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Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons®,
Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits - a
series of electronic publications from Legion Publishing.
Each Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be
dropped into any fantasy campaign with a little prepa-
ration by the DM and can be used to provide a distrac-
tion from the main storyline of the campaign. The
encounters are little gems of ideas built around a single
situation, person, location, creature or object that the
players come across in their travels. Whether used as a
disposable diversion or the springboard for adventure,
Critical Hits give the overworked DM a break and the
players some memorable encounters that encourage cre-
ative role-playing.
V o l u m e 6 N o 1 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 3
Published by
In Death in Spaporte, the heroes are recuperating in a
spa town when they are caught up in a murder mystery.
The encounter can be set in any area of your campaign
world; all that is required is a small town. This Critical Hit
is best played out following a recent triumph for the PCs
when, as part of their reward the party is directed to the
small spa town by a grateful NPC who wishes them to
enjoy a little relaxation for their efforts. If they rescued
or helped a person of wealth she may even pay for their
stay at the Spa! Other plot hooks could include the PCs
acquaintance with a wealthy or famous person who fre-
quents the place and has invited them to join her at the
splendid bathhouse. As with the other Critical Hits, text
inside a border should be read aloud to the players (unless
you have modified the setting, in which case you're on
your own!).
First Published 2003
C R E D I T S &
Written by
Rob Clayton Jones
Simon Lucas & Robin Elliott
Illustrations & Maps
Robin Elliott
Kirsty Crabb
Typesetting and graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
Legion Publishing, Critical Hits, the Legion Publishing logo, Legionnaire,
and all related characters and elements are trademarks of Legion
Wildstar Digital Arts and its logo are trademarks of Wildstar Digital Arts.
Snake Eyes Studio and its logo are trademarks of Snake Eyes Studio.
The most significant thing about the little town of
Spaporte is a natural hot spring which bubbles up from
the ground and around which the town is built. On top of
the spring, a large bathhouse has been constructed where
people of means can take the waters. The expensive spa is
used only by the elite and most wealthy of townsfolk, and
by well-off visitors from all across the realms. A place for
the rich and famous to relax, the Spa offers the weary
traveler a myriad of services such as a cold pool, hot
slipper baths, a steam bath, and guest quarters. At 100
gold pieces per day, it allows only the most well-heeled to
take advantage of Mother Nature's wonder.
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the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 6 No 1 - EL 3
A ll is not as it seems when the unsuspecting PCs arrive
at the Spa. The story begins with the king of a small city-
state of Terrinos, Titus Marius Augustus. King Titus has a
daughter named Antonia who wished to marry a famous
ageing warrior named Publius Larcius Magnus, popularly
known as "The Great Slayer". The warrior had been greatly
in favor with King Titus after single-handedly laying waste
to the huge lycanthrope population that surrounded
(area 1) for an energetic workout before bathing. This
large room is surrounded with statues of well-muscled
naked men and women engaged in various physical exer-
cises. Various sports and activities are available here and
a PC may regain 1d4 hit points for every 6 hours spent
here. Exercises include weight lifting, running, and ball
games. Heavily muscled instructors can train visitors in
discus and javelin techniques.
Swimming Pools
These two rooms are fed by the natural hot spring
that has made Spaporte famous. The bubbling water that
fills this deep swimming pool is rumored to have many
healing properties. Indeed, any characters with any tem-
porary damage (lost hit points, subdual damage, or
attribute points, but not actual damage) recover 1d4 for
each full two hours spent in the pool. Around the edge of
the women's pool (area 2) several burly, well-oiled male
slaves attend to the every whim of the spa's female
patrons. In the men's pool (area 8) the slaves are female,
but no less willing to serve.
However much Titus admired Publius as a warrior, he
did not want him as a son - after all, the man was old
enough to be his brother! So, when Publius took the hand
of Titus's beloved daughter Antonia, the pair was forced to
flee to the southern lands. The fuming Titus sent many
spies to track the couple down but, as yet, they have not
found the elopers. Titus' sister, Horaea Augusta was a wise
priestess in whom Antonia confided her plan to elope to
the town of Spaporte. Pretending to the King that she was
undertaking a pilgrimage she set off to find the young
Antonia and persuade her to return to the kingdom.
Guest Rooms
The men's and women's quarters are a series of well-
appointed bedrooms for visitors to the spa. Each room can
be locked and has three plush beds, a large wardrobe and
a dresser with oils and perfumes. Light comes from a small
square window in the center of the roof. The men's quar-
ters (areas 3a-3h) and women's quarters (areas 4a-4d)
are linked by a servant's passage with concealed doors at
either end.
However, Horea and the King's spies are not the only
people pursuing the couple. A were-tiger named Lixus has
been on Publius' trail for weeks, desperately seeking
vengeance for the killing of his family by the 'great hero'.
On his journey, Lixus has himself found love in the shift-
ing form of another shape-changer; a Doppelganger
named Frea. Intrigued by her new companion's abilities
(so similar to her own), Frea has sworn to help her new-
found love complete his bloody quest.
Elaeothesium (Oil Room)
These rooms are the first stop in the elaborate
bathing rituals. The bather is massaged with fragrant oils
by trained slaves. Two rows of marble pallets stand
around the edge of this beautiful marble room on which
the visitors lie while being down. Men and women can be
tended to by gender in the women’s oil room (area 5), the
men’s oil room (area 15), or in the unisex oil room or
Unctuarium (area 10).
