d20 Dog Soul 16 and a Half Magic Codpieces.pdf

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Written by Mike Ring
and the Evil French:
Charlene Francis, Justin Schwartz, Kyle Platte, Todd Williams
Illustrations by
Kirin Robinson
Introduction by
e Le
Layout by
Deborah Balsam
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons, ird Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
“Wizards of the Coast” is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and is
used with permission.
4/Balthazar’s Bizarre Bag
5/Codpiece of the Beast
5/Codpiece of the Codger’s Todger
6/Codpiece of Dildrea
7/Codpiece of Fiery Retribution, Gohnn’s
8/Codpiece, Half-
9/Codpiece of the Hedge Wizard
10/Codpiece of Holy Righteousness, Nordbert’s
10/Codpiece of Norys
11/Codpiece of Rank
12/Codpiece of Solitude
12/Codpiece of Suggestive Sorcery
14/Codpiece of Waxing and Waning
14/Codstrap of
adpunk’s Interfacing
Parsing Distributor
16/Scabbard, Staifyrm’s
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Of all the role-playing game books I have read, the
only one I have truly enjoyed is 16-and-a-Half Magical
Codpieces . Seriously. Most books are written very badly,
have terrible balance issues, or are simply published by idiots
who claim to be “veterans” of the industry when in fact they
are simply referring to the fact that they have been kicked
out of every gaming group in a 100 mile radius. Never the
less, this is not about them – this is really about me. I’m
e’ Le (pronounced Tay Lee), and I am here to talk about
16-and-a-Half Magical Codpiece s, not idiot publishers
who are jealous of my talents (and good looks). No no, this
is about Dog Soul Publishing and their fantastic book, 16-
and-a-Half Magical Codpieces .
to write this intro, so I am inclined to sing the praises of
this book (my singing -- another talent other publishers
are jealous of ). en there’s my hair -- damn I’m hot . In any
case, enjoy 16-and-a-Half Magical Codpieces -- it is truly
a campaign shattering book (in a good way). It’s not as good
as my own book, <ShamelessPlug>Unorthodox Paladins</
ShamelessPlug>, but it’s still pretty damn good.
If you get the chance, please take the time to view
Dog Soul’s fantastic books on the web at http://www.dogsoul.
net http://www. eLeGames.com ; you won’t regret it.
-- e Le
Actually, I haven’t read this book yet. I don’t think
I’ve read any role-playing game books for more than a few
minute (unless you count looking at the pretty pictures), so
I won’t be starting now. Dog Soul paid me a lot of money
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Wondrous Eff ect
Clothing and armor falls off all
creatures within 60 ft. and piles
near the target.
An object or body part becomes
fl accid and useless.
e items in this book with names beginning
with “ cod— ” occupy the belt slot on a
character’s body. e others occupy slots as
An object or body part grows
An object extends or swells to
double its length or girth.
Balthazar’s bizarre bag
Age reverses 1d4 years; an
object grows newer or a creature
belt or hat
Grimblethingy adpunk’s interfacing
parsing distributor
Wearer’s undergarments erupt in
a 30-ft. cone aimed toward the
target, entangling creatures for
1d3 rounds unless they succeed
on a DC 15 Refl ex save.
Staifyrm’s scabbard
Emotions swell, casting rage on
the creature.
Emotions swell, casting heroism
on the creature.
When the magic merchant Balthazar fi rst
experienced marital trouble, he turned to his arcane contacts
to resolve the issue between him and his wife. e fruit of
their labor, Balthazar’s bizarre bag is a cloth sack designed to
inspire bliss in its wearer, who can be of either gender. Calling
it the fi rst unisex codpiece, Balthazar described its use to his
wife: A man wears the bag over his loins, while a woman
actually reverses the stretchy fabric and slips it over her head.
ough somewhat put off , his wife agreed that because the
garment aff ects the mind, it should be worn in the area that
has the greatest control over its wearer’s actions. When a
man or woman wears a bizarre bag correctly, it bestows a
+1 morale bonus on skill checks, ability checks, and
Love blossoms as though the
creature drank an elixir of love .
Gender-specifi c features form on
the object or creature.
wonder , the wearer can activate both items as a standard
action, producing alternate eff ects (see sidebar). Most eff ects
work on an object or a creature within 60 ft. of the wearer.
Against targeted creatures, the bag has an equal chance of
aff ecting either a random limb or an attended object
(chosen according to the PHB table 10-1: Items Aff ected
by Magical Attacks). e eff ects are permanent,
but after 1 minute a creature or magic item can
attempt a Will save (DC 15) to reverse the eff ect.
rough an accident of the item’s creation
(probably a result of fl ipping it inside-out), the
bizarre bag has enhanced eff ects when coupled
with a rod of wonder . When holding a rod of
Moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Craft
Wondrous Item, confusion , heroism , creator
must be chaotic; Price 15,000 gp.
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