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xìnggāocǎilìe 兴高采烈 elation(NOUN)
xìngkuī 幸亏 fortunately/luckily
xìngbíe 性别 distinguishing between the sexes
xìngnéng 性能 function/performance
xiōng 凶 fierce/ominous/terrible
xiong1'e4 凶恶 ferocious/fiendish/fierce
xīujiàn 修建 to build/to construct
xīuzhèng 修正 to amend/to revise
xīuzhù 修筑 (v) build
xìu 绣 to embroider(VERB)
xìu 锈 rust(NOUN)
xū 需 necessity/need/to need/to require/to want
xū 须 beard/must/necessary
xùshù 叙述 relate (a story or information)/tell or talk about
xuāngào 宣告 declare/proclaim
xuānyán 宣言 declaration/manifesto
xuán 悬 hang/suspend
xuányá 悬崖 precipice
xuánzhuǎn 旋转 whirl
xuǎnxīu 选修 take as an elective course
xuéhuì 学会 institute
xuékē 学科 branch of learning/course/subject
xuénián 学年 academic year
xuéshí 学时 class hour/period
xuéshuō 学说 doctrine/theory
xuéweì 学位 educational level
xuézhě 学者 scholar
xuézhì 学制 educational system/length of schooling
xuěhuā 雪花 snowflake
xuèguǎn 血管 artery/vein
xuèhàn 血汗 blood and sweat/sweat and toil
xúnhuán 循环 circle/loop
xúnwèn 询问 inquire about
xún 寻 to look for/to search/to seek
yālì 压力 pressure
yāsuō 压缩 compression/to compress
yāzhì 压制 inhibit/suppress
yā 押 detain in custody
yā 鸭子 duck
yá 芽 bud/sprout
yáchǐ 牙齿 dental/tooth
yágāo 牙膏 toothpaste
yàjūn 亚军 runner-up/second place (in a sports contest)
yān 烟 cigarette/smoke/tobacco
yāncōng 烟囱 chimney
yān 淹 drown/submerge
yán 严 (air or water) tight/serious/severe/stern/strict
yánjìn 严禁 strictly prohibit
yánlì 严厉 severe/strict
yánmì 严密 strict/tight (organization/ surveillance/ etc.)
yánjīushēng 研究生 graduate student
yánzhì 研制 to develop/to manufacture
yánshí 岩石 rock
yán 沿儿 (n) edge/ usually used directly after a noun
yánhǎi 沿海 coastal
yǎngài 掩盖 conceal/cover up/hide behind
yǎnhù 掩护 cover/screen/shield
yǎnguāng 眼光 vision
yǎnkàn 眼看 in a moment/soon
yǎnshuō 演说 (deliver a) speech
yàn 燕子 swallow
yànwù 厌恶 loath
yáng 扬 hurl/to raise/to scatter
yáng 洋 foreign/ocean
yǎnghuà 氧化 oxidize
yǎngqì 氧气 oxygen (gas)
yǎngchéng 养成 acquire/cultivate/form
yǎngliào 养料 nourishment/nutriment
yáobǎi 摇摆 wag/waver
yáo 摇晃 falter
yáoyuǎn 遥远 distant/remote
yáo 窑 kiln/oven
yáoyán 谣言 rumor
yàofāng 药方 prescription(NOUN)
yàopǐn 药品 medicine(NOUN)
yàoshuǐ 药水儿 (n) liquid medicine
yàowù 药物 medication(NOUN)
yàobù 要不 or/or else/otherwise
yàobùrán 要不然 or/or else/otherwise
yàobushì 要不是 but for/if it were not for
yàodiǎn 要点 essential/main point
yàohǎo 要好 be close friends/be on good terms
yào 钥匙 key
yěshòu 野兽 beast
yějīn 冶金 metallurgy
yèjiān 夜间 evening or night (e.g./ classes)/nighttime
yètǐ 液体 liquid
yīdài 一带 district/region
yīyī 一一 one after another/one by one
yīkǒuqì 一口气 in one breath/one breath
yīlián 一连 in a row/in succession/running
yi1lu4ping2'an1 一路平安 bon voyage/to have a pleasant journey
yīlùshùnfēng 一路顺风 have a pleasant journey
yīpáng 一旁 aside/to the side of
yīxìlìe 一系列 a series of(ADJT)/series(NOUN)
yīxià 一下 (adj) one time; once/(adv) in a short time; suddenly; all at once
yīxiàng 一向 all long/constantly/earlier/lately/the whole time
yīxīn 一心 heart and soul/wholeheartedly
yīxíng 一行 delegation/party
yīzhèn 一阵 a burst/a fit/a peal
yīzài 一再 repeatedly
yīliáo 医疗 medical treatment
yījìu 依旧 as before/still
yījù 依据 according to/basis/foundation
yīrán 依然 as before/still
yīzhào 依照 according to/in light of
Yīsīlánjiào 伊斯兰教 Islam
yíchǎn 遗产 heritage
yíhàn 遗憾 pity/regret/sorry
yílíu 遗留 (leave or be a) legacy/hand down (to next generation)/left over
