d20 Creation's Edge Games Buck-A-Batch Magic Armor II.pdf

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Armor II
This product requires the use
of Dungeons & Dragons,
Third Edition rules
50 New Magic Items for
use with D20 Fantasy
This document is part of System 20:
A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
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Welcome to Magic Armor II, part of
our Buck-A-Batch line of products.
The Buck-A-Batch product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at
www.creationsedge.com .
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost
of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 400 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other role-playing aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
weapons to incorporate into your D20
fantasy campaign.
This product requires the use of
Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition
Armor II
50 New Magic Items
for use with D20
Fantasy Rules
Buck-A-Batch: Magic Armor II is available for download on the Creation Edge Games
website as part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at creationsedge.com
for more System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.
~Open Game Content~
The content of this document entitled “Buck-A-Batch: Magic Armor II” which describe game
mechanics are designated as Open Content. The remaining portions of this document are hereby added to
Open Game Content and if so used should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “Buck-A-Batch: Magic Armor II
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Buck-A-Batch: Magic Armor II - for use with D20 rules - © 2004 Creation’s Edge Games
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Armor of Repulsion
% Roll
Name of Weapon
Armor of Repulsion
Armor of the Crypts
This suit of +1 full plate grants its owner the
ability to cast the repulsion spell (as
described in the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition ) once per
day. This spell functions as though cast by a
12th level wizard.
Armor of Transformation
Armor of Vengeance
Color-burst Shield
Complete Shield
Dark Shield
Defender's Shield
Dragonscale Armor (Black)
Dragonscale Armor (Blue)
Caster level: 12th / Prerequisites: Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, repulsion / Market
Value: 4,450gp / Cost to Create: 2,225gp +
Dragonscale Armor (Brass)
Dragonscale Armor (Bronze)
Dragonscale Armor (Copper)
Dragonscale Armor (Gold)
Dragonscale Armor (Green)
Dragonscale Armor (Red)
Armor of the Crypts
Dragonscale Armor (Silver)
Dragonscale Armor (White)
Eagle Shield
This suit of scale mail +1 grants its wearer
the following abilities against the undead.
The suit protects the wearer as thought they
were under the effects of a permanent invisi-
bility to undead spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ). This spell acts as though it
were cast by a 5th level cleric in all regards
save duration. The wearer also gains the
ability to cast detect undead , and disrupt
undead (as described in the Dungeons &
Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third
Edition ). Both spells cast be cast up to 3
times per day and function as though cast
by a 3rd level wizard. In addition to this,
each time the wearer successful deals dam-
age to an undead creature with a standard
non-magic melee weapon, there is a 10%
chance that the weapon will temporarily gain
the bane attribute against undead. This
attribute has a duration of 1d4 rounds after
which the weapon will revert back to normal.
Freezestep Armor
Hunter's Armor (Aberrations)
Hunter's Armor (Animals)
Hunter's Armor (Beasts)
Hunter's Armor (Constructs)
Hunter's Armor (Dragons)
Hunter's Armor (Elementals)
Hunter's Armor (Fey)
Hunter's Armor (Giants)
Hunter's Armor (Magical Beasts)
Hunter's Armor (Oozes)
Hunter's Armor (Plants)
Hunter's Armor (Shapechangers)
Hunter's Armor (Undead)
Hunter's Armor (Vermin)
Ironwall Shield
Light Shield
Quickburn Shield
Rot-quick Armor
Scry Shield
Shattershield Shield
Shield of the Eye
Skullshriek Shield
Swarm Shield
Caster level: 19th / Prerequisites: Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, invisibility to
undead , detect undead , disrupt undead /
Market Value: 36,200gp / Cost to Create:
18,100gp + 1,448xp
Teleporting Armor
Touchback Armor
Traveler's Armor
Warp-quick Shield
Warrior's Shield
Winter's Armor
Woodwall Shield
Armor of Transformation
get has been dealt with. If the initial target
flees, the armor will pursue it for as long as
it can. If the wearer becomes conscious
before the enchantment's duration has
expired, the armor immediately reverts back
to its inanimate state and the wearer regains
full control.
The owner of this +1 suit of scale mail armor
can use it to cast barkskin (as described in
the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s
Handbook, Third Edition ) three times per
day and stoneskin (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ) once per week. Both spells
function as though cast by an 7th level wiz-
ard. As a one-use effect the wearer can use
the armor to cast an iron body spell (as
described in the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition ). This spell
functions as though cast by a 15th level wiz-
ard. At the end of the spell's duration the
armor will disintegrate into dust.
