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{1392}{1454}O'Donnell, save something for the game.
{1468}{1506}I'm just warming up, coach.
{1510}{1570}Just talked to the scout again.|He's coming tonight.
{1574}{1628}You play half the game|I know you're capable of...
{1632}{1685}...he's prepared to offer you|a full scholarship.
{1695}{1762}Free ride to college|and the world's your oyster, kid.
{1797}{1822}Thanks, coach.
{1846}{1913}All right, jockstraps,|let's gather up. Picture time.
{1917}{1948}Try not to break the camera.
{1993}{2036}We gotta hang on. Ned's not here yet.
{2040}{2078}Who cares? He's the water boy.
{2082}{2138}That doesn't matter,|because he's part of the team.
{2147}{2202}Sorry I'm late! Sorry I'm late!
{2253}{2294}But what kind of Dungeon Master|would I be...
{2298}{2375}...if I left my party in the middle|of a battle with a hippogriff?
{2379}{2425}Check it out, it's Merlin the Girlin.
{2460}{2565}Um, Ned, Ned, look, I'm your best friend,|all right, and I'll always have your back.
{2569}{2639}But there's only so much I can do|when you show up in a dress.
{2643}{2721}O'Donnell. How about you and Boy George|join us for this picture?
{2725}{2763}- Yep. Yep.|- Just one sec.
{2787}{2858}Give the little guy the sign, please.|Here we are.
{2862}{2902}Nice, guys. Scoot up in back.
{2906}{2975}Come on, you gotta look pretty|for the ladies, right? Come on.
{2979}{3054}Yeah. Let's do it. Three, two, one.
{4770}{4802}Hey, Vanilla Ice.
{4816}{4874}We got a game here. Let's bring it in.
{4916}{4978}Man, I had to. I had to.
{4982}{5020}Oh, man, over there.
{5074}{5149}Who is that stone-cold fox?
{5153}{5234}Oh, it's my girlfriend.
{5270}{5296}Take no prisoners, bro.
{5300}{5382}Oh, hey, there's my girl.|- Hey.
{5386}{5482}I'm glad you're here, Scar. This whole|scout thing has me wicked nervous.
{5486}{5554}I just feel like my whole future's|riding on this game.
{5575}{5636}Yeah. Yeah, I know how you feel.
{5640}{5688}Yeah? Is everything...?|Everything's cool, right?
{5692}{5746}Oh, yeah. Everything's totally copacetic.
{5750}{5788}- Totally?|- Totally.
{5834}{5892}I gotta go. See you.
{6082}{6118}You okay?
{6139}{6164}Uh, uh...
{6205}{6270}- We can talk about it later.|- No. Just tell me.
{6274}{6316}It's your big night. Go enjoy it.
{6320}{6388}I can't enjoy it unless you tell me|what's going on.
{7520}{7562}Wake up!
{7598}{7680}What are you doing?
{8552}{8605}Scar! Scar, hey.
{8609}{8634}Hey, Scarlet.
{8638}{8723}- Hey, hey. Hey, what are you doing?|- Mike, what are you doing?
{8727}{8798}Look, you and me,|we're in this together, okay?
{8802}{8886}- But the game. That's your future.|- No, the baby's my future.
{8892}{8942}- That's crazy.|- You're my future.
{8946}{9020}I can't let you throw this all away.|I won't let you.
{10159}{10228}Thank you for letting me stay here, Ned.
{10232}{10298}Oh, yeah. No problem.
{10343}{10418}- You good on the Cap'n?|- I'm good on the Captain.
{10514}{10554}Hey, Mike?
{10570}{10662}Mike, I can tell you're down,|but trust me on this.
{10666}{10730}You're looking at Scarlet|kicking you out of the house...
{10734}{10837}...and the kids wanting nothing to do|with you as a negative, when in fact...
{10923}{10982}- I guess it's mostly negative, isn't it?|- Well, yeah.
{10986}{11038}I had no upside for that.
{11054}{11114}Hey! You're getting that|big promotion today, right?
{11118}{11158}Yes. Yes, I am.
{11162}{11226}Today everything turns around for me.
{11230}{11273}Knock them dead.
{11306}{11343}I love you!
{11674}{11710}So anyway...
{11714}{11762}...the way corporate|wants us to spin it...
{11766}{11838}...is that maybe, in certain situations...
{11844}{11925}...a four-hour erection|isn't such a terrible thing.
{11950}{12002}Okay. Next up:
{12006}{12108}As most of you know, today I am proud to|be naming our new regional sales manager.
{12112}{12150}- Here we go.|- You know...
{12162}{12294}...l've been in the pharmaceutical game|for almost two years now...
{12298}{12377}...and people always ask me:|"What's it take to be an RSM?"
{12564}{12669}But most importantly,|dedication to this company.
{12694}{12754}So congratulations. Mike.
{12774}{12882}Mike, if you could slide to your left so I|can congratulate our new RSM, Wendy!
{12886}{12937}Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
{12986}{13050}Go out there and push some pills,|my peeps.
{13055}{13089}WOGood job, baby!
{13114}{13162}Bye-bye, thanks.
{13166}{13225}See you at practice. Mmm.
{13274}{13359}Mike. What's crack-a-lacking, coz?
{13363}{13441}Well, I'll tell you what's crack-a-lacking.|Are you kidding me?
