
(31 KB) Pobierz
{2859}{2912}Allora, come stai, Leone?
{3057}{3112}OK, OK. Let's talk business.
{3184}{3271}This fat bastard is trying to move|in on Maurizio's business.
{3271}{3339}Now you know|Maurizio is a reasonable guy.
{3339}{3403}He just wants|a little conversation.
{3427}{3497}But this guy|he don't wanna hear about it.
{3501}{3538}Maybe he'll listen to you.
{3538}{3620}He comes to town every Tuesday.|Are you free Tuesday?
{3689}{3740}Yeah, I'm free Tuesday.
{4130}{4190}Nice to see you again, Mr. Jones.
{4526}{4609}Remember, neatness counts.|You have got one haIf hour.
{4818}{4862}Aah... one hour.
{5146}{5183}Yeah, what?
{5183}{5233}This' Tonto downstairs.
{5258}{5324}There's a guy who wants to talk to you.
{5355}{5402}What's he look like?
{5487}{5529}Tell him I'm coming up.
{5529}{5571}He's coming up.
{5629}{5697}Somebody's coming up.|Somebody serious.
{5838}{5897}open your eyes, we got company.
{5954}{5997}We got company!
{6297}{6332}Come on.
{6540}{6582}Stop! Stop men!
{6832}{6914}Tell the driver to wait for us|out back and hurry up!
{8029}{8072}Hey sweetie, what's going on?
{8072}{8141}Don't worry, baby. It's cool.|Take a nap.
{8594}{8631}Oh my God!
{8658}{8724}Those fuckers blocked|both the exits.
{8826}{8872}Check the terrace!
{10608}{10636}911 emergency.
{10636}{10698}I need help!|Somebody's trying to kill me!
{10698}{10791}All right, just stay on the line.|I'll just be off for a moment.
{10793}{10848}Sir, I'm gonna connect you|with an officer.
{11294}{11358}Detective Jefferson,|may I help you?
{11368}{11414}I'll call you back.
{11502}{11543}Hey, relax man.
{11546}{11612}I've got half of Bolivia sitting|in those suitcases over there...
{11612}{11697}Hasn't even been cut yet!|Go ahead, take it, it's yours!
{11814}{11859}Dial this number.
{12186}{12248}I'll talk to you later sweetie, OK?
{12423}{12505}It's Maurizio. Remember me?|I see you're back in town.
{12532}{12605}Yeah... No. I mean, no!|just for today...
{12646}{12714}So it's safe to say|today's your last day in town
{12714}{12782}and we'll never see your|fat fucking face again?
{12782}{12822}Yeah, right.
{12847}{12909}Let me speak to our mutual friend.
{12957}{13009}He wants to talk to you.
{13139}{13209}Make sure he understands,|then let him go.
{13442}{13487}Do you understand?
{13537}{13559}So say it.
{13559}{13599}I understand.
{14555}{14625}Hola, que tal, amigo!|Two milks as usual?
{16333}{16391}Why did you hide the cigarette?
{16402}{16496}This building's full of rats.|I don't want my old man to find out.
{16510}{16559}Got enough problems...
{16795}{16837}What happened?
{16846}{16893}I fell off my bike.
{17215}{17285}Don't tell my dad|about the cigarette, OK?
{17790}{17830}I mean, what's my job?|I'm just a holder.
{17830}{17866}I hold the stuff|just like you give it to me.
{17866}{17930}I don't look at it. I don't touch it,|I don't even know how to cut it.
{17930}{17960}Try and follow me, all right?
{17960}{18027}In June when we gave you the dope,|it tests a 100% pure.
{18027}{18112}Now it's July. We pick up the dope|and it tests 90% pure.
{18115}{18195}Now, somewhere between June and|July 10% turned to cut.
{18195}{18239}I don't know, that's none of my business,|I'm just a hoIder.
{18239}{18271}You give me the stuff,|I hold the stuff,
{18271}{18302}that's all I know!
{18302}{18366}Hey look, you know, I'm trying|to help you out here.
{18366}{18434}But, you know, if you're gonna|be a hard ass about it,
{18434}{18481}I gotta disturb him.
{18488}{18524}Now let me tell ya:
{18524}{18604}when he's into his music,|he hates being disturbed.
{18616}{18670}I'm telling you the truth!
{18672}{18763}I hope so. Because he's got a talent|for sniffing out a lie...
{18777}{18849}It's scary,|it's almost like a sixth sense.
{18898}{18930}Now, are you gonna
{18930}{19004}change your tune or|do I gotta bust into his?
{19053}{19106}I'm telling you the truth.
{19286}{19325}All right...
{19502}{19593}I'm, I'm sorry, you see,|he says he didn't cut the dope.
{20581}{20629}Of course, he didn't.
{20857}{20937}Just do me a favor.|Find out who did. For tomorrow.
{21291}{21335}Malky, hey, wait!
{21355}{21430}Hey, I didn't cut your shit!|Find out yourself!
{21571}{21604}What the hell are you doing|out here?
{21604}{21637}Get inside and do your homework.
{21637}{21654}I did it already.
{21654}{21698}Oh yeah? Well, you can get inside|and help your sister
{21698}{21783}clean up the goddamn house!|And stop smoking cigarettes!
{24648}{24692}Time's up, my turn now.
{24692}{24765}Change the channel|and I'll smash your face!
