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              9/1 Question Tags i konstrukcje typu So do I ".

              Dopisz wtaœciwy Question Tag.

1. We have no time for discussion now..

2. The Allens won't be happy to hear that..?

3. We did our best..? 

4. I am silly to expect better money ?  

5. Stella isn't guilty of what her husband did,..?     

6. It's been the happiest day in our lives?  

7. There isn't any more work to do? 

8. She can't travel to school on her own ?

9. Brent wasn't your best friend?  

10. They are having the windows replaced,..?

11. This girl looks like Madonna?

12. You haven't seen the accident,.?

13. You were at the office before nine o'clock,.?

14. Jack will report the incident to the boss, ...? 

15. He didn't know what to say.?

16. She hadn't realized the meaning of this sign?

17. They should modernize this crossroads,..?   

18. There are a few good hotels",?


              9.2  Przettumacz wyra¿enia w nawiasach.

1. Show Mr Brown in (dobrze)?   

2. "I can't stand black coffee (Ja te¿)."

3. You have never heard of this writer (prawda)?   

4. I asked if she wanted to marry me and she said x (¿e nie). 

5. Have you finished yet? x (Jeœli tak), we can go out.     

6. Everybody liked her new spring collectionx (tak)?

7. "Write to us soon." " (Z pewnoœci" napiszê)..

8. "Can I speak to Mr Pitt?…….. (Obawiam siê, ¿e nie)."

9. "They eventually found their dog...." (Naprawdê)?"

10. Make me a cup of tea..,.. (dobrze)?

11. "I had a good rest last night…..(Ja te¿)."

12.Haven't you seen my glasses?....(Ja widziatem) "

13. "I'm no good at counting........ (Ja te¿)."

14. Try even harder this time, ....

15. "Will we be on time?....... (Mam nadziejê, ¿e tak)."

16. There won't be any trouble with her, ....... (nieprawda¿)?

17. "We would go travelling if we could….. . (Ja tak¿e)."

18. Nobody has come yet........ (czy¿ nie)?

19. "Who told you that the cake was for you? ...... (Betty)."

20. There wasn't anybody at home at that time…… ... . (prawda)"

21. Don't be late for tomorrow's performance…. (dobrzel?

22. "Do you think she's old enough to travel alone?.... (Nie s"dzê)."

23. "Haven't you done your homework yet?" ... (Zrobitem).

24. "I won't tell them anything........ (A ty)?..... (A ja taki.

25. You must mark all the test papers for tomorrow.... ,... .... .. , (czy¿ nie)?

26. Will you be able to come? ............ (Jeœli nie), phone me in advance.

27. I mustn't take this dictionrevising for my exams recently." "....... (Ja te¿i

29. "We are thinking of employing new people…. (Naprawdêo

30. "Will the test be difficult? .... (Mam nadziejê, ¿e niel.

31. "They haveñt brought any food." …….(My te¿ niel."

32. They will never understand my motives, ...(czy¿ nie)?

33. He told us to wait but we said ..... (¿e nie bêdziemy czekaæ)

34. "Are they going to invite us out?" ..........(Nie przypuszczam'"

35. We must prepare the rooms for the guests, ............(prawda)?

36. Should I have apologized to him?" …(Uwa¿am, ¿e powinienes".'

37. "He wasn't surprised at all........(Naprawdê)?"

38. "We didñ t see the south part of the country........ _ (My te¿ nie)."

39  t's offer him a pay rise, (dobrze)?

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