d20 Adamant Entertainment Character Drawbacks.pdf

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By Walt Ciechanowski
One of the more interesting innovations in the d20
system is the concept of Feats. While any two fight-
ers or wizards will look more or less the same in class
abilities and skills, it is their Feats that differentiate
them. One fighter might use his Feat slots to become
more skilled in mounted combat, while another might
strive to be an excellent archer. Even at low levels,
these two fighters will look and act very differently in
In literature and popular culture, characters are often
just as, if not more, defined by their faults than their
abilities. Othello was gullible, and this enabled Iago
to manipulate him. Han Solo was notable for his mer-
cenary attitude. Captain Hook is remembered for...
well, his hook. These faults, or drawbacks, lend color
to the characters that have them. This d20 MasterKit
product is designed to add these drawbacks to player
return for taking a drawback, making starting player
characters a bit more powerful. This can seriously
unbalance a campaign. Character Drawbacks resolves
this problem by granting skill points for each draw-
back instead of an extra Feat.
Some Dungeon Masters may balk at the idea of draw-
backs because of their perception as negative Feats.
Such systems tend to grant the player an extra Feat in
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It is a common complaint among players that they
never have enough skill points to accurately reflect
what their characters know. Since the skill level caps
are still in place (4 ranks for class skills and 2 ranks
for cross-class skills at first level), player characters
will not be seriously overpowered by taking Draw-
backs. Indeed, Drawbacks are intended to add a little
spice to a character concept and offer the player appro-
priate and significant compensation for taking them,
not to create headaches for the Dungeon Master.
You have a way of rubbing people the wrong way
when you speak. This could be due to your natural
belligerence, boastfulness, uncouthness, or other per-
sonality flaw.
Detriment: When using Diplomacy to change at-
titudes, you must add an extra 5 to the DC.
Each drawback below is worth 4 skill ranks. Some
drawbacks have prerequisites, including other draw-
backs. Players may spend these points on their char-
acter sheet however they wish, but they must still
abide by the usual skill rank limitations. Note that
a PC rogue with the Clumsy drawback may not put
6 ranks into his Balance skill in order to negate his
drawback penalty.
You lack pigmentation in your skin, giving you a dis-
tinctively pale appearance. Your skin is very sensitive
to sunlight.
Detriment: You must make a Fortitude saving
throw for every hour that your skin is exposed to
direct sunlight. The DC is 15 +1 for every hour that
youʼve been exposed. A failure causes 1d4 hit points
of sunburn damage.
Unlike feats, players may only select drawbacks at
first level, although the Dungeon Master may grant a
new drawback to an existing character if he wishes.
Any drawbacks gained during play will grant the ap-
propriate amount of skill points to the character upon
reaching next level (DMs may waive this and grant
the skill points immediately if desired or if the PC has
a particularly long wait until he reaches next level).
There is no set amount of drawbacks that a PC can
take, although DMs should probably limit the number
of drawbacks to two or three.
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You arenʼt very coordinated when it comes to fine
Detriment: You take a –2 penalty on all Disable
Device and Open Lock checks.
Perhaps you have a bad smell. Maybe they can detect
the way you truly feel about them. Maybe they just
donʼt like you. For whatever reason, you have trouble
dealing with animals.
Sample drawbacks are listed below. DMs should
feel free to create new drawbacks. A good drawback
should give penalties equivalent to the bonuses of-
fered to feats in order to maintain game balance.
Good drawbacks also have concrete penalties rather
than relying on the player to “roleplay” his drawback.
Roleplaying a drawback is always a good thing, but
penalties should be easily measured and applied.
Detriment: You take a –2 penalty on all Handle
Animal and Ride checks.
Maybe you have stiff joints. Maybe your arms are
just a little too long. Whatever the reason, you have
trouble making the elegant gestures necessary to cast
arcane spells.
Prerequisite: You must be a bard, sorcerer or wizard
to select this drawback.
Detriment: You have a natural 5% arcane spell fail-
ure chance. This stacks with armor penalties.
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Whenever you need luck most, you can count on it not
being there.
You are a coward. You usually choose the safest posi-
tion in a marching order and rely on others to protect
Detriment: Once per session, the DM can negate
any success, even if it was a critical hit. This will
usually be when you desperately need to succeed.
Detriment: Cowards never initiate combat, even
when it is to their advantage. You will always main-
tain a defensive position until attacked. If you defeat
your foe, you will attempt to hide or flee rather than
engage another foe.
You are unpracticed or inept at making ranged attacks.
Special: PC rogues should consider this drawback
carefully before selecting it, as it negates their Sneak
Attack ability in most circumstances.
Detriment: You take a –2 penalty on all ranged at-
Your body has trouble stabilizing. When dying, you
continue to bleed until you are dead.