{13448}{13534}Wendy's been here two months.|I've been here 16 years.
{13538}{13578}I got the best numbers on the team.
{13582}{13638}You should think of it as a compliment.
{13642}{13764}Think of it as us saying,|"You're just too valuable to promote."
{13797}{13830}- You little...|- Shh, shh, shh, hello?
{13834}{13906}Hey, buddy. No, no, no, I got time.
{13910}{14010}Ha. I know, right?|Look, listen, she was my doubles par...
{14127}{14216}So many girls and only one promotion,|but you guys are so supportive.
{14220}{14274}- But, Wendy, you did it.|- Thank you.
{14278}{14344}Wendy! Wendy! Wendy!
{14348}{14404}You guys! OMG.
{14408}{14506}Oh, and it gets better,|because we are going to T.G.I. Friday's!
{14510}{14545}- Shut up!|- Aah!
{16142}{16185}Mike O'Donnell.
{16254}{16282}Do I know you?
{16297}{16342}No. But I know you.
{16358}{16389}Oh, yeah?
{16405}{16493}High school star.|Never quite lived up to your potential.
{16530}{16603}Sooner or later you all come back|to the old school.
{16607}{16690}Stand there and look at the picture|of the glory days...
{16694}{16750}...wondering what might have been.
{16768}{16830}Seems to me you guys|are living in the past.
{16850}{16911}Well, of course I want to live in the past.
{16915}{16953}It was better there.
{16995}{17070}I'll bet you wish you had it|to do all over again.
{17085}{17143}Huh. You got that right.
{17208}{17242}You're sure about that?
{17274}{17311}Oh, yeah.
{17335}{17392}Dad.|- Hi, Mr. O'Donnell.
{17410}{17456}- Ladies.|What are you doing here?
{17460}{17506}Oh, I was just talking to...
{17591}{17682}Doesn't matter. I got off work early,|and I thought we could get ice cream.
{17766}{17834}- Why?|- Just go get your brother, okay?
{17883}{17914}WODo you need anything else?
{17918}{17957}No, we're fine.
{18055}{18114}What's the matter?|This used to be your favorite place.
{18118}{18190}- We used to come here for your birthday.|- When I was, like, 8.
{18369}{18442}So, Al, basketball season's coming up.
{18446}{18471}- You ready?|- Yeah.
{18475}{18518}- Been working on that outside shot?|- Mm-hm.
{18522}{18549}- Passing?|- Good.
{18553}{18592}- Dribbling?|- Really good.
{18596}{18642}Good's not going to get you|a scholarship.
{18646}{18710}I meant, it's great.|It's great, Dad. It's great.
{18714}{18772}That's my boy. Remember,|it's not how big you are.
{18776}{18801}It's how big you play.
{18807}{18839}Right up here.
{18851}{18908}Uh, Maggie got into Georgetown.
{18934}{18968}Maggie, that's awesome.
{18989}{19030}Can you turn down the?
{19452}{19519}Okay, guys, see you soon.
{19554}{19662}Love you. Nice chatting with you.
{19946}{20058}What the hell are you doing?
{20100}{20144}Hey, that's my stuff.
{20228}{20281}Why are you destroying our yard?
{20285}{20334}It's not our yard. It's my yard, remember?
{20351}{20432}You took the road not taken.|And I get the yard.
{20538}{20596}I'm going to turn it into a showpiece|for my clients.
{20600}{20677}- Clients of what?|- Landscape design.
{20681}{20710}Landscape design?
{20714}{20770}I'm going to show people what I can do.
{20796}{20894}Yeah, well, the divorce isn't final for|another two weeks, so you have no right.
{20898}{20998}Really? So I've spent the last 18 years|of my life listening to you whine...
{21002}{21080}...about the things you could've done|without me, and I have no right?
{21084}{21161}- It's just I put a lot of work into this yard.|- Did you?
{21165}{21222}Really? Like the barbeque pit?
{21260}{21358}Yeah. The way I remember that is that|you spent about an hour working on it...
{21362}{21453}...and then you spent the next two days|complaining about...
{21457}{21530}...if you had gone to college,|you could've hired someone to do it.
{21534}{21612}- I don't think it was a whole two days.|- Or the hammock over here.
{21646}{21744}I think you quit that one because|you just decided not to try anymore.
{21748}{21811}Look, try to see things|from my point of view.
{21815}{21880}I am extremely disappointed with my life.
{21884}{21926}I never asked you to marry me.
{21930}{21962}Yeah, but I did.
{22112}{22189}...you don't have to do me|any more favors, then.
{22193}{22252}We're not going to hold each|other back anymore, okay?
{22257}{22341}- Scar...|- I'll see you at court, okay? At the trial.
{22410}{22458}- You came.|Of course I came.
{22462}{22543}What bridesmaid would I be if I|didn't hold your hand during the divorce?
{22547}{22636}Now, just remember.|The first one's always the hardest.
{22640}{22672}- Mike.|- Naomi.
{22676}{22709}- Naomi.|- I don't care.
{22713}{22788}Let's get going. We got to get you ready.|Back on the market.
{22792}{22821}Yeah, I'm a real catch.
{22825}{22922}Single mom with two teenage kids|and manure caked under my fingernails.
{22926}{22985}You'll do great. You got the butt|...
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