Unaware of their imminent peril, the elopers have
reached Spaporte where Publius has many friends and
where his two sons live. The happy couple had decided to
rest for three days at the Spa and recuperate with
Publius' family at their side. However, Antonia was tragi-
cally ensnared and killed by Frea while alone in her quar-
ters. Now taking the place of the tragic Antonia, Frea
waits for Lixus to complete his vendetta.
Frigidarium (Cold Pool Room)
The penultimate stage of the bathing ritual is a
bracing plunge into the Frigidarium (cold room), where
there is a freezing swimming pool. Lumps of ice float in
both the men's (area 11) and the women's (area 6) pools
and wisps of chill mist drift over the top of the pool.
Compared to the luxurious opulence of most other rooms
in the spa, the Frigidarium is plain and bare as few
choose to linger long in this room. The bathing process is
completed by leaving the Frigidarium and, returning
again to the oil room (areas 5, 10 and 15), the body is
again anointed with oil.
The party has arrived at the spa for a hard-earned
rest and the PCs have been given a private room with a
key (each room can hold up to three occupants). The fol-
lowing are the most important locations in the spa that
the PCs may visit. In this part of the world, bathing is for-
malized and each area of the spa has its own name and
Palaestra (Activity Room)
Bathers taking the baths as part of a medical treat-
ment are usually sent to the spa to visit the Palaestra
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 6 No 1 - EL 3
Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 6 No 1 - EL 3
Tepidarium (Warm Room)
Open only to male patrons, the luxurious warm room
(area 7) is beautifully decorated with green-veined
marble walls hung with exquisite artwork. Coming from
the oppressive sweatiness of the steam room, the tepidar-
ium offers a place for a bather to relax before returning
to the pressure cooker or heading on to the Palaestra.
inside the walls. Hot air from a furnace circulates
through these open areas warming the rooms above. The
furnace lies directly beneath the calidarium, but can only
be accessed from the outside of the spa. It is tended by
slaves at all times, to keep the hot air circulating.
Laconicum (Steam Room)
In the corner of each steam room (area 13 for men
and 18 for women) stand huge braziers of red-hot coals. A
bucket of water is kept next to the coals for bathers to
pour small amounts of water onto the coals to create huge
quantities of steam. Slaves tend to bathers, who have
their bodies scraped of the accumulation of oil and per-
spiration with a curved metal implement called a strigil.
Each Laconicum is a plain unadorned room as it is con-
stantly filled with steam. Tiers of wooden benches line
the walls and there is usually a handful of patrons sweat-
ing it out in this room. The thick clouds of steam in the
Laconicum provide three quarters concealment (30% miss
chance) for everyone in the room.
The heroes are relaxing in an oiling room (areas 5, 10,
or 15), enjoying the experience of being pampered as the
knots in their muscles from their recent exploits are
worked out of them by experienced fingers.
You are approaching a state of bliss as a slender
maiden who smells of strawberries gently massages
your toes. You turn your aching neck to see your
friends lying upon marble pallets beside you; each one
being pampered like a royal. You all nod and smile
knowingly: coming to Spaporte was indeed a good idea!
Turning to stare up at the ceiling, you can see the
beautiful green marble swirls that surround the gigan-
tic golden chandeliers. Your mind wanders momentar-
ily as to their worth…
Your daydream is interrupted by the voice of an olive
skinned man lying upon a marble palette beside yours.
'So you are the outsiders hmm, I must say you do look
a little worse for wear. Perhaps after your oils you
would like to join me in the exercise yard for a stroll.
I have a business proposal you might be interested in.'
Without giving his name, the robed man then leaves.
Calidarium (Hot Room)
Male bathers have an additional room (area 14) where
they can sit and relax after their massage instead of the
steam room, the well-oiled bather goes into the hot room,
which is most heated by the hypocaust beneath the spa
(see below) as the furnace lies directly below this room.
Two lounges with covered colonnades for relaxation
and socializing are also provided. Writers frequently
comment on the beauty and luxury of these rooms (areas
12, and 16), with their rich furnishings, high vaulted ceil-
ings, brightly colored mosaics, paintings, marble panels,
and silver fittings.
The man is Publius Antonius Nicia, a freed slave of the
princess Antonia. Nicia, although free, remains a loyal
servant of Antonia and he is growing increasingly con-
cerned about her safety. Nicia refuses to not talk in front
of any slaves (there are around thirty slave girls and boys
working throughout the complex both night and day).
Patrons wishing to bathe must first enter these rooms
to change from their outdoor clothes. Men and women are
separated while bathing, though the other activities
available at the spa can be enjoyed communally. (Dressing
room area 9 is for women and area 17 for men.)
An olive skinned man of deceptively high intelligence
and wisdom, Nicia was freed by Antonia and is devoted.
He is logical and yet confused by recent events. His dis-
covery of a tiger's claw and several letters from Horea to
King Titus stating her progress on a supposed pilgrimage,
are locked in a chest in 4a also containing 700gp (open
locks DC17).
Exercise Yard
After changing (but before bathing) it is usual to have
a strenuous workout in this large courtyard (area 19). A
successful spot check here (DC15) reveals a grotesque gar-
goyle perched upon the courtyard roof, sat in a rigid,
menacing pose.
If the PCs decide to follow Nicia, he strolls around the
yard appraising the other guests. Currently there are
four other guests taking in the rays of the noon sun. Nicia
introduces himself and explain to the PCs that he is an
employee of Antonia Augusta, a wealthy princess from
Terrinos. PCs succeeding a Knowledge (History) check
(DC15) identify the city as a place of vast riches and ruled
by a wealthy monarch.
An ingenious system of heating the spa buildings in
which the floor is raised on pillars with spaces are left
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