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Power Alteration Feats
Power Alteration
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Power Alteration Feats is copyright Richard Lewis trading as Svalin Games 2009.
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Power Alteration Feats
characters who use different kinds of powers to alter
their attacks when they think it is best.
All of the power alteration feats here are heroic feats so
they can be used by any character. They are designed
to be useful at all levels, so certain benefits are
improved in paragon and epic tiers.
Only one power alteration feat can be used for one
Feats such as Power Attack let you alter your powers on
the fly. A character with Power Attack can choose
whether to apply the effect of power attack for each
attack they make, giving the player more choice in
combat and making the character more versatile. Power
alteration feats make use of this mechanic, allowing
Prerequisite Benefit
Breakout Attack
Str 15
Deal less damage with strength attack to end movement hampering
Dazing Attack
Int 15
Daze yourself with psychic attack to daze target
Desiccating Attack
Con 15
-2 to attack with fire power to give target vulnerable 3 per tier to fire
Echo Attack
Con 15
-2 to attack with thunder power to gain +2 with thunder power next
Empower Attack
Int 15
-2 to attack with staff for +3 damage per tier
Empowering Power Cha 15
Exchange granted attack bonus for damage bonus
Energizing Attack
Con 15
Deal less damage with hammer or mace to gain temporary hit points
Fortifying Attack
Cha 15
Deal less damage with radiant attack to gain temporary hit points
Freezing Attack
Wis 15
-2 to attack with cold power to worsen inflicted condition
Grabbing Attack
Str 15
-2 to melee attack to grab target as an additional effect
Guiding Attack
Wis 15
-2 to attack with holy symbol to grant allies 2 per tier bonus to damage
against target
Horrifying Attack
Cha 15
Deal less damage with a rod to give target -2 penalty to attacks against
Imposing Attack
Wis 15
-2 to attack with orb to give target -2 to saves against condition
Life Draining Attack Cha 15
Deal less damage with necrotic attack to heal
Offensive Resurgence Str 15
Exchange temporary hit points for bonus to damage
Potent Poison
Dex 15
Deal half damage with poison attack to give target -2 to saves against
Power Charge
Con 15
-2 penalty to defenses to use melee power on a charge
Puncturing Attack
Str 15
Deal half damage with axe or pick to deal Con modifier ongoing
Reckless Attack
Str 15
-2 penalty to defenses with melee or close power to score critical hit on
Recovery Attack
Wis 15
Deal half damage with totem to grant saving throw to you or ally
Riposte Attack
Dex 15
Deal less damage with heavy blade or light blade to gain +2 to next
attack against the target if it attacks you
Sacrificial Healing
Wis 15
Daze yourself to spend healing surge instead of ally to heal them
Shielding Strike
Wis 15
-2 penalty to attack with polearm or spear to gain +2 shield bonus
Shocking Attack
Con 15
-2 penalty with lightning attack to give target -2 to attack rolls
Skirmishing Shot
Dex 15
Deal less damage with ranged power to move after hit
Steeling Strike
Con 15
-2 penalty to melee attack for damage resistance against melee attacks
Sticky Attack
Int 15
Deal no damage with acid attack to deal half the damage as ongoing
Substituted Attack
Int 15
Deal less damage to change damage type of attack
Subtle Spell
Dex 15
-2 penalty with ranged arcane attack to remain hidden
Sudden Attack
Dex 15
Deal half damage with wand to gain combat advantage
Sustained Force
Int 15
-2 penalty to defenses with force attack to push target 2 squares
Testing Strike
Dex 15
Deal half damage with melee attack to gain +2 bonus next turn
Throwing Attack
Dex 15
-2 penalty to melee attack to use it as ranged attack with thrown
Tripping Attack
Dex 15
-2 penalty to attack with flail or staff to trip target as an additional
Breakout Attack
Prerequisite: Str 15
Benefit: When making an attack that would normally
add your Strength modifier to damage on a hit, you can
choose to forgo adding it to the damage. If the attack
hits, you either can make one saving throw against
being slowed, immobilized, or restrained or make an
athletics check to escape a grab or restrained condition
as a free action.
Empowering Power
Prerequisite: Cha 15
Benefit: When using a power that can grant an ally a
bonus to attack rolls you can choose to have that power
grant a bonus to damage rolls equal to 2 times the
bonus to attack rolls instead. The bonus remains the
same in all other ways.
Level 11: Bonus to damage rolls equal to 3 times the
bonus to attack rolls.
Level 21: Bonus to damage rolls equal to 4 times the
bonus to attack rolls.
For example: A power that grants an ally a +3 power
bonus to melee attack rolls until the end of your next
turn instead grants the ally a +6 power bonus to melee
damage rolls until the end of your next turn.
Dazing Attack
Prerequisite: Int 15
Benefit: When you are not dazed and you make an
attack that has the psychic keyword, you can choose to
become dazed until the end of your next turn. If you hit
with the attack, the target is dazed until the end of its
next turn.
Energizing Attack
Prerequisite: Con 15
Benefit: When using a hammer or mace to make an
attack that has the weapon keyword that would
normally add one ability score modifier to damage on a
hit, you can choose to forgo adding it to the damage. If
the attack hits, you gain a number of temporary hit
points equal to your Constitution modifier. These
temporary hit points do not stack with temporary hit
points that the attack would normally grant. You don't
gain any extra temporary hit points for hitting with the
attack multiple times but the penalty to damage applies
for all targets of the attack.
