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Conditional 0 (ogólne prawdy)
If + Present Simple, present simple
If you heat water, it boils
If you freeze water, it becomes solid.
Conditional 1 (bardzo prawdopodobne)
If + Present Simple, will + infinitive
If the rain stops , the match will begin .
If people don’t stop polluting the air, life on Earth will die soon.
If you don’t fasten seat-belt you wont feel sale.
Conditional 2 (warunki nie możliwe do spełnienia teraz lub w przyszłości)
If + Past simple (-ed, 2 kol.) , would/could/might + infinitive
If I wear you, I would buy the car.
If the sun stopped shining, life on Earth would disappear .
If I knew two languages I would get this job.
Conditional 3 (odnosi się do przeszłości, nic na to nie można poradzić)
If + Past perfect (HAD I 3 kol), would/could/might + have + 3 kol
If I had gone to the party, I would have met Paweł.
If I had known he was in a hospital I would have visited him
MIXT (1 zdanie III con, 2 zdanie II con)
If I had learned then I would pass the egzam now.
If I had learned then, I woudn’t have to work so hard.
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin