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War of the Burning Sky
Sleep, Ye Cursed Child
An Adventure for 17th- to 20th-Level Characters
By Wolfgang Baur
Editing and
Added Material Ryan Nock
Cover Art Storn Cook
Interior Art Claudio Pozas
Cartography Sean MacDonald
Layout Eric Life-Putnam
Playtesters Jason Boss
Neil D’Cruze
Orinthol Jixiao
Zachary Lancaster
Hamid Raoof
the spirit of Tom Jones
Campaign Director Ryan Nock
Everything in this book, other than the covers,
the title and contents page, the illustrations and
maps, “EN Publishing,” the EN Publishing logo,
character and place names, story elements,
and EN Publishing product titles,
is designated Open Game Content.
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EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
Please visit http://www.enworld.org
Note on Rules Content: is adventure
uses Open Game Content as well as
material that is in the System Reference
Document but is not in the core rulebooks.
All the information you need to use this
material is presented in this adventure, but
if you are interested in learning more, search
for the System Reference Document online,
available through various sources.
Sleep, Ye Cursed Child – Illustration by Storn Cook
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................
Background .....................................................................
Adapting the Adventure ....................................
Adventure Overview ......................................................
The Torch ..................................................................
The Burning Sky .....................................................
Act One: The Maw ........................................
Sea and Stone .................................................................
Preparation .......................................................................
e Elder Spirits..............................................................
The Nature of the Trillith ...............................
Elder Elemental Spirits......................................
Glass Wyrms’ Lair (EL ).............................................
Alternate Beginning: The Underdark...........
Into the Dreamworld .....................................................
Act Two: The Dreamworld ........................
Dreamworld Rules .........................................................
Knowledge (The Planes) .....................................
Exploring the Dreamworld ...........................................
undercloud Keep (EL ) ........................................
Sagramar, the Lord of the Castle (EL !)...................
Information Brokering ..................................................
Cloud Mural...................................................................
Going Around?.......................................................
Keep Away (EL ) .......................................................
e Path of Sorrows .....................................................
O Dread Trumpets ......................................................
Stalking Nightmares (EL ).......................................
Different Motivations......................................
Eight Strange ings I Saw on the Plane of Dreams
A Whirling Treasure Hoard (EL ) ..........................
Allying with the Trillith ................................
A Peeled Knight .............................................................!
An Eldritch Spring ........................................................!
A Human Swarm ...........................................................!
A Dream of Fire .............................................................!
Chains and Wails (EL ) ............................................!
An Enormous Ox...........................................................!
Sky Worms (EL ) ......................................................#
Abyssal Pillars...............................................................
Waking the Horde (EL ) ..........................................#
Act Three: Architects of
Annihilation ............................................
e Prison Palace ..........................................................
Palace Exterior ...............................................................
Scaling the Climax..............................................
Palace Interior ................................................................
Freedom .........................................................................
Negotiating .....................................................................
e Battle (EL ) .........................................................
e Mother of Dreams .................................................
Trilla’s Final Nightmare ................................................#
Facing Annihilation (EL ) ........................................
Fighting in the Real World ............................
No More Nightmares...................................................
Repairing or Destroying the Torch..............................
Flight’s Boon and
Annihilation’s Attacks..................................
e Final Dream ............................................................
Phoenix Symbology..............................................
Appendix One: Combat Stats ...................
Act One .........................................................................
Act Two ..........................................................................
Act ree........................................................................
New Feats ................................................................
Appendix Two: New Magic........................
e Torch of the Burning Sky.......................................
Open Game License Version .a ............
Sleep, Ye Cursed Child
Welcome to Sleep, Ye Cursed Child , the tenth
adventure and one of three possible conclusions of
the War of the Burning Sky campaign saga.
e war is hurtling toward its climax, and the scales
may just be ready to tip in the heroes’ favor. Having
united several nations against the overwhelming
power of the Ragesian Empire, the heroes recently
won the fi rst great victory for the Resistance, liberating
the city-state of Gate Pass from an occupying army.
However, in the wake of their victory they learned of
three great threats, any of which has the potential to
spell defeat for them and their allies.
A former ally, the wind mage Pilus, has betrayed
the heroes and now carries an army aboard his
airship to sack the base of the Resistance. Meanwhile,
the force behind the whole war, Empress Leska, has
bound the world to a fate of war, and if she is not
slain the confl ict will never end.
is adventure, however, focuses on the threat of
the monsters known as the trillith. ese dreamborn
beings have vexed the heroes throughout the war,
many of them serving as allies for Leska, though a
few have pledged themselves to saving their creator
Trilla, known as the Mother of Dreams, who is kept
prisoner by her own children. e trillith seek to
sunder the world, turning all reality to dreamstuff ,
and now to stop them the heroes must enter the vast
dreamworld where Trilla is kept captive, face cruelly
wrought nightmares, and end the tormented dragon’s
suff ering before the trillith succeed in crafting the
world’s annihilation.
Though intended as a climax for the
campaign, Sleep, Ye Cursed Child can easily
be adapted to an existing campaign, because
Trilla’s power can justify all manner of
unique magic, and because she is a source of
Perhaps a foe of the heroes has allied
with the trillith, and freeing or killing Trilla is
the only way to remove these powerful foes.
