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6 Reva the Rat Queen
Reva the Rat Queen
A 4E Mentor NPC with Meeting Encounters
Encounters designed for characters of 6th to 9th level
Written By: David Wainio
Map Sections: Steven Ong
Reva the Rat Queen is Copyright 2010 by Three Sages Games.
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Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events by material in this publication is purely coincidental.
Artwork in this publication is used with permission and copyright to Three Sages Games, Faeding Light Studios,
Fantasy Filler Artwork (copyright Rick Hershey), Corel corporation, Peter Szabo Gabor & Eastern Raider Games, and Cerberus
Illustrations (illustrations by Joe Calkins). All rights reserved by the prospective parties.
This product is subject to the 4E GSL and is not “Open Gaming” content. The legal verbiage on the next page is in
compliance with this Game System License.
Editing: Jeff Walker
This material is protected under the copyright laws of
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First Printing:
April 2010
ISBN: None
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trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries and are used with
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mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive likenesses, are property of
Wizards of the Coast, and are used with permission under the Dungeons & Dragons 4th
Edition Game System License. All 4E References are listed in the 4E System Reference
Document, available at www.wizards.com/d20.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4th Edition PLAYER'S HANDBOOK, written by Rob Heinsoo,
Andy Collins, and James Wyatt ; DUNGEON MASTER'S GUIDE, written by James Wyatt;
and MONSTER MANUAL, written by Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert and James Wyatt;
PLAYER'S HANDBOOK 2, written by Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, and James Wyatt;
MONSTER MANUAL 2, written by Rob Heinsoo, and Chris Sims; Adventurer's Vault,
D&D 4E Game System License ©2008, 2009 Wizards of the Coast page 3 of 7
written by Logan Bonner, Eytan Bernstein, and Chris Sims. © 2008, 2009 Wizards of the
Coast. All rights reserved.
Encounter Tile Notes:
The two market tiles are taken from the Art of Wor City Tiles - Grand Bazaar set TM
published by Three Sages Games and available in finer game stores in the US. Art of Wor
tiles are waterproof and can be written on with dry or wet erase markers. They come in sets
of 8 tiles, each approximately 8”x10” and scaled to 1 inch squares.
The alley encounter map was made for this document using Campaign Cartographer.
Reva the Rat Queen
long and hard with their tribal council. She convinced the
wererats that there were better places to live and most of
them left before the great hunt started. Amschel and a few
of his most ardent followers decided upon a course of death
before what they saw as dishonor.
Reva is a unique arcane spell caster who is something of
a mix between a wizard, warlock, and sorcerer. She has a
contractual attachment to the spirit of a dead wererat
sorcerer. She has learned her magic from this spirit.
Originally she cast the spells in the fashion of a wizard or
warlock but eventually they became part of her innate
powers making her something of a sorcerer.
She is designed to serve several different potential
campaign functions. She can be an information source about
underground activities in a city, the focal point of adventure
rumors, a potential grandmaster for training, and a source
of potential boons if those are in use for your campaign.
A story going around the seedier taverns ofWorlun claims that
the Southern Thieves Guild of the city once tried to invade the
Children’sWarren - an area where many orphans gather to live in
self protection down near the docks - with a plan to capture them
and sell them to illegal slavers. The plan fell apart when hordes of
huge wharf rats fell upon the guild’s raiders and drove them away
from theWarrens. The next night Natty MacDune, leader of the
Southern Thieves Guild, was killed in his home along with many of
his personal guard. Survivors claim that rats came up from the
basement and that Reva herself appeared, using magic spells to
defeat the traps and destroy the guards.
Some people say that the hit on old Natty was probably just a
standard Guild power struggle that had the rumors of Reva mixed
in to cover the identity of the real attackers. Maybe this is true, but
either way none of the four Thieves Guilds ofWorlun bother the
street urchins. For their part the orphans of the street proudly claim
the title of “street rat” these days even though that would have been
an insult just a few years ago.
Introducing Reva to Your Campaign
She is designed to best interact with characters between
the levels of 6 and 14. If possible, drop rumors and stories
of Reva into your campaign before the players reach sixth
level. The encounters here are for 6th to 9th level players.
In this supplement Reva lives in the sewers of a large
human ruled but multiracial city state called Worlun.
Worlun is located in the Realms ofWor campaign setting but
the DM can easily substitute the name of a different city in
places that Worlun is cited.
Listed below are some potential campaign events that
the characters know (or hear about) prior to reaching level
About this event Reva will admit that she attacked Natty
in a fit of rage over his attempt to round up the children.
She will claim that she didn’t intend to kill him, just frighten
him into leaving the children alone. However the guards
tried to use alchemical fire pots to drive back her rats and
the house caught on fire. Natty MacDune and his cronies
died in the blaze after Reva’s retreat.
Several years ago the city of Worlun had to close down most of
their outdoor markets and bazaars because wererats kept attacking
from the sewers. A plan was formed to organize adventurers to hunt
down and kill the wererats and their leader Amschel. It is said that
20 adventurer groups scoured the sewers but only one found any
wererats. That one group encountered Amschel who reportedly told
them that the tribe had negotiated with “the Rat Queen” and left
the city to live in the wilds. There would be no more market place
attacks but as Amschel’s pride would not let him retreat from his
home he was leading the few warriors of his tribe that felt the same
as he on one final attack. The adventurers defeated Amschel and his
handful of remaining followers but were said to have commented
that it didn’t seem like the wererats were fighting very hard. It was
as if they wanted to die in combat rather than win and advance up
to further battles on the surface.