yíbiǎo 仪表 appearance/bearing/meter
yíshì 仪式 ceremony
yíxīn 疑心 suspicion
yí 姨 aunt/one's mother's sister
yǐ 倚 rely upon/to lean on
yǐ 乙 "B" (in a sequence of examples involving "A"/ "B"/ "C"/ etc.)/2nd heavenly stem/2nd
in order
yǐbiàn 以便 in order to/so as to/so that
yǐzhì 以至 down to/up to
yǐzhì 以致 down to/to such an extent as to/up to
yìzhì 抑制 to inhibit/to keep down/to suppress
yì 易 (surname)/change/easy/simple
yì 意识 consciousness
yìweì 意味着 imply/mean/signify
yìlì 毅力 perseverance/willpower
yìwù 义务 duty/obligation/voluntary/volunteer
yìhuì 议会 legislative assembly/parliament
yīn 音 news/noise/sound
yīnmóu 阴谋 conspiracy/plot
yīntiān 阴天 cloudy day/overcast sky
yínmù 银幕 movie screen
yǐnliào 饮料 beverage
yǐn 引 to divert (water)/to guide/to lead
yǐndǎo 引导 introduction/to conduct/to guide/to lead
yǐnjìn 引进 introduce from elsewhere/recommend
yǐnyuē 隐约 faint/indistinct/vague
yìnrǎn 印染 printing and dyeing
Yīngbàng 英镑 pound sterling
yīngmíng 英明 brilliant/wise
ying1'er2 婴儿 baby/infant
yíng 迎 to welcome
yǐngpiàn 影片 film/movie
yìng 应 ought
yìng 应酬 (n) banquet or dinner party/(v) person to person social interaction
yīngfù 应付 cope/deal with
yìngyāo 应邀 at sb.'s invitation/on invitation
yo 哟 (idiom) used at end of sentence as an exclamation/(interj) Oh/ sound made when
expressing surprise
yōngjǐ 拥挤 to crowd
yǒngyuè 踊跃 eager/enthusiastically
yǒng 涌 bubble up/rush forth
yòngpǐn 用品 articles for use
yòngtú 用途 application/use
yòngxīn 用心 attentively/diligently/intention/motive
yōushèng 优胜 superior/winning
yōushì 优势 dominant/superior
yōuyuè 优越 superior/superiority
yóubāo 邮包 parcel/postal parcel
yóuyù 犹豫 hesitate
yóutián 油田 oil field
yóu 游 to roam/to swim/to tour/to travel/to walk
yóuxì 游戏 game
yóuxíng 游行 march(NOUN)
yǒujī 有机 organic
yǒuliǎngxià 有两下子 have real skill/know one's stuff
yǒuxiàn 有限 limited
yǒuyīxīe 有一些 rather/somewhat
yǒuyì 有意 be interested (in)/intend/intentionally
yǒuyì 有益 wholesome
you3'ai4 友爱 fraternal love/friendly affection
you4'er2yuan2 幼儿园 kindergarten/nursery school
yòuzhì 幼稚 childish/naive/young
yúchǔn 愚蠢 silly
yú 馀 remainder
yúmín 渔民 fisher folk/fisherman
yúlè 娱乐 entertainment
yǔqí 与其 it's better ... than ...
yǔzhòu 宇宙 outer space
yǔwén 语文 literature and language
yùshì 浴室 bathroom (room used for bathing)
yùyán 寓言 fable
yùbào 预报 forecast
yùfáng 预防 to guard against/to prevent/to protect/to take precautions against
yùgào 预告 advance notice/herald
yùxiān 预先 beforehand/prior
yùzhù 预祝 congratulate beforehand/offer best wishes for
yuān 冤枉 (n) bad luck/(n) hatred/(n) injustice/be treated unjustly/be wronged/not be
Yuándàn 元旦 New Year's Day
yuánsù 元素 (chemical) element
yuánlǐ 原理 principle/theory
yuánshǐ 原始 first/original/original (document/ etc)/primitive
yuánxiān 原先 former/original
yuánzǐ 原子 atom/atomic
yuánzǐdàn 原子弹 atom bomb
yuánzhù 援助 aid/assistance/help/support
yuánlín 园林 gardens/landscape garden/park
yuánmǎn 圆满 satisfactory
yuánrén 猿人 ape man
yuángù 缘故 cause/reason
yuàn 愿 sincere/willing
yuàn 苑 (surname)/park
yuè 越 the more ... the more/to climb over/to exceed/to surpass
yuèjìn 跃进 leap forward/make a leap
yuèguāng 月光 moonlight
yuèqì 乐器 musical instrument
yūn 晕 confused/dizzy/faint/giddy
yùn 运气 luck (good or bad)
yùnzhuàn 运转 to operate/to revolve/to turn around/to work
zá 砸 smash/smashed
záwén 杂文 essay
zázhì 杂志 magazine
zázhì 杂质 impurity
zāi 栽 to force/to plant/to stick in
zāinàn 灾难 catastrophe/disaster
zài 载 year
zāizhòng 栽种 to grow/to plant
