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10.1 Rzeczownik: I. mnoga, dope³niacz, okreœlanie iloœci.  Wpisz podane rzeczowniki w liczbie mnogiej. Przy niepoliczalnych postaw znak

1. box                                          2. leaf                                           3. Rice                             4. tooth.                             5. language

6. fruit                                          7. watch                             8. county.                            9. Kilo                                          10. happiness.


              10.2 Zakreœl poprawn¹ formê

1. It was (a nice, nice) weather yesterday.

2. We met at (Philip, Philipœ) yesterday.

3. We received (few informations, little information).

4. (Children's, Childrens" shoes are over there.

5. Could you lend me (a little, little) money?

6. Write your name in (the corner of the page, the page œ corner).

7. Our (baggage is, baggages are) still on the plane.

8. Why did you scribble the phone number on the (book cover, book œ cover)?

9. There (is, are) a lioness and three cubs in the cage.

10. (Many, Much) thanks to Mr Bradley, who helped us to organize the race.

11. Where shall I find (ladies; ladyœJ dresses?

12. The news (was, were) good.

13. This is (Mr Jones œ, Mr Jones J office.

14. He gave me (two pieces of advice, two advices).

15. You can buy those pills at the (chemistœ, chemists) without a prescription.

16. Let's meet æt five opposite the (ticket office, tickets office).

17. There were five (thousand, thousands) soldiers at the military parade.

18. The British (are, is) known as great bird lovers.


              10.3  Przettumacz.

1. Sheila jest ¿on¹ mojego s¹siada.

2. Niewielu ludzi mieszka na tej wyspie.

3. Jej wtosy s¹ krótkie.

4. "Czyj jest ten parasol?" "Myœlê, ¿e Toma".

5. Ojciec ma najmniej czasu w poniedziatek.

6. Jest trochê œwie¿ego mleka w tym szklanym dzbanku.

7. Drzwi kuchenne s¹ otwarte.

8. Zrobitam kilka æwiczeñ.

9. Proszê stan¹æ w rogu pokoju.

10. Mam mato cierpliwoœci.

11. Policja rozmawia ze œwiadkami wypadku.

12. Mam mniej pomystów ni¿ ty.

13. Wiêkszoœæ dzieci lubi bawiæ siê na dworze.

14. W tej szkole jest mniej dziewczyn ni¿ chtopców

15. Jego ubranie byto bardzo drogie.

16. Tu jest za mato krzese³.


              10.4 Wpisz podane rzeczowniki w liczbie mnogiej.

1. goose .....                             2. formula ......                             3. passer-by ....                             4. sheep ....

5. Thief ....                             6. cactus .....                             7. phenomenon  .                 8. Ians .. cleus ..


              10.5 Podaj ¿eñskie odpowiedniki podanych

1. father-in-law                                                         2. gender                                                                       3. actor ....

4. nephew ......                                                          5. sheep ..                                                          6. cow .....

7. waiter                                                                                     8. duke .                                                                       9. businessman

10. prince                                                                                     12. eskimo .....                                            13. crisis .......

14. sister-in-law ……………              15 qaiz .....                                                         16. bacterium ........

17. fungus ........                                                         18. haro ...........                                          19. runner-up ......

20. basis .......                                                                       21. volcano ......                                          22. oasis ......

23. vacuum cleaner ,                                           24. belief .......                                                         25. woman driver .....

26. penny ..............


              10.6 Przettumacz wyra¿enia w nawiasach.

The latest .......... (dane) are being analysed.

2. Ben insists that Mr Wajda is ............. (jednym z przyjaciót jego ojca).

3. The team ................... (9ra) really well this season.

4. I bought ............... (te dwa meble) at the auction.

5. ,.. . (Dom Grega i Lucy) is a small bungalow by the sea.

6.(Tylko kilka osób jest) present at the meeting.

7................... (Twoje wtosy s¹) really beautiful. ...................... (Nie œcinaj ich).

8. Compared with Europe, ..... (Stany Zjednoczone maj") a shop' history.

9. Now, Betty Smith, will you tell us what ..…….. (prawn Archimedes"y is all about?

10............. (Coraz wiêcej klientów ptaci) with credit cards

11. He had .........(kieliszek wing) with his supper.

12. ........... (Tysi¹ce ludzi przybywa) to Mecca every year

13. ……. (Czy s¹ jakieœ pieni¹dze) on my bank accourn?

14. Have you got .......(dzisiejsz¹ gazetê)?

15. I need ...... (dobrej rady).

16. Twenty pounds ..... . (to dosyæ, ¿eby kupiæ) a nice present.

17. .........(Sypialnie Kim i Mary) are freshly wallpapered.

18. ..................(Trzysta osób byto) invited to ....................przyjêciecie urodzinowe ksiêcia Andrzeja).

19. The lecture on ……….. . (poezja Keatsa) has been cancelled

20. The missing boy, ….. .. ……. (trzyletni) Johnny Brown, has bew .. . and well.

21. Timmy, don't touch this bowl, it's………. (jedzenie psa'

22. I'm watching (coraz mniej filmów).

23. Don't drive between 7 and 8 when (jest du¿y ruch)

24. I've seen beautiful ..... (kieliszki do wina) on sale at Harroc-.

25. Would you mind telling me where I can get ....... .... (pokarm dla psów

26. (Ile ryb) did you catch yesterday?

27, .. (Wiele skandali politycznych jest) caused by dishonesty or gree.

28. After a ……… (dwudziestominutowej przemowie) the audience left t"c: room.

29. (Troje ludzi stracito ¿ycie) in the fire iast nig³ot.

30. Where did you put …… ikluczyki od samochodul.'

31. .... ....... .ICzy jolt dosyæ owoców)? Can we make tatkê owocow¹)

32. ….

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