Desiccating Attack
Prerequisite: Con 15
Benefit: When making an attack that has the fire
keyword, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to the
attack roll. If you hit with the attack, the target gains
vulnerability 3 to fire until the end of your next turn.
Level 11: Vulnerability 6 to fire.
Level 21: Vulnerability 9 to fire.
Echo Attack
Prerequisite: Con 15
Benefit: When making an attack that has the thunder
keyword, you can choose to take a -2 penalty on the
attack roll. If you do, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack
roll of the next attack you make that has the thunder
keyword until the end of your next turn.
Fortifying Attack
Prerequisite: Cha 15
Benefit: When making an attack that has the radiant
keyword that would normally add one ability score
modifier to damage on a hit, you can choose to forgo
adding it to the damage. If you do, you gain a number
of temporary hit points equal to the number of
creatures you hit with the attack. For each critical hit
scored with the attack, you gain an additional 3
temporary hit points.
Level 11: You gain a number of temporary hit points
equal to 2 times the number of creatures you hit with
the attack. For each critical hit scored with the attack,
you gain an additional 6 temporary hit points.
Level 21: You gain a number of temporary hit points
equal to 3 times the number of creatures you hit with
the attack. For each critical hit scored with the attack,
you gain an additional 9 temporary hit points.
Empower Attack
Prerequisite: Int 15
Benefit: When using a staff to make an attack with the
implement keyword, you can take a -2 penalty to the
attack roll. If the attack hits, you gain a +3 bonus to
the damage roll.
Level 11: You gain a +6 bonus to the damage roll.
Level 21: You gain a +9 bonus to the damage roll.
Freezing Attack
Prerequisite: Wis 15
Benefit: When making an attack that has the cold
keyword that can cause the slowed, immobilized,
restrained, or dazed conditions, you can choose to take
a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If you do, the condition
becomes a worse condition, as shown on the table
below. Everything else about the attack remains the
same, including the duration of the condition.
Original Condition Worse Condition
Slowed Immobilized
Immobilized Restrained
Dazed or restrained Dazed and restrained
Life Draining Attack
Prerequisite: Cha 15
Benefit: When making an attack that has the necrotic
keyword that would normally add one ability score
modifier to damage on a hit, you can choose to forgo
adding it to the damage. If you do, the attack gains the
healing keyword and you heal a number of hit points
equal to the number of creatures you hit with the
attack. For each creature reduced to 0 hit points with
the attack, you heal an additional 3 hit points.
Level 11: You heal a number of hit points equal to 2
times the number of creatures you hit with the attack.
For each creature reduced to 0 hit points with the
attack, you heal an additional 6 hit points.
Level 21: You heal a number of hit points equal to 3
times the number of creatures you hit with the attack.
For each creature reduced to 0 hit points with the
attack, you heal an additional 9 hit points.
For example: A wizard's ray of frost is normally an
Intelligence vs. Fortitude attack and deals 1d6 +
Intelligence modifier cold damage and causes the target
to become slowed until the end of the wizard's next
turn on a hit. Instead, it is an Intelligence – 2 vs.
Fortitude attack and deals 1d6 + Intelligence modifier
cold damage and causes the target to become
immobilized until the end of the wizard's next turn on a
Offensive Resurgence
Prerequisite: Str 15
Benefit: When using a power that can grant you
temporary hit points, you can choose to forgo gaining
those temporary hit points. If you do, you gain a bonus
to damage rolls equal to the number of temporary hit
points you would have gained on your next attack
before the end of your next turn.
Grabbing Attack
Prerequisite: Str 15
Benefit: When making a melee attack while you have a
free hand you can take a -2 penalty to your attack roll.
If you hit, the target is also grabbed.
Potent Poison
Prerequisite: Dex 15
Benefit: When making an attack that has the poison
keyword that can cause a condition that a save can end,
you can choose to have the attack deal half damage. If
you do, the target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws
against any condition that the attack causes that a save
can end.
Guiding Attack
Prerequisite: Wis 15
Benefit: When using a holy symbol to make an attack
that has the implement keyword, you can take a -2
penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you and
each ally adjacent to the target gains a +2 bonus to
damage rolls against the target until the end of your
next turn.
Level 11: +4 bonus to damage rolls against the target.
Level 21: +6 bonus to damage rolls against the target.
Power Charge
Prerequisite: Con 15
Benefit: When you charge, you can choose to take a -2
penalty to defenses until the start of your next turn. If
you do, you can use any melee attack power in place of
a melee basic attack.
Horrifying Attack
Prerequisite: Cha 15
Benefit: When using a rod to make an attack that has
the implement keyword that would normally add one
ability score modifier to damage on a hit, you can
choose to forgo adding it to the damage. If the attack
hits, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against
you until the end of your next turn.
Puncturing Attack
Prerequisite: Str 15
Benefit: When using an axe or a pick to make an
attack that has the weapon keyword, you can choose to
have the attack deal half damage. If you hit, the target
takes ongoing damage equal to your Constitution
Imposing Attack
Prerequisite: Wis 15
Benefit: When using an orb to make an attack that has
the implement keyword, you can choose to take a -2
penalty to your attack roll. If you do, the target takes a
-2 penalty to saving throws against any condition that
the attack causes that a save can end.
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