
(66 KB) Pobierz
{1726}{1760}Coffee, double-sweet.
{1767}{1810}Why do I always have to get the coffee?
{1825}{1865}And you're buying, Boot.
{1878}{1899}Attention, all units.
{1901}{1946}Attention, all units.|A 2-11 has just occurred
{1949}{2003}at the ca$h in motion|located on 12th and main.
{2006}{2052}$50,000 taken.|Suspect
{2054}{2097}--a white male seen driving a blue Volvo
{2099}{2171}heading north on Main.
{2192}{2269}Hey, check this out.|Proceed with caution.
{2604}{2648}Suspect may be armed.|It's a blue Volvo.
{2693}{2760}Maybe your card is expired or something.|Oh, my gosh. Never mind.
{2762}{2795}I'm just gonna deal with this inside.
{2853}{2869}Can i help you?
{2891}{2907}Let's go.
{2938}{2958}Excuse me, sir!
{2980}{3001}You in the coat.
{3140}{3153}Oh, my God.
{3155}{3236}Sir! Sir, talkin' to you!
{3269}{3301}Oh, my... no, no!
{3308}{3339}No police!|Go away!
{3343}{3355}Down on the ground.
{3357}{3421}Go away! Go away! Get down!
{3423}{3491}Don't move! Don't move!|No police! I've got a bomb!
{3511}{3547}Please! Get on the ground!
{3549}{3600}Please! Down on the ground!
{3602}{3634}Go away! Please! Get down!
{3637}{3685}Down on the ground! Get down on the ground!
{3999}{4059}Back off! Or else--
{4130}{4147}All right.
{4149}{4225}The explosion made one girl go back.|She's injured,
{4227}{4274}and then she bounced back forward.
{4479}{4493}Excuse me.
{4531}{4557}I didn't call you.
{4565}{4583}What are you doing here?
{4594}{4641}Fighting crime. You?
{4687}{4756}Seriously. A man uses a bomb to rob a bank?
{4759}{4868}I mean, this--this is... baroque,|mysterious, even.
{4873}{4890}What do we know?
{4893}{4932}Well, for starters, it wasn't a bank.
{4934}{5006}Dinkler robbed his employer.|It was a ca$h in motion store.
{5006}{5051}Ca$h in motion? Sounds like a game show.
{5053}{5107}It's a payday loan and|money transfer chain.
{5109}{5158}People use them to wire|money all over the world.
{5160}{5217}It's a cash business, but it's|got less security than a bank.
{5224}{5291}Nice soft target.|Dinkler got away with 50 grand.
{5321}{5370}Almost got away with 50 grand.
{5375}{5420}Yeah, well, he stopped for gas,
{5423}{5468}and Sac P.D. unis spotted him.
{5475}{5539}Lucky for us, the lunatic|only killed himself.
{5545}{5588}If it's so cut and dried, why are you here?
{5595}{5678}Them. Director Bertram|wanted a CBI presence here.
{5680}{5732}Director Bertram. Let me ask you something.
{5734}{5796}If director Bertram wanted a CBI presence
{5798}{5873}to jump off a cliff, would|you and your CBI presence
{5877}{5912}jump off that cliff?
{5917}{5965}If there was overtime, sure.
{6002}{6070}That's very sad. Excuse me.
{6203}{6227}I knew that man was trouble.
{6229}{6265}I was looking right at him in his car.
{6280}{6347}He was, uh, making gestures at me.
{6383}{6482}He kept pointing at me like that--|real insistent.
{6484}{6514}It was creepy.
{6533}{6603}And those eyes--|crazy, angry eyes.
{6654}{6737}Pointing. Crazy, angry eyes.
{6740}{6792}And you, sir? Anything else you|remember about the bomber?
{6808}{6894}I thought I was dead.|I saw the bomb around his waist,
{6896}{6956}and I thought... this is it. I'm dead.
{7052}{7069}What's up?
{7122}{7174}This man wasn't angry or crazy.
{7318}{7346}He was terrified.
{7353}{7383}Interesting, huh?
{7869}{7913}Get down! No!
{7971}{7999}Well, this is horrible.
{8075}{8122}High impact visuals like this--
{8125}{8156}Media will carry the story for days.
{8158}{8213}Yes, I've got a wolf pack|of journalists outside.
{8214}{8245}What do you have, J.J.?
{8255}{8276}Agent Lisbon?
{8298}{8347}Alan Dinkler, 27 years old,
{8349}{8396}no priors. He robbed his employer--
{8398}{8431}a ca$h in motion store.
{8440}{8500}Walked into his boss' office,|showed him the bomb,
{8502}{8570}demanded to be let into the vault.|He got $50,000.
{8584}{8631}We believe that Dinkler|was the victim here,
{8633}{8701}that he was abducted, put|into the bomb jacket,
{8704}{8731}and coerced into committing the crime.
{8741}{8794}The bomb squad confirms that|the device was activated
{8796}{8820}by remote control.
{8822}{8900}How awful.That poor, poor|man, used as a puppet.
{8906}{8993}But... the thing is, the person|behind this wants money,
{8996}{9030}so this is not terrorism, right?
{9032}{9066}It doesn't look that way, sir.
{9073}{9141}His plan didn't work, but|only through bad luck.
{9146}{9207}We strongly expect the|perpetrator will try again.
{9209}{9258}It's guesswork. "Not a terrorist"
{9261}{9344}is what I'll be leading with.|Isolated incident. CBI in charge
{9346}{9385}of a swift and thorough...|et cetera, et cetera.
{9388}{9410}That's just right, sir.
