d20 Arcane Runes Press Visions The Pumpkin Patch.pdf

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Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons ® Player’s Handbook
by Patrick Younts
Visions 1
The Pumpkin Patch
No one is really sure when the first jack
o’ lanterns were carved, or who came up
with the idea, but it is believed to be an
ancient Irish tradition associated with the
celebration of Samhain. Of course, pump-
kins weren’t exactly a common vegetable in
Ireland in those days, so jack o’ lanterns
were instead carved from rutabagas and
turnips. It is the pumpkin, though, which has
become synonymous with jack o’ lanterns
and an enduring symbol of the unique holi-
day known as Halloween, and so it is the
pumpkin which is the star of this source-
his master, Old Man Wicker. You’ll even be
introduced to Jack o’ the Lantern, who in
real world folklore is the inventor and
namesake of the jack o’ lantern.
As might be expected, the new items,
monsters, spells and personalities presented
here are steeped in folklore and fairy tales,
but that does not mean they have no place
in a more sword and sorcery oriented cam-
paign. In fact, their fairytale, folktale flavor
can serve them in good stead in such
games, setting them apart from the magics
and enemies the players have come to
expect, and making their ethereal strange-
ness all the more memorable and com-
So set out your candles and your carving
knives, read on, and get ready to puck a few
choice items from our pumpkin patch.
Visions is Arcane Runes Press’
new line of sourcebooks dealing with
folklore, legend and myth. Each
sourcebook in the series will present
fresh new rules, spells, magic items,
monsters or prestige classes dealing
with the most compelling elements of
real world mythology.
What follows is a grab bag of new
spells, new monsters, new magic
items and new personalities, all
themed around the pumpkin,
and more specifically, the jack
o’ lantern. You’ll see pumpkins
that transform into carriages,
spirit haunted jack o’ lanterns
who hunt beneath the starless
night, fairies who wear the heads of
leering gourds, and Sir Crow, the King
of Crows, a pumpkin knight who steals
children from their homes at the behest of
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Visions 1
The Pumpkin Patch
Jack o’ Lanterns and Spirits
In traditional folklore, the jack o’ lantern
is believed to offer potent defense against
the ravages of unquiet spirits and wicked
fairies, and so peasants would place them
upon their doorsteps, in the hopes that their
pale, guttering light would frighten away
the ghosts of the damned, and the terrifying
kindly folk.
In d20 terms, a fey-type creature of neu-
tral or evil alignment, a ghost, a specter or
any other neutral or evil, incorporeal
undead must succeed at a Will save against
DC 8 in order to come within a 10 ft. radius
of a lit jack o’ lantern which has been
placed in front of a door, or window frame.
Jack o’ lanterns which are held in hand do
not require the undead to save.
The power of a lit jack o’ lantern can
also be used to aid a cleric, or other charac-
ter who has the ability to turn undead.
When held in hand and presented towards a
ghost, specter, wraith or other incorporeal
undead spirit, the character gains a +2 cir-
cumstance bonus to his turn check. A jack
o’ lantern does not replace a holy symbol
for the purposes of turning.
Pumpkin Items
O, fruit loved of boyhood! the old days recalling,
When wood-grapes were purpling and brown nuts were falling!
When wild, ugly faces we carved in its skin,
Glaring out through the dark with a candle within!
When we laughed round the corn-heap, with hearts all in tune,
Our chair a broad pumpkin, our lantern the moon,
Telling tales of the fairy who traveled like steam
In a pumpkin-shell coach, with two rats for her team!
– John Greenleaf Whittier, The Pumpkin
Bag of Seeds
When found, this quirky wonder
appears as nothing more than a small,
burlap bag filled with a score of dried
pumpkin seeds. Only when a seed is
plucked from the bag and thrown is its
power revealed.
A bag of seeds has two separate abili-
ties. If the owner pluck a single seed from
the bag and throws it, then it grows to
become a head-sized, flaming jack o’
lantern, exploding on impact as by the spell
pumpkin bomb. Alternately, the owner can
open the bag and scatter two seeds simulta-
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Visions 1
The Pumpkin Patch
neously, to a range of up to 100 ft. + 10 feet
per the bag’s caster level; one round later,
enormous pumpkin vines explode out of the
earth, exactly as by the spell tangle patch.
The owner can throw any number of explo-
sive pumpkins each day, up to the number
of seeds remaining in the bag, but can only
create a single tangle patch each day.
A bag of seeds loses all its magical
power once its last seed is used, and it can-
not be replenished by placing new seeds in
the bag.
