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1'm a clown doctor!
1 What does a doctor do? What does a clown do? Write
down three things for each. Tell the class your ideas.
2 Which of these things did you think ot? \\~hich do
clowns do? Which do doctors do? Which do both do?
wear funny clothes
mąkę children feel better
perform operations
wear red rubber noses
tell jokes
wear white coats
do magie tricks
give injections
mąkę funny faces
give medicine
All overthe world, children in hospital arę being
treated with a new kind of medicine: laughter.
LUCY is 23 and works for Theodora Children's
Trust. She is one of many clown doctors who
bring a smile to the faces of sick children.
3 Look at the pictures. Lucy Cheetham is a clown doctor
working for Theodora Children s Trust - a charitable
organization. What do you think a clown doctor does?
^'\£ I'm a Theodora clown doctor, I cali myself
\mm ^ r LooLoo. I spend two days a week in
' children's hospitals being extremely silly with
my friend and colleague Dr Cheąuers. We mąkę funny
faces, tell jokes, and do magie tricks. As I walk into the
wards I blow bubbles, shake hands^with the kids, and
mąkę up nonsense songs for those children well
enough to sing. We take special balloons to mąkę
'balloon animals' and tell funny stories about them.
We often meet kids who one week look really sick,
then we go back the next week and they're racing
about yelling 'Hi there, Dr LooLoo! Hi Dr Cheąuers!'
4 Read the introduction. What is the new kind of
5 Read the rest of the article. Answer the ąuestions.
Who is Dr LooLoo? Who is Dr Cheąuers?
In what ways is their job 'extremely silly'?
Give examples.
How did Lucy become a Theodora clown doctor?
Why does she like her job?
What does she wear?
What would be useless?
Why is it useful to eat in the hospital cafeteria?
What does she do after work?
Where does the money for Lucy's salary come from?
Describe a typical working day for Lucy.
She arrives m the hospital with...
Then she goes into the wards and ...
I'm naturally a very cheerful person. I've always
been a clown. In fact my father's a clown and I started
working with him when I was eight years old. I knew it
was just the job for me and I became a clown doctor
because I think it's a great way to cheer up sick,
irightened children in hospital. I wear a fancy coat,
a yellow shirt, and tights with big stripes. Also, I have
a red rubber nose and wear my hair in crazy plaits.
Being a clown in a hospital is very tiring both
physically and emotionally. We have to learn not to
show our feelings, otherwise we'd be useless. Clown
doctors arę sensitive but this is not a side most people
see. To the children we're happy all the timej['m still
learning to allow myself to feel sad occasionally.
There arę special kids you get really close to. At the
moment F m working
with a very sick little
girl from Bośnia who
speaks no English,
so our only common
language is laughter.
She's been in and
out of hospital for
operations so many
times and she's always
on my mind.
Complete these sentences from the text.
Ali over the world, children in hospital
with a new kind of medicine.
lt's a charity; so we
with the money
people give.
What tenses arę they?
Complete these passive sentences.
1 People of all ages love clowns.
by people of all ages.
Hę is giving her an injection.
given an injection.
Grammar Reference 2.4 p!37
18 Unit2 • Get happy!
Language work
6JFind lines in the text which mean the same as
the following.
They're running about shouting.
I have a happy personality.
We would be no help at all.
I'm always thinking about her.
5 I go out for the evening with friends.
6 It helps me relax.
7 I go to bed and immediately fali into a deep sleep.
8 I am lucky to have this job.
7 Read the interview with Lucy (L). Complete the
interviewer's (I) ąuestions.
L Oh yes, I do. I enjoy my job very much.
L Because I love working with children and making
them laugh.
L I wear crazy clothes. A fancy coat and stripy tights.
L Well, at the moment I'm working with a very sick
little girl from Bośnia. She's had so many
operations. She's very special to me.
I ?
L No, she doesn't. We communicate through laughter.
I ?
L Yes, it is. It's very tiring indeed. I'm exhausted at the
erid of each day.
L No, I don't. I often go out with friends. I have the
best friends and the best job in the world.
IMifl Listen and compare your answers. Arę your
ąuestions exactly the same? What arę the differences?
jAt lunchtime we eat in the hospital cafeteria and thafs
' really useful because we meet the nurses and doctors.
They tell us about particular kids who they think will
benefit from a clown doctor visit, If a child is
frightened, perhaps they're being given an injection or
sorae nasty medicine - we can distract them so the
nurses can do their job. l
About six o'clock Dr Cheąuers and I take off our
make-up and change our clothes. We're totally
exhausted. Sometimes I have a night out with friends,
it helps me unwind. When I finally fali into bed,
I crash out. At weekends we arę often asked to
participate in events to raise money for Theodora
•Children's Trust. It's a charity; so we arę paid with
the money people give. Being a clown doctor
makes the worries of everyday life seem smali.
Ali in all, I feel privileged to do this job.
What do you think?
Discuss the ąuestions in groups.
• What arę some of the good and bad points about being
a clown doctor?
• What kind of jobs mąkę people happiest?
• When arę you happiest? At work? At home? With friends?
• What were your happiest times last year?
• lt's often said 'laughter is the best medicine'. Do you agree?
Unit2 • Get happy! 19
Sport and leisure
l Mąkę a list of as many sports and leisure actmties
as you can think of. Use the pictures to help you.
2 Write play, go, or do.
J Choose some of the sports or leisure activities from your list and complete the chart.
Use a dictionary to look up any new words that you need.
Sport / Actmty
Eąuipment and clothes
go snowboarding
ski resort / dry ski slope
snowboard / boots / helmet / goggles /
waterproof jacket and trousers
Unitl • Gethappy!
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