Rumors in Worlun About a “Rat Queen”
If you leave an offering of fruit, nuts or cheese to the rat queen
on your doorstep at night you can gain good fortune for your
children or protection for your food stocks.
The Rat Queen is a woman named Reva. She is a wizard or
warlock of great power who lives in the sewers and shuns most
contact with others except for children.
The Rat Queen and a lizardman shaman named Lrradd wage a
continual war between rats and reptiles for control of sewers.
If the players ever ask Reva about this event she will
confirm it as true. Amschel had gained control of the city’s
wererats by agitating that the wererats were denied their
just due by the surface dwellers and that the humans should
be driven from the city. It was a foolish and impossible
dream, but one that was attractive to the tribes. Reva
realized that the wererats would get wiped out and argued
The Thieves Guilds pay an annual tribute to the Rat Queen so
that her minions will not molest the thieves who use the passages
under the city for their “business travel”.
Reva dresses in filthy rags and can be easily overlooked as a
common beggar. She can roam the streets at will unrecognized.
Reva’s Personal History
Reva had an elven father and human mother. She was
born in the Forest of Hed, also known as the Elf-Woods,
where humans are only allowed by special permit. Her
father's family never accepted the cross-racial marriage.
Before she was two her father disappeared while on a
caravan run he had undertaken to secure rare healing herbs
her mother required. The family blamed the mother for his
loss and spurned her. Reva and her mother then moved to
the trading town on the edge of the forest.
As Reva's mother had been a warrior adventurer all her
pre-marriage life she had no skills with which to earn a
living that didn't involve edged weapons. Doing “muscle”
work for a local human crime gang was all she could find to
feed little Reva; a choice that further alienated the pair from
the elven community of the town. When Reva was five
years old the gang was wiped out by a elf led criminal group
and her mother was forced to flee to the city-state of
In Worlun lived Reva's grandmother (on her mother's
side). Grandma Hetty was a batty old woman who lived in a
shambling mound of a house that had once been quite grand
but was now falling apart. Reva's mother took to her
adventuring ways again, seeking treasure to bring back to
her remaining family. This meant that Reva was left in
Grandma Hetty's care most of the time.
Hetty was a warlock who had been driven partially
insane by the feywild powers she had bargained with. Reva
unconsciously memorized the rhyming nonsense her
grandmother often sang and internalized the basics of
warlock spellcraft along the way. It was a lonely life but
Reva didn't mind. She occupied herself exploring the old
mansion and playing with the rats and other small critters
that had also made the place their home.
The last time she saw her mother was when Reva turned
eleven. A large amount of coin was brought for Reva and
her grandmother to live off then after a five day visit Reva's
mother was off seeking adventure once again. Unfortunately
she never returned. The years stretched out and the number
of coins dwindled. As a young teen Reva roamed the city
streets performing petty crimes - usually the theft of food.
Her grandmother died when she was seventeen and Reva
found herself alone; except for her rat friends.
Three months before her eighteenth birthday she was
making her way home bloodied and in pain after a beating
from a city guardsman when she came across a group of cats
that had some rats cornered in an alley. Despite her own
pain she waded in with a stick and drove the cats away. This
action prompted the spirit Willifee, the great Rat Lord, to
take a direct interest in her. He whispered into her ear and
she responded to his call. He offered a path to power that
she accepted. Through her grandmother's old books, with
Willifee's coaching, she was able to attain full casting
When she was nineteen, the adult son of one of her
mother's old adventurer friends looked her up. It was from
this young aspiring warrior that she learned that her mother
had been killed during a battle in an old mine - which is why
she had never returned. Bernard (the son of her mother's
friend) felt sorry for the ragged, timid figure Reva cut and
decided to help her "get on her feet". He introduced her to
his adventurer friends and with Willifee's blessing she left
the city and undertook a number of treasure hunts. The
Great Rat King understands society better than Reva does.
He explained to her that there are ways and places that one
can plunder and steal that society condones and that
adventuring was one of them.
Reva had feelings for Bernard but did not know how to
express or act upon them. Eventually he was romantically
swept away by a lady druid who knew exactly how to ply her
feminine wiles. Reva returned to Worlun after that to
discover that her grandmother’s home had burned to the
ground and been replaced by a city run apartment building.
She went to the only place she had left - the underground
sewer of the city.
Making a lair for herself in an area of forgotten
underground storage vaults that connected to the sewers,
she undertook the effort to increase her arcane might. She
now views the southern portion of the city’s underground as
her personal fiefdom.
Rat King Spirit
Willifee was a wererat king and wizard from a world of
lycanthropes that was invaded by beings from another realm
of reality that could control were-creatures. He fought
valiantly but was eventually slain. A deity then recruited his
spirit as a celestial servant. Willifee served for a while but
when it became apparent that the god had no intention of
freeing his people he stole a smidgen of divine power and
went rogue. His main interests are revenge against the race
that enslaved his world (the Drynn), securing a new mortal
body, and occupying his time as he gets restless easily. As
interacting with mortals attuned to him often proves to be
amusing and can serve his ends so he does so.
He would be best suited to a vestige pact warlock. At the
moment, Reva is his most favored mortal and Williffe takes
a strong interest in her welfare.
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