Midnight - Tome Of Sorrows. Vol 1. Under The Shadow.pdf

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Tome of Sorrows Vol 1 - Under the Shadow
Chief Editor and Project Lead: Mike McConnell (Ashrem Bayle)
Shadowkind Publishing
(aka the “LXP”)
This is where the work got done. Nearly everything in this book can be attributed to those on this short, but impressive, list.
Todd Antill
Mark Howe (Neo)
Mike McConnell (Ashrem Bayle)
Additional Material: Wil Upchurch.
Layout: Mike McConnell (Ashrem Bayle)
Art and Graphics: Copyright 2003, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Used with permission.
Cover Art: Mitch Cotie
With additional help from:
Gormash: Energy Focus feat, Sundragon2012: Health/Battle Point system conversion, Siridar: Soul Blades, Soul Stalker Feat, Soul Hunter
Feat, Ancestral Weapons, Judd Karlman: 1d20 Ways to Start a Midnight Campaign.
The sample Commoner PCs originally written by Mike McConnel (Ashrem Bayle) and fl eshed out by Sir Osis of Liver, Shadowfane,
Swashbuckler, Misha, Emiricol, and Tailspinner.
Whisper Adepts, Smugglers, Aradil’s Eyes, Sarcosan Knights, Agone’s Coil, Erethor Tea, The Roll of Years, and the Adventure Hooks have all
been previously released on the Against the shadow website.
Special Thanks:
T odd Antill for creating our home ( www.againsttheshadow.org) . And his selfl ess acts of generosity.
Greg Benage at Fantasy Flight Publishing for working with us to make a good looking product.
and fi nally....
Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc., Christian T. Petersen and especially Wil Upchurch and Jeffrey Barber , for making the best
fantasy setting in print!
Midnight is a trademark of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Introduction 4
Chapter 5:
Midnight Campaigns
Midnight Timeline
Chapter 1:
Heroes of Eredane
New Human Subraces
1d20 Ways to Start A Campaign
DM Advice
Commoners as PCs
Chapter 6:
What Lurks After
Monsters of Midnight
Sample Characters
Prestige Classes
New Feats
Chapter 2:
Shades of Magic
Colors of Magic
Dragons of Aryth
God Touched Regions
Breaking a Black Mirror
Spells in Midnight
New Spells
Weapon Hardness and Hitpoints
Astirax Magic Sense
D&D 3.5 Updated Midnight Spell List
Magic Items
Chapter 3:
Blood of the Battlefield
Health and Battle Points
Declaration of Open Content
This netbook is published under the terms of the Open Game License
and the d20 System Trademark license ( http://www.wizards.com/d20 ).
Even though this netbook is free, its content is still governed by these
licenses and reuse of the materials found within must conform to the
standards and conditions of those licenses.
All rules material within this book is Open Content. You can use this
material in your own works, as long as you follow the conditions of the
Open Game License. You can copy the material to your website or even
put it in a book that you publish and sell.
Not everything in this book is Open Content, however. The names
of creatures and characters are designated as Open Content, as are
any game statistics, mechanics, and rules derived from the d20 SRD.
The descriptions of characters and the characters’ backgrounds, setting
information, story, and other background information are closed content
and cannot be republished, copied, or distributed without the consent of
Mike McConnell and Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.
The following are designated as Product Identity pursuant to section
1(e) of the Open Game License, included in full at the end of this netbook:
the MIDNIGHT name, logo, and trademark, the graphic design and trade
dress of this book and all other products in the MIDNIGHT line, all
graphics, illustrations, maps, and diagrams in this book, and the following
names and terms: Aradil, Crown of Shadow, Eredane, Izrador, Shadow in
the North, and Night King.
MIDNIGHT, its Product Identity, and all Copyrighted images and
graphics are used with permission by Fantasy Flight Publishing,
Weapon and Armor Degradation
Temporary Constitution Damage
Chapter 4:
Ways of the World
Cold Weather Exposure
Starvation and Thirst
Overland Movement
Meat Freshness
Food Storage and Freshness
Tome of Sorrows
It has been almost two years since the idea for Midnight
germinated in our brains at the Fantasy Flight offi ces. When
the idea was fi rst fl oated around, we all knew immediately
that we had something special on our hands. It was hard to
pinpoint exactly what excited us so much, but there was a
defi nite intangible quality that drove us forward to make
the product. In the six months since the book’s release,
we’ve seen the setting embraced by fans the world over
in a way that we could never have predicted. The crowded
d20 market made many fans’ heads reel, and capturing the
imagination of so many people seemed to be nothing more
than a shot in the dark. I think we were wrong, however, and
the fans are still on the lookout for high quality, innovative
products, even as they plunk down their cash on their next
temporary fi x.
What is the Tome of Shadows? What you see before you
is the culmination of months of work. While a true labor of
love, that’s not to say it was easy. Of course, nothing worth
doing ever is.
I discovered Midnight some months ago during a
discussion on www.enworld.org . Wil was answering
questions about the setting, and the answers he gave struck
me as very intriguing. From what I could tell, it was as if
the fellows at Fantasy Flight Games had probed my mind
and extracted the most interesting elements of a campaign I
had been dreaming up for years. They then took that chaotic
mass and gave it purpose and order, grafting new ideas and
concepts I had never even thought of. In short, they gave
me the campaign setting I had always wanted.
