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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Electric power transformer engineering / edited by James H. Harlow.
p. cm. — (The Electric Power Engineering Series ; 9)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8493-1704-5 (alk. paper)
1. Electric transformers. I. Harlow, James H. II. title. III. Series.
TK2551.E65 2004
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© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
Transformer engineering is one of the earliest sciences within the field of electric power engineering, and
power is the earliest discipline within the field of electrical engineering. To some, this means that
transformer technology is a fully mature and staid industry, with little opportunity for innovation or
ingenuity by those practicing in the field.
Of course, we in the industry find that premise to be erroneous. One need only scan the technical
literature to recognize that leading-edge suppliers, users, and academics involved with power transformers
are continually reporting novelties and advancements that would have been totally insensible to engineers
of even the recent past. I contend that there are three basic levels of understanding, any of which may
be appropriate for persons engaged with transformers in the electric power industry. Depending on day-
to-day involvement, the individual’s posture in the field can be described as:
• Curious — those with only peripheral involvement with transformers, or a nonprofessional lacking
relevant academic background or any particular need to delve into the intricacies of the science
• Professional — an engineer or senior-level technical person who has made a career around electric
power transformers, probably including other heavy electric-power apparatus and the associated
power-system transmission and distribution operations
• Expert — those highly trained in the field (either practically or analytically) to the extent that
they are recognized in the industry as experts. These are the people who are studying and pub-
lishing the innovations that continue to prove that the field is nowhere near reaching a techno-
logical culmination.
So, to whom is this book directed? It will truly be of use to any of those described in the previous
three categories.
The curious person will find the material needed to advance toward the level of professional. This
reader can use the book to obtain a deeper understanding of many topics.
The professional , deeply involved with the overall subject matter of this book, may smugly grin with
the self-satisfying attitude of, “I know all that!” This person, like myself, must recognize that there are
many transformer topics. There is always room to learn. We believe that this book can also be a valuable
resource to professionals.
The expert may be so immersed in one or a few very narrow specialties within the field that he also
may benefit greatly from the knowledge imparted in the peripheral specialties.
The book is divided into three fundamental groupings: The first stand-alone chapter is devoted to
Theory and Principles . The second chapter, Equipment Types , contains nine sections that individually treat
major transformer types. The third chapter, which contains 14 sections, addresses Ancillary Topics asso-
ciated with power transformers. Anyone with an interest in transformers will find a great deal of useful
© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
I wish to recognize the interest of CRC Press and the personnel who have encouraged and supported
the preparation of this book. Most notable in this regard are Nora Konopka, Helena Redshaw, and
Gail Renard. I also want to acknowledge Professor Leo Grigsby of Auburn University for selecting me to
edit the “Transformer” portion of his The Electric Power Engineering Handbook (CRC Press, 2001), which
forms the basis of this handbook. Indeed, this handbook is derived from that earlier work, with the
addition of four wholly new chapters and the very significant expansion and updating of much of the
other earlier work. But most of all, appreciation is extended to each writer of the 24 sections that
comprise this handbook. The authors’ diligence, devotion, and expertise will be evident to the reader.
James H. Harlow
© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
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