{25079}{25124}Sorry, sweetheart.
{25207}{25255}Good morning, sleepy.
{25275}{25326}Hi, honey. Hey, you two.
{25343}{25422}Sweetheart, turn that down,|mom has got a headache.
{25431}{25460}She took my turn!
{25460}{25514}She just wants to watch|these goddamn cartoons!
{25514}{25557}It wouldn't hurt her|to move her ass a bit.
{25557}{25631}I'm not the one|with the fat ass around here!
{25665}{25725}Can someone who is doing nothing|all day but watching cartoons
{25725}{25795}move her little ass|and go get some food?
{25858}{25915}I dare you to say that again!
{26014}{26070}Margie, I think I screwed up.
{26073}{26103}It wouldn't be the first time,
{26103}{26150}I mean you always come up|with something, right?
{26150}{26230}Yeah, but I think I went|a little too far this time.
{26238}{26271}I think you're going|a little too far right now.
{26271}{26324}I'm gonna be late for work.
{26324}{26383}How about working at home today?
{26610}{26664}She's gonna hit me! Daddy.
{26687}{26743}Shit, shut the goddamn door!
{26858}{26900}Fucking bitch!
{27135}{27172}Hey,|can somebody answer the phone?
{27172}{27208}I'm busy!
{27389}{27430}This is Margaret McAllister,
{27430}{27517}headmistress at the Spencer School|in Wildwood, New Jersey.
{27535}{27588}Is Mr. or Mrs. Lando home?
{27670}{27715}Yes, this is she.
{27719}{27804}Mrs. Lando, when your husband|enrolled Mathilda at Spencer,
{27804}{27859}he told us she had... problems.
{27859}{27876}Well, as you know,
{27876}{27934}we pride ourselves in turning|troubled girls into healthy,
{27934}{27964}productive young women.
{27964}{28048}But if they are not here,|there is very little we can do.
{28048}{28078}Now, Mathilda left school
{28078}{28119}without permission|nearly two weeks ago.
{28119}{28190}I know your husband paid tuition|in advance for a year.
{28190}{28256}But if you will refer|to page 20 in the rules
{28256}{28300}and regulations manual we sent you,
{28300}{28370}you wilI see that unless|there is a valid excuse
{28370}{28451}for prolonged absence,|your tuition will be forfeit.
{28470}{28507}She's dead.
{30821}{30908}Is life always this hard,|or is it just when you're a kid?
{31011}{31055}Always like this.
{31210}{31245}Keep it.
{31415}{31495}Hey, I'm going grocery shopping.|You want some milk?
{31530}{31592}One quart of two? It's two, right?
{34078}{34156}I like these calm little moments|before the storm.
{34211}{34265}It reminds me of Beethoven.
{34406}{34449}Can you hear it?
{34475}{34550}It's like, when you put|your head to the grass.
{34579}{34667}You can hear it growing.|You can hear the insects, bzzzz...
{34836}{34872}Do you like Beethoven?
{34872}{34898}Couldn't really say.
{34898}{34950}I'm gonna play you some.
{35351}{35395}Benny, stay here!
{35559}{35599}Daddy! Daddy!
{35952}{35992}Jesus! Fuck!
{36395}{36435}We said noon!
{36530}{36582}I've got one minute past.
{36669}{36722}You don't like Beethoven.
{36754}{36805}You don't know what you're missing.
{36805}{36876}Overtures like that|get my juices flowing.
{36913}{36953}So powerful!
{36982}{37047}But after his openings,|to be honest,
{37076}{37150}he does tend to get|a little fucking boring...
{37233}{37281}That's why I stopped!
{37383}{37429}Toss the apartment.
{37937}{38003}You're a Mozart fan.|I love him, too.
{38051}{38096}I lo-o-ove Mozart!
{38224}{38272}He was Austrian, you know.
{38272}{38351}But for this kind of work,|he's a little bit light.
{38383}{38448}So I tend to go for|the heavier guys.
{38501}{38541}What the fuck are you doing, huh?
{38541}{38605}Man,|keep your bombacut mouth shut.
{38624}{38684}Check out Brahms, he's good too.
{38694}{38728}What the fuck do you know|about music?
{38728}{38775}Yeah, knock it off!
{39120}{39141}Checked the mattress?
{40902}{40925}Look what you did!
{40925}{40941}Stan, are you all right?
{40941}{40987}LOOK WHAT YOU DID!
{41432}{41494}Hey, Stan. Stan!|What're you doing?
{41497}{41542}What're you doing, he's dead!
{41542}{41591}But he ruined my suit.
{41608}{41666}I know. I know, but he's dead.
{41667}{41745}He's a piece of meat, forget about it.|Calm down.
{41754}{41791}I'm calm.
{41817}{41860}Stay there, OK?
{42049}{42104}Jesus fucking Christ, Benny!
{42126}{42173}It's Malky and Stan!
{42211}{42284}Take it easy, all right?|Come on, come on.
{42398}{42460}Come on.|Let's get a cigarette, all right?
{42460}{42510}Benny, we're coming out!
{42529}{42574}Benny, don't fire!
{42580}{42645}Get in!|Jesus fucking Christ, Benny!
{42712}{42769}You wear something new and...
{42804}{42845}Take it easy!
{42876}{42919}What's happening out there?
{42919}{42974}It's all right, Ma'am,|go in. ...
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