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Noble Knights - A d20 Guide to Knightly Orders
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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead less than 200 years is purely
Avalanche Press Ltd.
PO. Box 4775,Virginia Beach,VA 23454 USA
I -800-564-9008 www.AvalanchePress.com
Copyright 0 2002 Avalanche Press LTD. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States ofAmerica. First Printing, 2003.
ISBN 2-93 209 2 -07-6
Lhapter IO: 1 he Order
Zhapter I: A Brief History
of St. Michael
of Knighthood
Chapter 11: The Knights of the
Holy Sepulchre
The Knight
Chapter 12: Minor Orders
The Making of a Knight
Order of the Tower and
the Sword
Female Knights in
the Middle Ages
Order of Avis
Other Orders of Knighthood 08
Order of the Dragon
Order of the Swan
Heavy Cavalry
Order of Bath
Order of the Golden Fleece
lhapter 2: The Knights Templar I o
Chapter I 3: Creating Your
:hapter 3: The Knights of St. John
of the Hospital
Own Order
Historical Period
hapter 4: The Knights of
Primary Location
hapter 5: The Knights of St. James
hapter 6: The Knights
of Calatrava
hapter 7: The Order of the
Knights of Christ
How Do I Join?
hapter 8: The Teutonic Knights 47
hapter 9: The Knights of
Knights are larger-than-life figures of
romanticism and steel that spark the
imagination and encourage dreams. The image
of the heroic knight-in-shining-armor is a
powerful one with its roots in chivalric tales
and the legends of King Arthur. They are
archetypes - portrayals of a desire for
innocence and strength - but in reality, they
induction into the order so that new characters
can seek the path of the knight. Through trial
and adventure, they may join one of these august
brotherhoods and find their place.
The body of this book covers ten separate and
unique Knightly Orders suitable for inclusion in
any historical or fantasy game world. They are
covered in detail, including an overview, a history
section, their ultimate goals and purposes, and
information about how to ioin them. Note that
were so much more.
Knighthood emerged during the Middle Ages whe
the Crusades agamst the Holy Land were in
full swmg and the world was
overwhelmed with religious fervor
and dedication. Religious
devotion is at the heart of
knighthood, and each of the
knightly orders covered m this
book reflects an example of at
least one aspect of those
prmciples. In this text, we look at
the oldest knightly orders, their goals
and dreams, their fanaticism and contrast them
with Renaissance and later orders -where the fire
these entries are historically accurate. While you
ight wish to include them in your fantasy
Islamic peoples were all seen as a deadly threat
that needed to be eliminated with the same speed
and tenacity that many modern adventuring
parties employ against marauding orcs. In fact,
the orcish invaders of 2Ist-Century fantasy
games have their roots in the Christian fear of
Islamic expansion hundreds of years ago. It is
important to bear this in mind when reading
about the exploits of the Knights Templar or the
Knights of Calatrava.
Near the end of this work, you’ll find a section
designed to give you information and ideas on
creating and fleshing out your own knightly
orders. Why do they exist, what are their
purposes, where could they be based - these
questions are all covered to give you ideas and
information to work with on your own. Every
campaign is different, and the details and
attention given to a knightly order can make it
extremely memorable and fun to play.
So mount your destrier and take up your lance.
There is a threat to the king that only the
boldest of Noble Knights can repel. This book
is your gateway to adventure in service to the
Crown and the Church.
of religion burned far less brightly, and knights were
created as advisors and not as soldiers on the field.
Throughout history, knighthood has been seen
as an emblem towards which to aspire; it is a
sign that the individual has achieved a state
beyond that of normal people. Their honor,
chivalry, and prowess are respected simply
because of their titles, and they are considered
blessed by God for their state. Achieving that
grace requires adventure, dedication, and luck.
The role of knights in peace and war is clearly
outlined, and each man (or, in rare cases,
women) who wishes to bear the burden of
knighthood must live up to those expectations.
The knightly orders in this book are each
historically based, detailed while they were at
their primes and reflecting their greatest
achievements. Playing such a knight is a challenge
- they are far more than sword-wielding, armor-
wearing warriors. On or off the battlefield,
knights were expected to live up to a code of
conduct that could be far more stringent than
that of a priest or a monk. Their duties are
outlined, as well as the requirements for
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