zàisān 再三 again and again/over and over again
zàishuō 再说 besides/let's talk about it later/what's more
zàiyú 在于 (the problem or explanation or advantage etc.) lies in (the fact that...)/to depend
on/to lie in/to reside in/to rest in
zàizuò 在座 be present
zànmeǐ 赞美 admire(NOUN)/to eulogize(VERB)
zànyáng 赞扬 praise(NOUN)
zāo 遭 a time/incident/meet by chance/turn
zāoyù 遭遇 befall/encounter
zāo 糟 dregs/spoil/to waste
záo 凿 chisel
zǎoqī 早期 early period/early phase/early stage
zǎowǎn 早晚 morning and evening/sooner or later
zǎoyǐ 早已 for a long time/long ago
zébeì 责备 be critical of (someone)/blame
zēngchǎn 增产 increase production
zēngjìn 增进 enhance/promote
zēngqiáng 增强 to increase/to strengthen
zèngsòng 赠送 give as a present/present as a gift
zhā 扎实 (adj) firm/ strong/(adj) practical; solid/sturdy
zhā 渣 dregs
zhá 炸 fry
zhà 炸 fry
zhài 债 debt
zhān 沾 infected by/moisten/receive favors
zhǎn 盏 M for lamp
zhǎnxīn 崭新 brand new
zhànlǐng 占领 to occupy(VERB)
zhànyǒu 占有 to have(VERB)
zhànchǎng 战场 battlefield
zhànlvè 战略 strategy
zhànshù 战术 tactics
zhànxiàn 战线 battle line(NOUN)
zhànyǒu 战友 battle companion/comrade-in-arms
zhāng 张 (a measure word)/(a surname)/open up
zhāngwàng 张望 look around/peep
zhǎngshēng 掌声 applause
zhàng 帐 account/credit/curtain/debt/mosquito net/tent
zhàng 胀 dropsical/swollen/to be bloated/to swell
zhang4'ai4 障碍 barrier/hindrance/impediment/obstacle/obstruction
zhāo 招 provoke/to recruit
zhāoshǒu 招手 beckon/to wave
zháoliáng 着凉 catch cold
zhàolì 照例 as a rule/as usual/usually
zhàoxiàngjī 照相机 camera
zhàoyàng 照样 (same) as usual/as before
zhàoyào 照耀 illuminate/shine
zhào 罩 cover/fish trap (basket)/shade
zhàojí 召集 convene/gather
zhē 遮 cover up (a shortcoming)/screen off/to conceal/to hide
zhéhé 折合 amount to/convert into
zhé 折磨 persecute/torment
zhě 者 -ist/ -er (person)/person (who does sth)
zhèhuì 这会儿 (tw) now
zhèyàngyīlái 这样一来 if this happens then
zhēnguì 珍贵 precious
zhēnxī 珍惜 cherish/treasure/value
zhēnzhū 珍珠 pearl
zhēn 真是 (idiom) ?it is truly...?
zhēnjǐu 针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion/to give or have acupuncture and moxibustion
zhěn 枕头 pillow
zhèn 震 shake/shock/sign in trigram
zhèndòng 震动 shake/shock
zhèndòng 振动 vibration
zhèn 镇 composed/small town/to post/to press down/to suppress
zhènjìng 镇静 calm/cool
zhènyā 镇压 repression/suppression/to put down/to quell/to suppress
zhèndì 阵地 front/position
zhēngfā 蒸发 evaporate/evaporation
zhēngqì 蒸汽 steam
zhēngzhá 挣扎 struggle
zhēng 征 attack/expedition/journey/levy (troops or taxes)/trip
zhēngfú 征服 conquer/subdue/vanquish
zhēngduó 争夺 contest/fight over/vie over
zhěng 整 complete/entire/exactly/in good order/in order/orderly/whole
zhěngdùn 整顿 consolidate/rectify/reorganize
zhěngfēng 整风 (pol.) rectifying incorrect work styles
zhěngtǐ 整体 as a whole/entirety/integrated/overall/whole (thing/ situation)
zhèngdāng 正当 timely(NOUN)
zhèng 正经 (adj) according to standards/(adj) decent; proper/(adj) serious
zhèngmiàn 正面 direct/front/open/positive
zhèngyì 正义 justice/righteous/righteousness
zhèngdǎng 政党 political party
zhèngquán 政权 (wield) political power/regime
zhèngzhuàng 症状 symptom (of an illness)
zhèng 挣 struggle
zhèngjiàn 证件 credentials/paperwork
zhèngjù 证据 proof
zhèngshí 证实 confirm (something to be true)/to verify
zhèngshū 证书 certificate/credentials
zhī 枝 (a measure word)/branch
zhīpeì 支配 allocate/dominate
zhī 知 to be aware/to know
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