded without any
guidance. For those who wish simply to enliven their games
with new details about giants, this book provides them.
Almost everything in its pages can be dropped into most
campaigns with minimal changes. Even so, Lords of the Peaks
is not a complete book. To be used most effectively, it requires
GM cooperation and thought – like all good fantasy
roleplaying campaigns.
What this book is
Lords of the Peaks serves two very important purposes. The
first is to provide a wealth of information on giants. In this
book, you will find:
• Detailed descriptions of the standard giant races
including their society and culture
• Detailed write-ups of a variety of giant types
• I n f o rmation on giant-kin, as well as traditional
enemies of the giants
• New feats, skills, and prestige classes
• Discussions of giant magic including new spells and
magic items
• Two examples of giant lairs
This isn’t all that this book contains, but it should give at least
an inkling of the depth and breadth of information contained
within. This book is therefore of interest to both players and
GMs. Anyone who has an interest in giants and their ways,
whether as opponents, allies, or subjects of simple curiosity,
should find something to suit their tastes.
The second purpose is as a toolkit designed to be modified
and altered to suit the needs of an ongoing fantasy campaign.
No two campaigns are alike. Details of history and geography
will differ from world to world and GM to GM. We
understand this fact, which is why a lot of the information
contained within these pages is tentative and conjectural. The
purpose is to give GMs options that might suit their own
campaigns, but also to allow them leeway to use their own
interpretations. No one likes to be put in a straitjacket of
someone else’s making. Lords of the Peaks is thus intended to
offer possibilities to GMs and players, so that they can
include giants in their campaigns in a manner that’s
consistent with their own needs and wishes.
What this book isnÕt
On the other hand, Lords of the Peaks is not a definitive guide
to giants in the sense that very little contained within these
pages is absolute. As noted in the previous paragraph, this
book is a toolkit. Consequently, a lot of the details herein are
couched in terms that give the GM the freedom to accept or
reject as much or as little as he wishes without fear that it will
invalidate large portions of the book. This is important since
roleplaying games, by their very nature, are about creativity
and flights of fancy. Anything that gets in the way of a GM
creating and running the kind of world he wants is to be
avoided at all costs.
Races of Legend: Lords of The Peaks
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Giant Races
What is a Giant?
Before jumping into its pages, let’s be clear about what we
mean by giants. For the purposes of this book, a giant is any
creature of immense strength and large use that bears the
"giant" descriptor from Core Rulebook III . Giants are thus a
particular class of monster, but a limited class. There are
many giant-like creatures, such as titans, for example, that
are not considered giants for the purposes of this book. As it
is, we had difficulty giving even a small amount of
information on all the commonly accepted giant races
without making this book immensely long. In the end, we
opted to focus on the most broadly usable giants, in order to
make this more easily accessible to the widest possible
audience of players and GMs.
As you will see, even within this rather nar row definition of
giant, there is still remarkable diversity and variation. Giants
can be good or evil, friendly or antagonistic, heroic or
villainous. They can range in size from just slightly greater
than human norms to towering creatures of truly epic
proportions. They can be warriors, wizards, or even servants
of the gods. They can be altruistic or selfish, humble or
egotistical. Some giants see themselves as servants of the
gods, while others believe themselves to be gods. Yet,
beneath it all, there is enough commonality to make a book
like this possible. Lords of the Peaks concentrates on those
commonalities and expands on them in a variety of ways.
We hope you enjoy it!
weight and still retain the humanoid shapes they possess. As
usual, there are as many answers to this question as there are
l o remasters. Nevertheless, the most widely accepted
explanation is that magic is involved, perhaps an innate
spark left over from their creation eons ago, or perhaps it is
a gift (or curse) from the gods they hold in esteem. The
debate goes on and the final determination may never be
known, except to those willing to delve deeply into the
origins of these huge beings.
The great size of giants means that they also possess equally
great strength and constitution. This combination gives
giants an incredible hardiness that allows them to take far
more punishment than most other mortal beings. Only the
largest of creatures can compare with a giant’s ability to
withstand damage, especially that dealt by weapons. The
remarkable strength of giants is another significant
characteristic and it colors nearly every aspect of giant
society and culture. Even the most intelligent and magically
adept giants cannot help but recognize how much more
s t rong they are than other beings. Consequently, the
temptation to use this strength to resolve disputes or lord it
over their "inferiors" is powerful, particularly among giants
of an evil disposition.
This tendency to rely on their strength has given giants a
reputation as unthinking brutes. While not without merit,
this reputation has also blinded more than one would-be
giant-slayer to the danger these beings truly pose. At the
same time, the giant’s physical superiority can blind him as
well, leading him to believe that any problem can be resolved
through violence or a show of force. Many giants thus
overlook more appropriate solutions to their problems,
because they require a degree of forethought and patience
that is not common among them. Unsurprisingly, most
giants make poor diplomats and look down on other
creatures as beneath their notice. After all, why negotiate for
food or trade goods when you can simply seize them
through force of arms?
This is not to say that giants are stupid. Only hill giants
exhibit below average intelligence and even they are far from
moronic. Rather, giants so obviously surpass all but the
most powerful creatures in raw physical power that they
find it difficult to treat other races with anything but
contempt. Even the relatively benevolent storm giants often
seem arrogant and overweening in their dealings with
smaller creatures. Giants have few rivals and fewer natural
predators. It is not without reason that they view themselves
as the top of the proverbial heap when it comes to
interacting with other beings.
All giants speak Giant, a language they share with less
powerful members of their kind, such as trolls and ettins.
Giant is an ancient and ponderous language that bears many
similarities to other equally ancient tongues, especially
Dwarven. Scholars contend that Giant is also the root
language of Orc, Goblin, and Gnoll, among others – a not
unreasonable hypothesis considering the close relationship
between evil giants and these humanoid species. Other
scholars claim that, like Draconic, Giant is one of the great
"languages of magic" and that its vocabulary and syntax
contain within it the seeds of powerful sorcery. Those giants
who wield spells do tend to be sorcerers rather than wizards,
Giant Races
While it is true that no two giants are exactly alike, there can
be no denying that there are in fact six commonly
acknowledged giant races. Members of each giant race have a
number of characteristics with one another, based on a
s h a red heritage, culture, and environment, as well as
physiology. Consequently, these races are not merely artificial
categories created by hoary sages and learned scholars for
their own edification. Within these six "standard" races,
though, there is remarkable diversity – a testament to both
the ubiquity and adaptability of these large beings. Nearly
every climate and terrain is home to one giant race or another
and nearly every alignment can be found among them.
Much like smaller races, such as humanoids, giants exhibit
both universal characteristics, shared by all giants, and
unique characteristics, shared only by members of a
particular race, in addition to individual characteristics.
Before examining the six most common giant races, a look at
the universal characteristics of giants is in order.
Universal Characteristics
The most obvious universal characteristic of all giants is their
great size. The smallest giants generally stand at least nine
feet tall, while the tallest tower over most other creatures
from a height of over twenty feet. Unsurprisingly, giants also
weigh immense amounts and their movements, including the
mere act of walking, can shake the earth for many yards
around them. For centuries, loremasters have attempted to
explain how giants can possibly support their incredible
Races of Legend: Lords of The Peaks
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