Midnight’s fans are not just roleplaying enthusiasts,
though. I’ve found them to be some of the most imaginative,
energetic DMs and players in the hobby. They have
spontaneously created material, asked probing questions,
and put their hearts into the setting since day one. When
I created the Yahoo! Group (groups.yahoo.com/group/
midnight-d20) I never expected the level of feedback and
support that the setting would get, and I still enjoy reading
people’s campaign logs and conversion ideas. Midnight has
been converted to more systems than I’ve ever seen, and I
think that speaks to the fact that it is a setting with mythic
appeal outside the game system for which it was written.
At this point, I was suffering from the ever dreaded “DM
Burnout”. I was getting tired. My well of creativity was
running dry. Maybe this would do the trick? When I fi nally
got my hands on a copy of the Midnight Campaign Setting,
I immediately fell in love. Sparks of creativity erupted like
a fi reball . It had been years since I had such a desire to
game, and I took to it with newfound zeal.
Of course, there is never enough. I saw a few little
things left unchanged in the d20 system that I could tweak
to further bend the rules around the Midnight fl avor. So I
went to work on my house rules. A small change here, a
major overhaul there and it was fi nished. Or so I thought.I
released my house rules to the public over at Against the
Shadow to see what like minded individuals would think. It
turns out many agreed with my changes and my take on the
world. Eventually, what started out as a simple set of house
rules, bloomed into the netbook you see before you.
This netbook represents the culmination of months of
hard work by Midnight fans across the world, brought
together by the excellent fansite, Against the Shadow
( www.againsttheshadow.org) . The great work of that site’s
webmaster and the fans who frequent it can be seen in this
netbook, which is as extraordinary a fan production as I’ve
ever run across. I’m proud to be associated with such a great
community of fans, and I hope that we can keep fi ghting the
Shadow for many years to come.
I gathered to myself many of those fellows, those with
quality ideas and large post counts who weren’t afraid to
let their opinions be known. They had a good grasp on
the world of Midnight, and served to further fuel my own
growing love for the setting. Thus was born the netbook
committee, or as we have come to call ourselves, the
League of Extraordinary Posters.
Wil Upchurch
Co-Designer of Midnight
As it turns out, the guys I picked wasted no time in
throwing themselves into the project. Midnight oil began to
burn, and the Tome of Sorrows emerged from the Shadow.
We hope you enjoy it.
Mike (Ashrem Bayle) McConnell
Editor of the Tome of Sorrow
Chapter 1
Heroes of Eredane
This chapter offers a host of new options for Midnight
PCs. Here you will fi nd rules for starting characters off
as commoners, as well as two new human subraces, new
prestige classes, new feats, a variant of the Mystic heroic
Path and four organizations that may help the PCs fi ght the
forces of the Shadow.
great ease. While they have few fi xed settlements, there are
places that have been used as campsites for generations of
the same tribe. Extended family groups called tohmar are
the basis for the culture, centered around a hunter-chieftain,
with rank being based on closeness of relationship to this
leader. Above this are tribes, collections of loosely related
tohmar. Asmadarins dress in functional leather or woolen
breeches, regardless of gender, and tend to go shirtless or
wearing only a breastband for females. Around this garb
goes a very long dyed woolen scarf or sash, with patterns of
colour used to mark social position or prestige.
New Human
Asmadarins are ferociously devoted to their horses.
Each individual believes that the spirit-riders of the Sorshef
send a soul-sibling to each person, and that this soul is
reincarnated into every horse that person ever rides. For this
reason, Asmadarins always call their horses by the same
name. Although gemstones are almost without value in the
rest of Eredane, in Asmadar they have always been used as
love-tokens and marks of bravery, as going into the Desert
of Tears is a risky proposition at the best of times.
In the early years of the second age, the Sarcosans
came from over the seas to Eredane. Although the majority
of them settled in fortresses along the Kasmael coast, a
number also brought their herds and crops to Asmadar,
the large island off the south-eastern shores of Eredane. In
the intervening millennia, the mainland Sarcosans and the
colonists of Asmadar have diverged in culture and blood,
the latter becoming accustomed to a nomadic, non-sessile
life. They raise the Sarcosan adoration of horses to a higher
form, and can live off the land in a way that would put the
city-dwellers to shame. On the other hand, they have lost
many of the Sarcosan social skills from their long period of
independence and wandering lifestyle.
Prefering to fi ght from the saddle in all circumstances,
Asmadarins are undoubtedly the fi nest light cavalry this
side of Pelluria. Like the Sarcosans, they wield the ceduku
for preference.
* +2 Dex, -2 Int : Asmadarins are lithe and agile, but their
culture lacks a sophisticated level of science.
* +1 to all Refl ex saves : Asmadarins are a naturally quick
and wily folk.
* Bonus skill points : Like all humans, Asmadarins push
themselves to learn and adapt. They gain 4 bonus skill
points at character creation and an additional +1 every time
they gain a level.
* Bonus general feat : Asmadarins have the human knack
for picking up specialised talents.
Asmadar is a warm, rich land, it’s soil suited to the light,
sporadic agriculture of the Asmadarins, and it has suffered
less of the shadowblight than anywhere else on Eredane, save
the Miraleen forests. A nomadic folk, they dwell is conical
tents called tipi , which can be put up or packed away with
Chapter 1: Heroes of Eredane
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