d20 Creation's Edge Games Add-A-Room I - The Alchemist's Workshop.pdf

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Add-A-Room I
This product requires the use
of Dungeons & Dragons,
Third Edition rules
A room-based
encounter for use with
D20 Fantasy Rules
This document is part of System 20:
A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
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Each Add-A-Room features elements
that can be re-used in other adventures,
such as magic pools, fake treasures, and
ingenious traps.
The Add-A-Room product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at
www.creationsedge.com .
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost
of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 400 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other role-playing aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
weapons to incorporate into your D20
fantasy campaign.
This product requires the use of
Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition
Add-A-Room I
A series of unique and challenging
chambers, designed to be dropped into
an already existing adventure; Add-A-
Rooms are quick and easy ways to add
a little something extra to your game.
Add-A-Room I: The Alchemist’s Workshop is available for download on the Creation Edge
Games website as part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at
creationsedge.com for more System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.
~Open Game Content~
The content of this document entitled “Add-A-Room I: The Alchemist’s Workshop” which describe game
mechanics are designated as Open Content. The remaining portions of this document are added to Open
Game Content and if so used should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “Add-A-Room I: The Alchemist’s
Workshop ©2002 Creation’s Edge Games” and optionally the address “www.creationsedge.com”.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trade-
mark or copyright concerned.
Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
and are used with permission. This document contains material based on the D20 System. The D20
System is trademark by Wizards of the Coast and is used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com.
Add-A-Room I: The Alchemist’s Workshop - for use with D20 rules - © 2002 Creation’s Edge Games
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The Alchemist’s Workshop
This map was created using the on-line Map Creator
available at www.roleplayershome.net
Add-a-room I:
placed within it. It only takes one dose of a
potion to activate the enchantment. The pool
will fill with the equivalent of 10 doses of
whatever potion is poured into it next. The
enchantment will only work once before the
magic of the pool needs to be recharged.
Unfortunately the alchemist is the only
one who knows the secret ritual of charging.
The Alchemist’s
The Set Up
2) Gold Pool
The players are either dropped here by
some sort of trap or enter through an impos-
sibly sturdy door which slams shut and
immediately locks behind them. The door
resists all attempts to pick or break open.
This pool seems to be filled with liquid
gold. Touching an item to the contents of
this pool will cause any of its metallic com-
ponents to turn to gold. This is a temporary
condition, lasting only 8 hours, after which
the item reverts back to normal. (Note that
gold is a soft metal. Weapons used after
their metal components have been trans-
formed to gold suffer a -1 penalty to dam-
age. The weapons will likely become dull,
pitted, and probably ruined before the effect
wears off.) Each item transformed drains
one dose from the pool. Any liquid bottled
and removed from the room will slowly solid-
ify over a 3 day period, transforming back
into the gold coins it was created from. Each
flask of the liquid will transform into 1d10+10
gold coins.
The floor of this large square room is rid-
dled with several small stone basins, twelve
to be exact. The majority of these pools
seem to be filled with a liquid of some kind.
At the center of the room is an intricately
carved marble fountain. The statue of an
ancient alchemist holding two stone beakers
stands within. The beakers and fountain are
bone dry. Around the base of the statue are
four identical keyholes. The door to the
room is solid metal and cannot be budged.
3) Floating Pool
The Pools
The water which filled this pool is actual-
ly floating five feet above it in a perfectly
spherical shape. Touching or disturbing this
water globe in any way will cause it to sud-
denly collapse, sloshing noisily into the pool
below it. After a few seconds the water from
the pool will rain upward, slowly reforming
the floating water globe. Water taken from
this pool will exhibit the same behavior.
Unstopping a flask filled with this liquid will
cause the liquid to rain upwards from the
flask into a smaller sphere shape. Touching
this sphere will cause it to collapse as well
(better have a funnel handy, or at least a
towel). This effect might be worth some gold
at a curiosity shop, or tavern.
The twelve pools are receptacles for the
alchemist’s failed experiments. They are
small stone basins set within the floor. Each
measure three feet across and are one and
a half feet deep at their centers. Pools which
contain liquid are filled with the equivalent of
ten flasks of the substance.
1) Empty Pool
The contents of this pool have either
evaporated or seeped away through its
cracks over the years. This pool has been
enchanted, through a long and involved
magic ritual, to duplicate the next potion
4) Illusion Pool
noise when shook and gurgle when poured.
This pool contains the illusion of a pile of
gold and gems at its bottom. Disturbing the
surface of the pool will cause the image to
waver and disperse. Once the surface
becomes calm again the illusion will reap-
pear. While the illusion is dispersed a brass
key is visible at the bottom of this pool. Any
liquid removed from this pool will maintain
it’s illusionary quality. The amount of illusion-
ary treasure seen within will change
depending upon the size of the container
and the quantity of the liquid it contains. A
standard potion flask filled with this liquid
may look as if it contains a number of gems,
while a mug filled with the liquid might only
hold a few coins.
7) Avoidance Pool
This pool is filled with a silvery liquid.
The liquid will physically move away from
any attempt to touch it, responding as
though it were alive. It will avoid all such
attempts to the point of flowing out of the
pool and around the room. It can divide itself
into as many pieces as it wants in its efforts,
however all pieces will eventually return to
the pool and reform once it is left alone. A
silver key is in the bottom of this pool.
8) Skeleton Pool
A dose of the potion which fills this pool
will cause all but the player’s skeletal sys-
tem to turn invisible. The player will appear
to be a skeleton for 1d4 hours. This transfor-
mation is in appearance only.
5) Light Pool
This pool gives off a bright glow and
seems to be filled with light. Anything dipped
within this pool will be coated with a thick
liquid that will evaporate in one week.
During this time the object will give off a
bright light, like that of a torch. This liquid
can be washed away with water. Each item
treated uses up one dose from the pool. A
potion flask dipped into the light contained
within the pool will not fill up with the fluid,
rather the portion of the bottle which was
submerged into the light, and possibly part
of the hand doing the submerging, will
become coated with the thick glowing liquid.
9) Water Pool
A yellow key is visible at the bottom of
this water filled pool. A player may reach in
and easily retrieve the key, however the key
is made of phosphorous. When it is brought
out into the open air, the key will ignite doing
1d4+2 points damage to whomever is hold-
ing it.
10) Serpent Pool
This pool, unlike the others, has 3 small
gems set at intervals into the stones sur-
rounding it. Attempting to pry up the gems or
disturbing the murky green liquid within the
pool, will result in the liquid uncoiling like a
large snake and striking at the players.
Once the Serpent suffers enough dam-
age to kill it, it reverts back to liquid and col-
lapses into the pool. If any of this liquid is
taken from the room it will transform into a
Neutralize Poison potion. The 3 gems are
worth 10gp each and can be easily removed
once the snake has been dealt with.
6) Invisible Pool
This seemingly empty pool is filled with a
failed invisibility potion. The liquid itself has
turned invisible. Anything touching the pool
will feel wet but look dry and, of course, still
be visible. A copper key sits at the bottom of
this pool. Anyone reaching for the key will
be in for a surprise as they soon come into
contact with the invisible liquid. A potion bot-
tle filled with this liquid will appear to be
empty, even though it will make a sloshing
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