d20 Malhavoc Press The Book of Eldritch Might.pdf

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By Monte Cook
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons ® Player's Handbook ,
Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast®
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
New Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
New Prestige Classes . . . . . . . .4
New Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
New Magic Items . . . . . . . . .23
New Monster Template:
Magical Construct . . . . . . . . .33
Open Game License . . . . . . .36
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Artwork © 2001 The Unseelie Court. Used with permission. All other content is © 2001 Monte J. Cook. All rights
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A nd thus Malhavoc said, “ You see me as nothing
more than a spellslinger, a trickster—a charlatan. That
will be your undoing, you ignorant god-lackey. For while
you channel your power from your pitiful deity, I am
power. While you serve your god, I am on my way to
becoming one! All the arcane might from all the wizards
who have come before me is mine to command. See if your
cure light wounds can cope with this…”
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 7th+, Cha 17+
Benefit: Creatures you summon are above average
physically. They have a +2 bonus to Strength, Con-
stitution, and Dexterity.
You can etch magical runes onto the surfaces of
inanimate objects.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+
Benefit: You can create an etched object rune of
any spell that you know. Etching an object rune takes
one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base
price of an etched object rune is its spell level multiplied
by its caster level multiplied by 30 gp. To etch a rune,
you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use
up raw materials costing 1/2 this base price.
Any etched object rune that stores a spell with a
costly material component or an XP cost also carries a
commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived
from the base price, you must expend the spell’s mate-
rial component or pay the XP when etching the rune.
Any object with a solid surface can bear an etched
rune. Normally, a Small object (or smaller) can have
only one object rune, while a Medium-sized object
can have two, a Large object can have four, a Huge
object eight, and so on. The etching does not harm
the object in any way, and once the rune is used, the
object returns to normal.
Once an object rune is etched, it can be used like
a scroll, as described in the rules for casting spells
from scrolls in the Player’s Handbook .
Malhavoc was an arrogant bastard, but his ideas were
interesting. Arcane spellcasters—arcanists—do
possess the unique attributes to call power into
themselves, serving only their own wishes. Of course,
this led to the development of their not-entirely-
undeserved reputation of evil, power-mad egoism.
Wizards, sorcerers, and bards are formidable char-
acters who command great power. But power is only
as great as the knowledge behind it. Much of the
secret arcanist lore lies within the covers of a massive
tome known as The Book of Eldritch Might . This
volume holds just a small sampling of the treasures
found in those pages. Frequently, in fact, snippets
such as this one are copied from the book and dis-
seminated as books of magic all their own.
Malhavoc himself, a powerful wizard, claimed to
have possessed the full Book of Eldritch Might for a
time. He said the book was intelligent—an elder god
of magic somehow trapped within a simple item. In
his “conversations” with the book, he transcribed
details of new areas of study, new spells, new magical
items, and more. We are proud to present his work.
You can bond yourself or someone else with a magic
item by use of a tattoo.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 7th+, Int 17+
Benefit: You inscribe a tattoo onto your flesh or
the flesh of another, in the presence of a magic item
that weighs no more than the tattooed character can
carry. This process takes eight hours and costs 1/10
the market value of the magic item in gold pieces.
Once the tattoo is finished, the character can magi-
cally store the item within the image, and can call it
forth again as a free action. While stored, the item
remains in unchanging stasis, magically shrunk down
so small that it cannot be felt. The Item Image tattoo
is permanent; there is no limit to the number of times
a character can call forth and re-store the magic item.
The tattooed image is often inscribed on the
This list of feats includes a new type: the eldritch
feat. These feats confer actual magical powers as
spell-like abilities. They are often available only to
characters with exceptional ability scores, as
described in their prerequisites. If a class, such as a
wizard, gains a bonus metamagic or item creation
feat, you can choose to allow a member of that class
to take eldritch feats also.
You learn how to get more powerful creatures when
you cast summoning spells.
character’s hand or arm, its design flowing seamlessly
from the flesh to the item being held. For instance,
the image to store a +2 trident might resemble waves
that flow down the character’s arm in lines that
mirror the curves of the weapon’s shaft. Often the
tattoo changes when the item comes out of its magi-
cal storage; in the previous example, the trident
might appear beneath the waves while it is stored,
disappearing from the image as it is called forth.
