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Feats Volume I
A d20™ accessory for fantasy roleplaying
Author & Layout: Ian Johnston
Creative Consulting: Risa Johnston
Interior Artwork: V. Shane
Page Borders: Cari Buziak
Editor: Bruce R. Tillotson
This product requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast. Dungeons
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according to the terms of the d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20 .
Silverthorne Games, the Silverthorne logo, the shield and rose graphic are trademarks of Silverthorne Games. All material content is Copyright 
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Requires the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast®
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How to Use this Book
At Silverthorne Games, we believe in options: options for the DM and options for the players. The feats in this book
are provided to serve such a purpose: to provide alternatives for DMs and players who wish to add more different feats to
their game. Many of the feats in this book appear in other Silverthorne Games’ products – notably our Races of Evernor™
series. The feats taken from the Races of Evernor™ sources have been modified slightly from their original forms in order
to be more easily adaptable to other campaign settings.
While the vast majority of the feats presented in this volume are universally adaptable, there are a few that would
be more suited for non-human, monstrous characters, or NPCs. As always, the DM is the ultimate authority on which feats
are allowed in his or her campaign. Players wishing to use any of these feats for their character should check with their DMs
Feats Format
Each feat is presented in standard format like the feats found in the PHB. Here is a brief layout of how each template
will appear:
Feat Name
Brief summary of the nature of the feat is featured here.
Prerequisites: A list of the necessary requirements to take the feat.
Benefit: The specific game mechanics associated with the feat.
Normal: Where applicable, a note about the relevant governing game mechanics without the feat.
Special: Any additional notes regarding the feat.
Open Game Content
All feats and game-related content presented in this product are designated as Open Game Content under the terms
and conditions of the Open Game License v1.0a. (See the Appendix for the complete designation of Open Game Content
and Product Identity for this product.)
Air Breathing [General]
You are able to breathe air.
Prerequisites : Feats: Endurance, Toughness, Special:
Must be an aquatic creature that has difficulty breathing or
cannot breathe in air.
Benefit : The character can breathe air normally, as a
human does.
Normal : The character has great difficulty breathing
air or cannot breathe in air at all.
feat, or item that grants an enhancement bonus to Strength.
Following the use of this feat, the character must rest for one
hour or suffer a -2 penalty on melee attack rolls, damage, and
all saving throws until rested.
Annoyance [General]
You have mastered the art of jeering, making crude or
utterly bizarre hand gestures, and/or other similar behavioral
quirks that drive others to distraction.
Prerequisites: Abilities: Charisma 13+
Benefit: As a standard action, the character may try to
distract any creature or creatures within 30 feet that can see
him. Creatures failing a Will save (DC 10 + the character’s
Charisma bonus + half his level) suffer a –1 circumstance
penalty to attack rolls and skill checks and a -4 penalty to
Concentration. The use of this ability takes one action and
provokes an attack of opportunity.
Ancestral Aid [General]
You can summon the spirit of an ancestor to flank
opponents in melee.
Prerequisites: Ability: Wis 13+, Skills: Knowledge
(Religion or Ancestral History) – 9 ranks; Special: Ability to
cast divine spells
Benefit: During combat, the character calls upon
the spirit of one of his ancestors to assist in flanking
an opponent. The summoned spirit cannot attack, but
is considered to be threatening nevertheless, aiding its
descendent. The ancestral spirit can move at a speed of
20 feet and must always use this movement to get into
a flanking position (it cannot attack or take any other
actions). Summoning the ancestor takes one action and the
summoned spirit remains for 1d4+1 rounds. The ancestral
spirit may be turned or rebuked as an undead equal to one-
half the urstak’s Hit Dice.
Arboreal Ambush [General]
You can use trees and ledges to tactical advantage.
Prerequisites: Ability: Dex 13+, Skills: Climb – 5 ranks,
Hide – 5 ranks
Benefit: The character may leap down on opponents
from heights of no less than 10 feet, gaining the to-hit bonus
of a charge maneuver. A successful Balance check (DC 15 + 1
for every additional 10-foot increment) means the ambushing
character stays on her feet. The victim must make a similar
Balance check or be knocked prone. Leaps of over 20 feet
inflict the appropriate amounts of falling damage to both the
attacker and the defender (see the DMG for complete rules
regarding falling damage).
Ancestral Strength [General]
Characters with this feat can call upon the strength
of their dwarven ancestors to enhance their own physical
strength for a short while each day.
Prerequisites: Abilities: Constitution 13+; Race:
any dwarf or dwarf blood; Skills: Knowledge (Dwarven
History) – 6 ranks; Special: must visit the tomb of a three
different family ancestors or one great dwarven leader.
Benefit: Once per day, a dwarf (or other dwarf-kin)
can summon a portion of the collective might of his or her
ancestors to aid in a given endeavor. The character gains
an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to one-half the
character’s total levels and/or hit dice (rounded down) that
lasts a number of rounds equal to his or her Con bonus.
For example, a fifth level dwarven fighter with a
Con score of 16 using the Ancestral Strength feat would
gain +2 Strength for a total of three rounds. At tenth level,
the same fighter would have a +5 bonus to Strength, and at
twentieth level, the bonus would increases to +10.
