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From January 2005 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2005 Summit Technical Media
High Frequency Design
Magnetic Materials for
Broadband Transmission
Line Transformers
By Jerry Sevick
Bell Laboratories (Retired) and Consultant
Ferrite and iron pow-
der magnetic materials
were developed to sup-
port a wide range of com-
ponents, including induc-
tors, EMI suppressors,
conventional transform-
ers and transmission line
transformers (TLTs). This
article deals with trans-
mission line transformers, presenting the
observations and conclusions of the author,
reached after extensive experimental research
into the behavior and performance of these
devices in broadband applications.
The author’s series of
articles on broadband
transmission line transform-
ers (TLTs) concludes with
these notes on magnetic
materials and the proper-
ties that are important for
best performance
Figure 1 · The three transformers used in
comparing the performance of the auto-
transformer and the transmission line trans-
former. At the top left is an autotransformer;
at the top right is the transmission line trans-
former, while at the bottom is a transmission
line transformer without a ferrite core. All
transformers had a total of 10 turns.
In 1944 George Guanella [1] published the
first paper on the broadband transmission
line transformer. His technique was to connect
transmission lines in parallel on the low side
and in series on the high side. His transfor-
mation ratios were 1: n 2 where n is 1:4. His
goal was to develop a balun (balanced-to-
unbalanced transformer) to match the inter-
nal impedance of a push-pull vacuum tube
amplifier with impedance of 960 ohms to the
unbalance load of 60 ohms of a coaxial cable.
Since Guanella did not have the magnetic
materials of today, his air wound transmission
lines could not satisfy his goal. Even with the
current materials it would still be a very diffi-
cult task.
Fifteen years later Clyde Ruthroff [2] pub-
lished his classic paper on the TLT. He not
only produced a 1:4 balun but also a 1:4 unun
(unbalanced-to-unbalanced transformer), each
using a single transmission line. For the unun
the bottom of the transmission line was con-
nected directly to the input, thus raising it by
the input voltage. Coiling the transmission
lines isolates the input and output, allowing
for low frequency operation. The output con-
sists of a direct voltage in series with a
delayed voltage. This technique has been
described as a “bootstrap.” His balun was
achieved by connecting the transmission line
as a phase inverter. The load then was con-
nected directly to the input voltage and to the
end of the transmission line. Ruthroff ’s 1:4
unun was a successful design for amplifiers
using transistors, which have low impedance
and ferrite cores, which were then available.
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High Frequency Design
Figure 2 · Measurements taken on the three trans-
formers in Figure 1 when matched at 12.5:50 ohms.
Note that the transmission line transformer is superior to
the autotransformer both in efficiency and bandwidth.
Also notice the limited bandwidth without a core.
Figure 3 · Loss and bandwidth performance of 4:1
transformers operating at the 50:12.5 ohm level. Note
the shift in frequency range when materials of different
permeability are used.
Figure 3 shows the comparison of K5 and Q1 ferrite
cores operating at a 50:12.5 ohm using Ruthroff ’s 1:4
design. These are in turn compared to an autotransformer
using the Q1 core. As can be seen, the autotransformer is
vastly inferior and the TLTs have similar efficiencies at
this impedance level. Also the K5 transformer has a bet-
ter low frequency response because of the higher perme-
ability of this material.
Figure 4 includes a comparison of the two cores used
in Figure 3, but at the higher impedance level of a 200:50
ohm ratio. A similar transformer using a Q2 core is also
shown in the figure. The Q2 core shows that at a higher
impedance level a higher bulk resistivity is required for
optimum efficiency. Results for a fourth transformer
using a powdered iron core (E material) are also included.
Since this material has much lower permeability than the
ferrite materials, its low frequency response suffers
These amplifiers were used in the emerging digital sys-
tems of the time, namely high speed PCM (pulse code
It can be said that the broadband TLT favors low
impedance matching as will be shown. Higher
impedances cannot use higher permeabilities because
they tend to have higher losses. On the other hand lower
impedances not only benefit from lower reactive require-
ments but also by use of higher permeabilities. The next
section will show the general relationship between per-
meability and loss.
Magnetic Materials
An investigation on the short vertical antennae in the
40-meter amateur radio band [3] led to an interesting
conclusion. A 6-foot high, “top-hat” loaded vertical over a
lossless image plane (100 radials) presented an
impedance at resonance of only 3 ohms. After much
searching it was found that two 1:4 Ruthroth-style ununs,
connected in series, provided a match to a 50 ohm cable.
The resulting 1:16 impedance ratio efficiently trans-
formed the 3 ohms of the short vertical radial to 50 ohms.
The first experiment performed for understanding
these broadbrand devices was the comparison of a TLT
with an autotransformer, and with a TLT without a mag-
netic core. Figure 1 shows the three transformers. Since
all have the same number of turns, the transformers on
the top look the same while the one with the missing core
is obvious. Figure 2 shows the results of this experiment.
As can be seen, the autotransformer performs very poor-
ly compared to the TLT, and the core is very important for
low frequency response. The rest of this paper will review
results obtained for various magnetic materials.
Figure 4 · Loss vs frequency of four 4:1 transformers at
the 200:50 ohm level.
