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Copyright, 1940, 1959
Agni Yoga Society, Inc.
This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced in English
or in translation to any other language
without written permission from the publisher
Second Edition Revised 1959
Second Printing 1980
Printed in the United States of America
Signs of Agni Yoga
Entering upon labor, let us beware of weakening in action. Through ignorance it is
possible to be filled with thoughts which enfeeble and impede the broadening of consciousness.
But let us remind ourselves about the Fundamental Force. Let us reiterate the principles of the
Source of advancement and tirelessness.
The All-bestowing Principle is often forgotten, therefore let us summon all our
attentiveness in order to become permeated with the Fundamental
1. Let us examine the rainbow—observe that there is in it no blood-red color, nor black; among
the higher radiations we find only a radiance and refinement of color. Certain colors which are
reminiscent of the higher spheres penetrate to the surface of Earth. Some people love these echoes
of the Higher World, but others, on the contrary, prefer the densest shades, and in accordance
with such a distinction it is possible to classify people discriminately. One who does not prefer
the subtle quality of color has not yet reached a state of ready understanding of the higher worlds.
Do not even try to approach such a man, he is under a blood-red cloud. Often such people perish,
for their regeneration is almost impossible, and many remedies will fail to benefit them.
2. The physician observes that certain medicines act quite differently on different people. A
certain excellent vivifying remedy may act on some people only as an aphrodisiac. People can be
tested by their reactions to medicines. A lower nature will draw from substances only the lower,
but each entity which is joined to the highest draws precisely the highest. Such a law must be
remembered. Even a physician rarely interprets correctly the various effects of medicines.
However, there should be commensurateness in everything.
3. Physicians can be true helpers of humanity in the ascent of the spirit. The intellect of a
physician must be reinforced by his heart. It should be impossible for the physician to be an
ignorant denier. The physician must be a psychologist, and he must not ignore the wondrous
psychic energy. It is not strange that the physician is being mentioned at the beginning of the
writings about Aum. All those should be mentioned who are responsible for the bond with the
higher energies.
4. If earthly substances act so diversely on different people, then how much more varied is the
reaction on them of the highest energies! Long ago people understood that for the proper
reception of these rays it is needful to bring the organism into a harmonious condition. For this
purpose the Wise Ones have indicated the power of sacred invocations. Aum, or phonetically
Om, was such a synthesis of sonant strivings. Prayer and inward concentration are excellent
attainments which render healthful the state of the spirit. Each one in his own way has contributed
a manifestation useful to spiritual concentration, whether he sought the solution in music, in song,
or in the dance; there have even been crude methods leading to intoxication and frenzy. There
were many deviations and errors, but fundamentally man was striving to create a particularly
exalted state of mind, promoting the reception of the higher energies.
5. A man cannot spend his life without experiencing, though it be but once, the warmth of the
heart. Indeed, this will be a fiery sensation, but when it is encircled with a luminous diadem and
rainbow, it is then merged with the higher energies. People should not talk and complain that
nothing is accessible to them; on the contrary, throughout earthly life they can already sense the
great energies. The earthly body cannot always feel such manifestations, it would burn up. But in
a lofty state the spirit can nevertheless experience the rays of Grace.
Let people not complain, but live more purely.
6. When you ponder deeply, you will perceive Our path. We are ready to help wherever the law
permits. We grieve when We see that people, not having reached the line of salvation, as madmen
cast themselves into the abyss. How many thoughts are expended in order to reach the simplest
and best result. Yet often the madmen dare to assault the Highest while they are still enveloped by
darkness. This is similar to the casting of a stone into the waves of the ocean. True, it may create
a little splash, but it can hardly affect the mighty current. Thus it is with all attacks against the
great energies. The most savage assault is shattered against the rock of the unconquerable spirit.
The boasting of the dark forces only indicates their madness. All-powerful Aum will overcome
the most insane and violent attack.
7. At the present time much is being created. In vain may some one think that something does not
exist when it is already in existence. Thus it is also with entire nations—some proceed as the
dead, others as the newly born. Thus it is in everything.
8. You know well the lightning speed and the suddenness of thoughts sent from Above. The
difficulty in remembering such thoughts indicates to what extent an alien energy is intruding into
the usual stream of consciousness. Such forgetfulness depends not upon the quality of
consciousness, but upon a completely different condition pertaining to powerful energies. It must
be noted how difficult it is to retain such sendings in the memory. Ordinary efforts to remember
are of no avail; if sendings are recalled, it is in some unexpected way, that is, through contact
with a similar energy.
The ancient wisdom taught that for recalling such sendings it is necessary to press upon
the third eye. This counsel was very wise, for by simply pressing the bridge of the nose with the
fingers one can cause the center of the third eye to retain the ray of the thought. Likewise, you
well know that the state of highest Samadhi is dangerous for the earthly body. The power of the
higher energies may not be transmitted through fragile vehicles, yet by overcoming the usual state
of disharmony one may render less dangerous the contacts of the higher wings. Again let us recall
the various means for bringing oneself into an exalted state. From antiquity people have
attempted by special means to shield themselves from danger in contacting the Higher Forces.
But the best expedient will be constant thought about the Higher Forces. By such means psychic
energy becomes accustomed to the possibility of reaction to the Higher Forces and, in order that it
be not shaken, the nerve substance is reinforced accordingly. Of course even one's best friend can
cause a shock if he enters unexpectedly.
9. Very few people remain unterrified if told what actually surrounds them. Let us enumerate the
rays and all the chemical influences, both from the far-off worlds and from Earth itself. Indeed,
reflected and refracted rays differ greatly from the basic ones. When, however, man hears that
instead of his being surrounded merely by air in the earthly sense he is surrounded by crystals of
granulations and even by continuous explosions, then many hearts become terrified. Of course the
air is blue and empty, Earth firm and immovable, and the sun plays the part of a lantern! Ask the
shopkeeper on the corner—his conception will be not very far from these beliefs. Only a minority
of people attempt to think about their surroundings.
10. Unwillingness to think conceals the entrance into the future. Meanwhile let us picture to
ourselves the difference of consciousness in each century. The difference in qualities of
consciousness is amazing. Often the degree of ignorance will be almost identical, but its qualities
will be different. These fluctuations must be noted in the history of culture, and a most
remarkably steep spiral will become evident. Let us observe how these circles of the spiral have
almost touched each other at times, and then receded in order to return upward. Therefore one
may be an optimist.
11. I can rejoice when I see the warriors full of vigor. There are many paths and the persecutors
will pursue them in vain. Moreover, each battle with darkness is a worthy action. Each dispersion
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