This ability does not stack with the effects of a bull’s
strength spell, gauntlets of ogre power, or any other spell,
Arcane Secret [General]
Your scholarship in matters arcane has revealed
ancient secrets pertaining to the more efficient use of
metamagic feats.
Prerequisites: Feats: Spell Focus, any two Metamagic
feats; Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) – 9 ranks, Spellcraft – 9
ranks; Special: Must have the ability to cast arcane spells.
Benefit: A character with this feat can cast spells
prepared with metamagic feats at one effective level less than
normal. For example, a maximized fireball would be prepared
as a sixth level spell, rather than a seventh level spell. An
extended rope trick would be prepared as a second, rather than
a third, level spell.
The type of metamagic feat that the arcane secret
applies to must be specified at the time the character learns
the arcane secret and it cannot be changed thereafter. For
example, Arcane Secret (Silent Spell) would only reduce the
effective caster level for spells cast with the Silent Spell feat.
Normal: Metamagic spells are prepared at the normal
required level.
Special: This feat may only be taken once per
metamagic feat.
at will.
Cantrips [General]
You can cast a small number of minor spells per
Prerequisites: Abilities: Charisma 11+, Feats: any one
Metamagic feat
Benefit: Characters can cast three 0-level cantrips
once per day each as a spell-like ability. These spells must be
chosen at character creation and cannot be altered thereafter.
Caster level is equal to a sorcerer of the character’s level.
Normal: Cantrips are selected at character creation
and cannot be changed thereafter.
Breach of Will [General]
You can intimidate others, lowering their ability to
resist mind-affecting spells, abilities, and other effects.
Prerequisites: Abilities: Wis 13+; Feats: Iron Will; Skills:
Bluff - 7 ranks, Intimidate – 7 ranks, Sense Motive – 4 ranks.
Benefit: The character can use effective tactics of
intimidation to erode the willpower of other characters. The
character makes an Intimidate skill check (including synergy
bonuses, if applicable) and the opponent must immediately
make a Will save to resist (DC = 5 + result of Intimidate roll).
If the opponent fails the save, he or she suffers a -1 penalty
to all future Will saves while in the presence of the character
using the feat. For example, an opponent with a Will save
bonus of +5 that fails its save would have a Will save bonus of
+4 for future save attempts. The same character can continue
to make Breach of Will attempts until the opponent reaches
a Will save of -5 or the opponent makes a successful save,
whichever comes first.
Breach of Will takes a full-round action to perform.
If distracted from the character using the feat, the opponent
gains a +4 circumstance bonus to his or her save attempts.
Breach of Will attempts from multiple characters possessing
the feat do not stack. If the character using the feat is knocked
unconscious or slain, the opponents Will save bonus slowly
returns to its original level at a rate of +2 per round.
Cantrips Mastery [Metamagic]
You are able to change the cantrips you can cast on
a monthly basis.
Prerequisites: Abilities: Charisma 13+; Feats:
Benefit: Characters may select their three cantrips on
a monthly basis, rather than having them permanently fixed
at character creation (see Cantrips feat). For example, a
character might select daze, light, and resistance one month
and detect magic, disrupt undead, and open/close the next.
Normal: Spells selected with the Cantrips feat are
set at character creation and cannot be changed thereafter.
Cartilage Skeleton [General]
You show tremendous resilience to bludgeoning
damage of all types due to your cartilage-like bones.
Prerequisites: Abilities: Con 13+, Feats: Toughness.
Benefit: The character reduces all damage sustained
from falling and normal (i.e., non-magical) bludgeoning
attacks by 2 points per die. For example, if the character falls
fifty feet, it takes 5d6-10 points of damage; if it is struck by a
heavy mace (assuming no Strength bonus is added), it takes
1d8-2 points of damage. Magical bludgeoning weapons,
such as a +1 club, inflict normal damage on a mallean.
Normal: Full damage is taken from bludgeoning
Breath Weapon Focus [General]
Your breath weapon is more potent or more difficult
to avoid.
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +6 or greater; Special:
Must have a breath weapon attack
Benefit: The character gains a +2 inherent bonus to the
save DC of the his breath weapon.
Normal: The character gains no additional bonus to
the save DC of his breath weapon.
Burst of Radiance [Celedhriel]
Prerequisites: Abilities: Charisma 14+; Alignment: Any
good; Skills: Knowledge (Religion) – 6 ranks; Special: Must be
able to cast divine spells
Benefit: A character with this feat can use channel
positive energy through her body to emanate light, as the
orison of the same name, cast by a third level cleric. The light
so created is identical to the spell in all ways, with the following
modifications: the generated light must be centered on the
character and the range is personal rather than touch. Burst
of Radiance is treated as an extraordinary ability and is usable
Constrict [General]
You can use an appendage, tail, or your body to
constrict opponents.
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +5; Special: Must
have an appendage, tail, or flexible body mass capable of
grappling and then squeezing opponents.
Benefit: The character may attempt to enwrap an
opponent one size category or smaller than herself with
an appendage, tail, etc., by initiating a grapple. Upon
successfully doing so, the character may deal 1d4 + 1.5 x
Strength bonus points of damage per round. The victim
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