Detriment: You cannot stabilize while dy-
ing. Unless you are treated or healed, you will
continue to lose one hit point every round until
you are dead.
You are exceptionally uncoordinated and tend to
slip at the most inopportune times.
Detriment: You take a –2 penalty on all Bal-
ance and Tumble checks.
Your body has a hard time adjusting to the rigors
of very cold climates.
Detriment: You suffer a -2 circumstance
penalty to all saving throws and skill checks in
temperatures at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
You also suffer an inherent -1 penalty to saving
throws made against cold-based spells, damage,
and area effects. Cold-weather clothing alone
will not remove this penalty.
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You canʼt hear at all.
Prerequisite: You must have the Hard of Hearing
drawback to select this drawback.
Detriment: You cannot learn the Listen or Speak
Language skills. In addition, you have a 20% chance
of spell failure when casting a spell with a verbal
Special: You can learn Speak Language if the cam-
paign has a sign language or other non-verbal lan-
You have angered a particular god or goddess.
Detriment: You add 1 to the DC of any save you
must make against any spells invoked in the name of
a particular deity. Healing spells and other aid from
that deity will not work on you. The DM should
restrict this drawback to common deities in his cam-
Special: At the DMʼs option, you may drop this
drawback by using a free feat slot. You must also
perform some penance in the name of the affected
You have a Drow ancestor. Unfortunately, some of
the genetic heritage was passed onto you, making your
skin jet black.
You have a lessened ability to turn undead.
Prerequisite: You must be an elf or half-elf to take
this drawback.
Prerequisite: You must be a paladin or a cleric ca-
pable of undead turning to select this drawback.
Detriment: Although you possess no Drow traits,
everyone reacts to you as if you were a Drow.
Detriment: You turn undead as if one level lower
than your cleric level.
Special: DMs can customize this drawback with any
racial ancestor that would offend others of that race,
such as the duergar. This could also be an ethnic
drawback in campaigns that make ethnic distinctions
within a race.
You wear your heart on your sleeve. Others can al-
most read your thoughts.
Detriment: Your opponents get a +4 to their Sense
Motive checks when using it against you.
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You are so committed to one philosophy or religion
that it blinds you to others.
where the temperature is above 80 degrees Fahren-
heit. He also suffers an inherent -1 penalty to saving
throws made against heat-based spells, damage, and
area effects.
Detriment: You take a –2 penalty to any Knowledge
checks when researching histories, religions, or even
arcane lore at odds with your own faith. In addition,
you will refuse personal aid from any cleric or druid
that is contrary to your faith.
You have trouble telling lies or concealing the truth.
Detriment: You take a –2 penalty on Bluff and In-
timidate checks.
Special: If you are a spell caster, you will refuse aid
to anyone that doesnʼt adhere to your faith.
Your character is notoriously incapable of focusing his
attention long and hard enough to accomplish tasks
requiring great dedication.
You are weaker than normal, either due to illness or
Detriment: Your character may never ʻtake 10ʼ or
ʻtake 20ʼ on any skill check, no matter how much
time he has.
Detriment: You have 3 less hit points than normal.
Special: This drawback may be taken multiple
times. Its detriments stack. A character may only
take this feat if doing so will still leave him with at
least one hit point. For example, a character with 8
hit points may take this drawback twice, but a char-
acter with 6 hit points may only take it once.
You lack one of your positive racial traits, either due
to mixed lineage in your characterʼs past or a simple
genetic anomaly. A gnome might not have keen ears,
while an elf may be lacking low-light vision (“unfortu-
nately, you have your human grandfatherʼs eyes”).
You are easily persuaded and manipulated by others.
Detriment: You do not receive the benefit of one of
the positive racial traits for your character (including
the extra feat for human characters). The DM is the
final authority on what traits may be eliminated.
Detriment: You take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy
and Sense Motive checks.
You have lost part of your hearing, making it difficult
for you to be aware of all sounds surrounding you.
You also have a problem being stealthy.
You have not learned to read and write. (Appropriate
only in campaign settings where literacy is common)
Restriction: Barbarians have an equivalent class fea-
ture and may not take this drawback.
Detriment: You take a –2 penalty on Listen and
Move Silently checks.
Detriment: You cannot read or write in any language.
In addition, you take a –2 circumstance penalty in any
situation where literacy would be valuable (negotiat-
ing a contract, impressing a noble, etc).
Your body has a hard time adjusting to the rigors of
very hot climates.
Detriment: You suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to
all saving throws and skill checks in tropical or
desert conditions (or in artificial conditions of ex-
treme heat, such as steam baths). At the DMʼs dis-
cretion, you may suffer these penalties in any area
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