Caster level: 12th / Prerequisites: Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, animate object /
Market Value: 7,300gp / Cost to Create:
3,650gp + 292xp
Color-burst Shield
Each time the owner of this +1 small steel
shield suffers a near miss from a melee
attack (an attack which would have hit if not
for the protective bonus granted by the
shield) there's a 30% chance that the shield
will cast a color spray spell (as described in
the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s
Handbook, Third Edition ). This spell uses
the shield as its point of origin and functions
as though cast by a 3rd level wizard.
Caster level: 8th / Prerequisites: Craft Magic
Arms and Armor, barkskin , stoneskin , iron
body / Market Value: 5,000gp / Cost to
Create: 2,500gp + 200xp
Armor of Vengeance
This suit of full plate shows no sign of its
enchantment other than radiating a strong
aura of magic if it is checked. The nature of
its enchantment becomes apparent only
once its wearer is struck unconscious during
combat. The suit will immediately animate
and fight for an additional 1d4+2 rounds.
The wearer cannot control the armor's
actions due to their unconscious state, how-
ever the player may still make any rolls they
normally would in combat. The armor
attacks with whatever weapon is in hand, it
cannot switch equipment, cast spells, or
take other 'intelligent' actions. It becomes
merely an automaton bent on revenge.
Likewise, spells and effects that target the
mind, such as charm person, will not work
on the armor. The armor will automatically
target the creature responsible for its wear-
er's unconscious state first, moving on to
other hostile targets only after the initial tar-
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Craft Magic
Arms and Armor, color spray / Market Value:
1,470gp / Cost to Create: 735gp + 58xp
Complete Shield
This shield functions as a +1 small steel
shield. As a one-use effect the owner of the
shield may transfer all damage dealt to them
at one time from a single source to the
shield. The shield will absorb all of the dam-
age then crumble into dust, leaving its
owner unscathed but shield-less.
Caster level: 12th / Prerequisites: Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, wish / Market Value:
25,159gp / Cost to Create: 12,579gp +
Dark Shield
This armor is forged, though a lengthy
process, from the scales of a black dragon.
This armor grants its wearer a damage
reduction ability (5/+1) for as long as it is
worn. The wearer also gains a level of pro-
tection from acid-based attacks. This protec-
tion functions as though they were under the
effects of a resist elements spell (as
described in the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition ) with acid
being the selected element. The wearer of
this armor also gains a +10 bonus to their
Fortitude when saving against a black drag-
on's breath attacks. This item functions in all
other regards as a set of full plate armor.
This silver trimmed black +1 large steel
shield grants its wielder the ability to cast a
darkness spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ) three times per day. The spell
radiates out from the center of the shield.
Once the darkness spell has been cast the
wielder may also choose to cast darkvision
(as described in the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition ) once per
day. This spell must be cast during the dark-
ness spell's duration. This spell modified to
allow the wielder to see in the darkness
generated by the shield. Both spells function
as though cast by a 3rd level wizard and will
only work for characters of evil alignment.
Caster level: 18th / Prerequisites: Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, resist elements ,
wish / Market Value: 50,650gp / Cost to
Create: 25,325gp + 2,026xp
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, darkness , darkvision
/ Market Value: 3,170gp / Cost to Create:
1,585gp + 126xp
Dragonscale Armor (Blue)
This armor is forged, though a lengthy
process, from the scales of a blue dragon.
This armor grants its wearer a damage
reduction ability (5/+1) for as long as it is
worn. The wearer also gains a level of pro-
tection from electricity-based attacks. This
protection functions as though they were
under the effects of a resist elements spell
(as described in the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition ) with elec-
tricity being the selected element. The wear-
er of this armor also gains a +10 bonus to
their Fortitude when saving against a blue
dragon's breath attacks. This item functions
in all other regards as a set of full plate
Defender's Shield
Three times per day, as a standard action,
owner of this +2 large steel shield may
transfer its total defensive bonus to another
creature. The full AC modifier of the shield is
transferred to the target and removed from
the owner. This effect lasts for one round.
The owner must have the shield readied in
order to use this ability and the target must
remain within 30 feet of the shield in order to
gain the protective bonus.
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, shield other / Market
Value: 4,170gp / Cost to Create: 2,085gp +
Caster level: 18th / Prerequisites: Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, resist elements ,
wish / Market Value: 50,650gp / Cost to
Create: 25,325gp + 2,026xp
Dragonscale Armor (Black)
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