Maybe a villain seeks to use Trilla’s dreams to
recreate a lost empire or awaken a long dead
god. Trilla’s ability to create creatures could
drive the heroes to seek her in order to conjure
an entity capable of harming some otherwise
impervious foe, or perhaps the trillith have
been attacking a kingdom, and the heroes are
called upon to end the threat, unaware of the
nature of the “Mother of Dreams.”
trillith Freedom once represented what Trilla most
desired in the early days after she became cursed, but
in the century since then, selfi shness and self-delusion
gripped this most powerful of the trillith, and now
Freedom has become her mother’s jailer.
A century ago, Trilla was just a young gold dragon
with latent psionic powers, the daughter of Syana, a
powerful defender of the elvish people. Occasionally
her dreams would manifest as incorporeal creatures,
but they would always fade at the dawn.
During the wars of conquest that led to the rise
of the Ragesian Empire, the half-orc warlord Drakus
Coaltongue captured Trilla and used her as bait to
draw out and slay Syana. During her captivity she
was tortured by the bone devil Hagenar, and this
trauma, combined with witnessing her mother’s
death, was enough for Trilla’s power to go wild and
take on a life of its own.
Trilla was rescued, but thereafter whenever she
dreamed the creatures born in her sleep endured
past the dawn and took on a life of their own. Most
of these entities were little more than poltergeists,
Born of the nightmares of the gold dragon Trilla,
the trillith are trapped between the worlds of the
intangible and the corporeal. Should their “mother”
ever die, these living dreams fear they will perish,
so they keep Trilla trapped in an eternal slumber,
crafting ever more powerful horrors for her sleeping
mind in an attempt to create new trillith strong
enough to save them.
eir current leader, however, is no nightmare, but
one of Trilla’s earliest and most hopeful dreams.
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Sleep, Ye Cursed Child Introduction
but the most traumatic or moving of her dreams
gave birth to creatures possessing intelligence and
will. Fearful of Trilla’s sanity and her safety, a group
of elves helped her hide in the underdark, beyond
the reach of Coaltongue or any other who could try
to exploit her power.
Her dreams, however, soon grew so great
in number that they formed a society, naming
themselves the Trillith, for they viewed Trilla as
both their mother and their god. Despairing from
being trapped in the sunless depths of the world,
and uncomfortable with the often horrifi c nature of
the trillith, Trilla eventually grew to see her children
as abominations. Unable to kill her own off spring,
she tried to kill herself, but the trillith stopped her.
Fearful of what would happen to them if Trilla died,
the trillith called upon Freedom, the most powerful
of their kind and Trilla’s most beloved daughter.
To ensure that her kindred would be free from
the fear of death, Freedom agreed to be bound
to physical form, and by so doing make freedom
unattainable by their mother. Trilla’s physical body
was trapped in an endless sleep, though her dreams
continue to manifest in the real world, and over the
years an entire dreamlike world has grown around
her, the domain of the trillith. In this world, even
the walls and air are fragments of Trilla’s dreams
and nightmares, brought to life.
Now Freedom directs the aff airs of the trillith
from within this vast, semi-real dreamworld. Under
her command, nightmare architects manipulate
Trilla’s dreams to provoke particular dreams and craft
new trillith with specifi c powers. No longer is Trilla
allowed to have dreams of hope or kindness, for the
trillith born from such dreams might oppose Freedom.
Now the majority of trillith in the dreamworld are
unsubtle terrors fervently loyal to Freedom.
In this way the trillith created the horrifi c
army that recently attacked the city of Gate Pass
(in adventure nine, e Festival of Dreams ). eir
ultimate goal, however, is to impregnate Trilla’s
dreams with the nightmare of Annihilation, a beast
capable of destroying the immortal Aquiline Heart.
If they succeed, the balance of elements in the
world will be undone, and the world (or at least the
Trilla’s connection to the events of the war
runs deep, for her power created the Torch of
the Burning Sky. In the battle between her
mother and Coaltongue, the warlord used
the thigh bone of the slain devil Hagenar as a
makeshift club, caving in the skull of Jesepha,
a trumpet archon sent to help free Trilla. The
celestial, infernal, and psionic energies were
absorbed into the thigh bone, which became
the Torch of the Burning Sky.
The Torch combined the teleportation
powers of the devil and the archon, and the
ability of Trilla to create souls from her dreams,
and thus the Torch could devour those souls
for a limitless supply of power.
If you are running this as the second- or
third-to-last adventure in the saga, the heroes
will likely want to use Trilla’s essence to repair
the Torch, which is currently at less than full
power. A fully repaired Torch will let them
teleport their armies for the fi nal confl icts
against Pilus and Leska. If you are using this
as the fi nal adventure, the heroes will have
the chance to destroy the Torch when they
reach Trilla.
nearby region, if you prefer a less global cataclysm)
will turn to dreams. ey believe that in such a world
they would be able to survive even if Trilla died, and
for most of the trillith, concern for their mother has
long since paled against their own desire to live.
Adventure Overview
e heroes must stop the trillith from destroying
the Heart, but doing so directly is an unlikely
proposition: how, after all, to fi nd and destroy
thousands of incorporeal creatures? e best way to
stop the trillith is to destroy their mother, the source
of their life and energy. Hence, the party must head
into the deep caverns of the earth to fi ght the trillith
and the Mother of Dreams.
Getting there won’t be easy, as Trilla is kept
captive in a living cavern formed of countless minor
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