Moderate transmutation and evocation
[fire]; CL 7 th ; Craft Wondrous Item, pump-
kin bomb, tangle patch; Price 6,000 gp;
Weight 1 lb.
reverts to its pumpkin form, and may not be
used for another 16 hours. The owner of the
pumpkin carriage, and any riding within it,
are ejected harmlessly when the carriage
shrinks to its pumpkin form.
A pumpkin carriage is large enough to
seat four comfortably, with an additional
rider standing on the leaf-woven footman’s
platform on the back, and another on the
driver’s “seat” at the front. The magic that
empowers a pumpkin carriage also renders
it immune to the effects of decay.
Moderate transmutation and conjuration
(creation); CL 8 th ; Craft Wondrous Item,
phantom steed, plant growth ; Price 13,500
gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Carriage, Pumpkin
This useful, whimsical item appears as a
small, well-formed pumpkin roughly the
size of an adult human male’s head, and
while the pumpkin is hollowed out and dec-
orated with carvings small windows, it is
otherwise unremarkable. When the pump-
kin is placed on the ground, however, and
the proper command word spoken, it
expands to become a full size carriage,
albeit one in the shape of a pumpkin, com-
plete with green stem and wheels made
from curling vines thick and strong as a tree
The power of a pumpkin carriage is such
that it can move without need of horses, or
other animals strong enough to pull it.
When the owner of the carriage seats him-
self within and speaks a second command
word, the pumpkins lurches forward, mov-
ing at a speed of 40 ft. per round. It can
move tirelessly at this speed for a total of 8
hours each day; at the end of that time, it
Lantern, Spirit
A spirit lantern is a fearsome-faced jack
o’ lantern whose stem has been shaped into
a long, thin loop. When a candle is placed
within the lantern and the proper command
word is spoken, the jack o’ lantern begins to
glow with a pale, ghostly light equivalent to
that of a standard lantern.
A spirit lantern offers potent abilities
against fey creatures, ghosts and other
incorporeal undead. When a second com-
mand word is spoken, the light from the
spirit lantern affects all non-evil beings
within its radius as though by a protection
from evil spell cast by a cleric of the
lantern’s caster level (almost always 10 th );
this ability functions only against fey and
incorporeal undead of neutral or evil align-
ment, and can be used for a total number of
minutes each day equal to the lantern’s
caster level, though unlike a normal protec-
tion from evil spell, these rounds need not
be used consecutively. Should a being leave
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Visions 1
The Pumpkin Patch
the circle of light while under the effects of
the lantern’s protection from evil ability,
then the benefits are lost immediately, and
are not regained until the being steps back
within the radius of effect.
In addition to the above ability the
wielder can, 3 times per day, speak a third
command word and attempt to turn neutral
or evil, incorporeal undead as a cleric of the
lantern’s caster level; a cleric or other char-
acter who already possesses the ability to
turn undead can choose to turn incorporeal
undead as above, or may instead activate
one of the lantern’s turn uses per day, as a
free action, in conjunction with one of his
own, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to
the check.
A spirit lantern counts as a jack o’
lantern for the purposes of warding off fey
and incorporeal undead (see Jack o’
Lanterns and Spirits, above), but its innate
magic raises the Will save DC required to
bypass its light to 10.
Moderate necromancy; CL 10 th ; Craft
Wondrous Item, protection from evil, light,
halt undead ; Price 7,500 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Pumpkin Sorcery
Though it might seem silly, the magic of
the finely carved pumpkin is not to be
underestimated. The following spells
reflect the fearsome purpose of the jack o’
lantern in folklore, and recall such famous
tales as the Headless Horseman. Laugh at
your own peril.
When you cast this spell, your eyes are
transformed into grinning, fearsome jack o’
lanterns that burn with a sinister, holy fire.
All non-good fey and incorporeal undead
creatures within the radius of effect must
immediately attempt a Will save; those who
fail to save must flee to a distance of at least
20 ft. from you as quickly as possible, and
may not come closer than that for the dura-
tion of the spell. Affected fey and incorpo-
real undead can still attack you from out-
side the 20 ft. barrier, and may target you
with spells and spell-like and supernatural
abilities, but they suffer a –2 morale penal-
ty to attack rolls when doing so, and you
gain a +2 bonus to all saves to resist their
special attacks.
Those fey and incorporeal undead who
successfully save do not need to flee
beyond 20 ft. of you, but they still suffer
penalties to attack rolls as above, and you
still gain the bonus to saves against their
special attacks.
Lantern Eyes
Illusion (glamer)
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Area: 20 ft. radius emanation, centered
on you
Target: All fey and incorporeal undead
within area of effect
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving Throw: Will partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
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