{9423}{9506}Thank you all. Let my assistant|know if there's anything new.
{9583}{9598}Hey, boss.
{9600}{9618}What do we got?
{9620}{9679}Device used a plastic|explosive called PE4--
{9681}{9739}stable, hard to acquire, very deadly.
{9741}{9776}Usually in human bombs like this,
{9779}{9831}there's ball bearings or|such like within the device
{9833}{9901}used to create maximum damage to bystanders.|In this case, no.
{9909}{9959}Just deadly in a 10-foot|radius around the bomb.
{9962}{10021}So forensics recovered the|50 grand from Dinkler's car
{10023}{10075}plus some fast food wrappers|and a couple of writeable CDs
{10077}{10113}from ca$h in motion, other crap.
{10120}{10155}Anything on Dinkler's cell phone?
{10157}{10219}It's badly damaged, but the lab|is trying to salvage the chip.
{10221}{10259}They'll let us know soon|as they get the results.
{10261}{10316}Good. The cell phone is probably
{10318}{10362}how the bomber communicated with Dinkler.
{10380}{10459}Rigsby, Van Pelt, you guys go|and talk to Dinkler's co-workers.
{10461}{10504}Cho, you and I will go to his apartment.
{10518}{10571}Dinkler left work last night at 5:30.
{10574}{10631}At 8:00 A.M., he went back|and robbed the place.
{10634}{10686}Sometime in between,|somebody put a bomb on him.
{10702}{10758}So we track backwards, try and figure out
{10760}{10781}when somebody could have done that.
{10783}{10876}If we find out when, maybe we'll find out who.|Let's go. Okay.
{11242}{11310}CBI, ma'am.|Looking for your manager, Mr. Vermillion?
{11311}{11370}Oh, he's talking with the other agent.
{11375}{11414}I'll buzz you in.|Other agent?
{11447}{11463}Thank you.
{11571}{11628}Rigsby, Van Pelt, join the party.
{11632}{11688}Lisbon's been looking for you.|What are you doing here?
{11696}{11778}Ah, you know, curious.|Putting an explosive on someone--
{11780}{11826}It's unsporting, don't you think?|Don't you think?
{11835}{11923}Uh... Alan's loss is very|upsetting to all of us
{11926}{11966}in the ca$h in motion family.
{11968}{12067}Ca$h in motion family, right.|Oh, this is Drake Vermilion,
{12073}{12126}clearly an alias--|Who knows why?
{12141}{12187}Thwarted show business aspirations
{12190}{12264}or just an unfortunate birth name.|What--what is it?
{12286}{12345}I-I don't think that's germane.|Do you?
{12346}{12409}Ooh, "germane." Definitely showbiz.
{12440}{12483}I had a very successful career
{12485}{12518}in the musical theater, actually.
{12521}{12580}Of course you did, Drake.|Can you belt out a tune for us?
{12662}{12700}Smiling now, is it, Tracy?
{12710}{12757}All that sniveling, and now you smile?
{12759}{12807}What, I amuse you, do I?|No, sir.
{12809}{12841}Oh, "no, sir," she says.|Hey,
{12843}{12895}now everyone's stressed out here.|It's understandable.
{12897}{12939}Would you people please|just get to the point here?
{12940}{12993}The point.|Yes, Drake.
{13017}{13065}Wait. Sir, that is a restricted area.
{13067}{13110}Oh! Let's sing now.
{13232}{13285}Dinkler took the money from this vault.
{13289}{13369}Yes. Uh, he made me open it for him.
{13494}{13568}And he made Tracy and me go|inside the vault with him
{13570}{13609}while he shoveled money into a bag.
{13616}{13650}Then he locked us in the vault.
{13652}{13678}He probably thought we would suffocate.
{13680}{13733}No, he knew there was ventilation.|He knew we'd be all right.
{13735}{13796}Oh. You--you think that, do you?
{13798}{13849}- Wait. Do you have some special|insight here? - No, sir--
{13851}{13889}Did he talk to you?|No, sir--
{13891}{13940}Oh, "no, sir."|But he was a good person.
{13943}{13973}He wouldn't wanna hurt anyone.
{13978}{14050}Hmm. Thank you, Tracy. Useful to know.
{14070}{14125}Wait. You cannot go in there alone.
{14137}{14189}Tracy, can you show me|Dinkler's work space?
{14195}{14208}Sure. Thank you.
{14214}{14295}How much money is this?|$10,000.
{14300}{14365}Oh, wow. He left a lot more than he took.
{14370}{14406}In a hurry, I suppose.
{14407}{14426}Oh, look.
{14476}{14574}2 seconds. $50,000.|How much time did he need?
{14577}{14607}Did he take anything else?
{14610}{14685}I-I-I don't know.|I had my eyes closed, to be honest.
{14687}{14712}Put that back.
{14807}{14862}And where were you|standing in here, exactly?
{14930}{14990}Uh... here. I was here,
{14993}{15032}and--and--and Tracy was here.
{15034}{15071}Mm-hmm. And when he exited,
{15073}{15145}did he exit facing you, or|did he have his back to you?
{15148}{15186}Facing us, just like you're doing now.
{15188}{15274}Oh, he did. Then what did Dinkler do?
{15284}{15324}He shut the door.|Just like this?
{15393}{15409}Thank you!
{15411}{15431}Thanks for your help.
{15433}{15471}Wait, no! Wait, wait.
{15516}{15565}Oh, come on!
{15573}{15630}Tracy, there were some CDs in Alan's car
{15632}{15672}that contained these li...
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