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Mythology is different from history, yet many concepts, creatures and events in mythology have a historical basis. While some myths were no doubt told purely for entertainment purposes, others were used to explain phenomena that people did not fully understand. When a volcano erupted, ancient Greeks did not explain it as a build up of pressure beneath the earth's crust, rather that the gods of Olympus were displeased.

The links below serve two purposes. They explain the actual statistics and roles of the units, resources and improvements in Age of Mythology, as well as providing some historical context for where these concepts came from.



Major Gods

<link="tech:Age 1 Zeus">Zeus</link>
<link="tech:Age 1 Poseidon">Poseidon</link>
<link="tech:Age 1 Hades">Hades</link>
<link="tech:Age 1 Ra">Ra</link>
<link="tech:Age 1 Isis">Isis</link>
<link="tech:Age 1 Set">Set</link>
<link="tech:Age 1 Odin">Odin</link>
<link="tech:Age 1 Thor">Thor</link>
<link="tech:Age 1 Loki">Loki</link>

Units and Buildings

<link="topic:siege weapons">Siege Weapons</link>
<link="topic:arrow ships">Arrow Ships</link>
<link="topic:ramming ships">Hammer Ships</link>
<link="topic:siege ships">Siege Ships</link>
<link="topic:human soldiers">Human Soldiers</link>
<link="topic:myth units">Myth Units</link>
<link="topic:hero death model">Fallen Heroes</link>



Map concepts

<link="topic:black map">Black map</link>
<link="topic:fog of war">Fog of war</link>
<link="topic:line of sight">Line of sight</link>
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