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High Frequency Design
following conclusions:
1) Since very little flux occurs in
the cores in the passband, the losses
are basically due to the potential dif-
ference along the lengths of the
transmission lines. The losses are
due to the voltages and are therefore
dielectric in nature. As was seen, the
highest bulk resistivity yields the
highest efficiency.
2) The other parameter that is
important with transmission line
transformers is the permeability.
High permeability of core materials
results in shorter transmission lines.
This directly benefits Ruthroff ’s boot-
strap approach, which adds a delayed
voltage to a direct voltage. Further,
with shorter transmission lines, their
characteristic impedance is some-
what less critical. If a toroid is used
for the core, the magnetizing induc-
tance L M (in henrys) is:
Bulk Resistivity
i )
10 8
Q1 (NiZn)
(formerly Indiana General)
10 9
Q2 (NiZn)
10 4 –10 5
H (NiZn)
10 -2
E (Powdered Iron) Arnold Engineering
3×10 7
C2050 (NiZn)
Ceramic Magnetics
5×10 6
C2025 (NiZn)
Ceramic Magnetics
10 6
CN20 (NiZn)
Ceramic Magnetics
7×10 9
CMD5005 (NiZn)
Ceramic Magnetics
10 8
61 (NiZn)
10 5
43 (NiZn)
10 2
77 (MnZn)
10 2 –10 3
3C8 (MnZn)
2×10 6
K5 (NiZn)
MH&W Intl. (TDK)
10 5 –10 6
KR6 (NiZn)
MH&W Intl. (TDK)
Table 1 · Cores, suppliers and specifications for the experiments
described in this paper. [The list is not comprehensive and includes some
materials not examined by the author. Readers should note that other
materials are also available for TLT applications—editor.)
Figure 5 shows the results of 4
transformers using nickel zinc cores,
but with different permeabilities. It
is interesting to note that the core
CMD5005 has the same efficiency
but with a much higher permeability.
Table 1 shows that this ferrite also
has a very high bulk resistivity,
which contributes to its performance
at the 200:50 ohm level.
Figure 6 shows three other ferrite
cores, which can be seen performing
quite poorly at the 200:50 ohm level.
Of particular note is the 3C8 curve.
This is a manganese zinc core, which
has a high permeability and a low
bulk resistivity, as shown in Table 1.
where N is the number of turns, µ 0 is
the permeability of the core, A e is the
effective cross-sectional area of the
core, and L e is the average magnetic
path length in the core.
We can see from the above equa-
tion that by increasing the perme-
ability ten-fold, the number of turns
Concluding Remarks
After consideration of the infor-
mation displayed in Table 1 and in
Figures 3 through 6, we can reach the
Figure 5 · Loss vs frequency for four core materials from
Ceramic Magnetics with optimized windings for the
50:12.5 ohm level.
Figure 6 · Measurements of 3C8, KR6 and H materials
at the 200:50 ohm level.
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is reduced by about one-third. Thus,
for a Ruthroff transformer, which
adds a delayed voltage to a direct
voltage, the high frequency response
is about three times greater.
3) When looking at the table and
the figures, two properties of the core
material stand out: permeability and
bulk resistivity. In fact, a figure of
merit can be defined in this case,
which is permeability times bulk
Also, as seen from the figures,
powdered iron and manganese zinc
(MnZn) ferrite are not recommended
for the broadest bandwidth. Again,
from the experimental results it is
seen that the nickel zinc (NiZn) fer-
rite CMD5005 has the highest figure
of merit. In recent discussions with
the supplier it was learned that the
typical value for the permeability is
1,500 and the bulk resistivity is 10 10
ity vs. frequency. Ferrites generally
have a flat µ i curve up to a cutoff fre-
quency. Just below this cutoff fre-
quency, the permeability often
increases, then begins a roll-off with
increasing frequency. This behavior
reduces the effective inductance with
increasing frequency, which can, in
some cases, affect high frequency
Also, ferrites typically have a dis-
tinct frequency where maximum Q is
obtained. This characteristic results
in a “sweet spot” of lowest loss in
many transformers, even when loss is
generally low over a wider band-
width. For maximum performance, a
designer will choose the material
that is a best fit with the frequency
range of the application.
We recommend that readers con-
tact ferrite manufacturers for addi-
tional information. These companies
represent the best available source of
technical information on magnetic
1. G. Guanella, “Novel Matching
Systems for High Frequencies,”
Brown-Boveri Review , Vol. 31, Sep.
1944, pp. 327-329.
2. W. K. Ruthroff, “Some Broad-
Band Transformers,” Proc. IRE , vol.
47, Aug 1959, pp. 1337-1342.
3. J. Sevick, Transmission Line
Transformers , Noble Publishing,
Fourth Edition, 2001.
Author Information
Jerry Sevick is retired from Bell
Laboratories and remains active as
an occasional consultant and lectur-
er. He can be reached by e-mail at:
Editor’s Notes
In addition to the dominant per-
formance factors of permeability and
bulk resistivity, there are other char-
acteristics of ferrite materials that
affect loss and optimum frequency of
operation. Among these parameters
are hysteresis and other dynamic
responses to magnetizing forces,
temperature stability, and permeabil-
HFeLink 132
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