Further, that character with the keyed image
enjoys one of the following benefits while using that
specific item (chosen at the time the image is
•+1 damage if the item is a weapon (stacks with all
other bonuses)
Special: You can take this feat multiple times, for
a number of bane creature types. Choose a creature
type from this list:
• Aberrations
• Beasts
• Magical beasts
Monstrous humanoid
• Oozes
Outsiders, chaotic
•Outsiders, evil
Outsiders, good
•Outsiders, lawful
•Humanoid (choose subtype)
By lacing them with energy, you can add potency to
the spells you cast against good or evil targets.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+, Int 17+
Benefit: You give extra power to a spell that you
cast against either an evil or a good opponent. You
must choose whether to make your spells holy or
unholy at the time you select this feat, and afterward
you can never take this feat again. Spells laced with
holy or unholy energy are changed in these ways:
Holy. Changes the spell’s descriptor to [good] and
adds +2 to the save DC if the target or creatures
within the area are of evil alignment.
Unholy. Changes the spell’s descriptor to [evil]
and adds +2 to the save DC if the target or crea-
tures within the area are of good alignment.
+2 saving throw DC, if the item requires oppo-
nents to make a save
+2 caster level
Item inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage upon any-
one who attempts to use it, other than the tat-
tooed character
You can add more damage to the spells you cast by
lacing them with elemental energy.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+, Int 17+
Benefit: You can give an extra power to a single-
target spell when you cast it by adding elemental
energy. In addition to its normal effect, any spell
with a single target also inflicts +1d6 points of
damage to that target if the spell takes effect (assum-
ing the target fails his saving throw, if any). The
damage is a type of your choosing: fire, electricity,
cold, acid, or sonic. Spells with different effects based
on the success or failure of a saving throw (such as
disintegrate or slay living ) inflict the additional
damage either way.
By lacing them with energy, you can add potency to
the spells you cast against lawful or chaotic targets.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+, Int 17+
Benefit: You give extra power to a spell that you
cast against either a chaotic or a lawful opponent.
You must choose whether to make your spells lawful
or chaotic at the time you select this feat, and after-
ward you can never take this feat again. Spells laced
with lawful or chaotic energy are changed in these
Lawful. Changes the spell’s descriptor to [lawful]
and adds +2 to the save DC if the target or crea-
tures within the area are of chaotic alignment.
Chaotic. Changes the spell’s descriptor to [chaot-
ic] and adds +2 to the save DC if the target or
creatures within the area are of lawful alignment.
You can add more damage to the spells you cast
when you cast them upon a chosen enemy.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+, Int 17+
Benefit: You give an extra power to a damaging
spell when you cast it on a specific type of creature
(you must choose the type of creature when you
select this feat). Any spell that causes damage inflicts
+20% more against creatures of this type. Some
people claim to hear an intense cackling sound when
a bane spell strikes its intended target.
The following three prestige classes—the
embermage, the graven one, and the mirror master—
were all designed with arcanists in mind.
You can create magic poisons, which have magical
effects in addition to their traditional deadly
nature. See the Core Rulebook II for rules on poi-
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+
Benefit: You can create any magic poison (see
page 29) whose prerequisites you meet. Enchanting a
magic poison takes one week for each 1,000 gp of its
price. To enchant a magic poison, the spellcaster
must spend 1/25 of the item’s price in XP and use up
raw materials costing half its price.
Although there are others who claim to be fire wizards,
the embermages may be the truest sort of fire mage.
M IRROR S IGHT [Eldritch]
You can look through a mirror and see an image that
is reflected in a specific other mirror or an individual
reflected in any other mirror.
Prerequisites: Spellcaster level 1+, Cha 19+
Benefit: You can, once per day, use a mirror for a
special sort of scrying. Looking into a mirror, you
can see through it to view a reflection in another
mirror. You can choose to see one of three types of
• The current reflection in another mirror you are
familiar with.
• The reflection of a person you know well, assum-
ing that person is near a mirror.
• The reflection of a place you know well, assuming
the location is being reflected in a mirror.
You receive only visual information through this
ability. However, you can choose transmit informa-
tion both ways—so that a person reflected in the
remote mirror can view whatever appears in the
mirror you are using. Contact lasts 1d4 rounds,
plus a number of rounds equal to your Charisma
For example, Aliya knows that her friend Serai
keeps a mirror in his living room over the mantle.
She can look through her own hand-held mirror
and see into Serai’s living room. But Serai’s not
there. The next day, Aliya can attempt to find
Serai by looking into her mirror. If, at that
moment, Serai is near any mirror at all, she can see
him. Otherwise, she sees nothing but her own
Mirror Sight works with mirrors only; it is not
effective with attempting to scry with other reflective
surfaces such as a still pool or a polished metal
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