A Sudden Clash Of Thunder.txt

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Osho says that laughter is "the very essence of Zen." And though the theme of this series is meditation - watching, remaining alert and aware - as the only way to truth, Osho encourages us to, "be happy and meditation will follow." There is a wonderful chapter on laughter, Hotei the Laughing Buddha, and enlightenment. As Osho says, "This is the whole effort of all the masters: to create a sudden clash of thunder so those who are fast asleep can be awakened."

A Sudden Clash of Thunder

"Truth is. It simply is, Nothing can be said about it. And all that can be said about it will falsify it. 

"There is no need for any explanation. Unexplained, utterly immediate, truth is. It surrounds you. It is within you, without you. There is no need to come to any conclusion about it. It is already concluded! You are in it. You cannot be without it. There is no way to lose it. There is no way to become distracted from it. You may be fast asleep, unaware, but still you are in it. 

"So those who know truth know well that philosophy is not going to help. The more you try to know about truth, the more you become asleep. The very effort to know leads you astray. Truth can be felt but cannot be known. When I say it can be felt, I mean you can be present to it, it can be present to you. There is a possibility of a meeting. There is a possibility of becoming one with it. But there is no way to know it."


?  Talk#1: Truth and Knowledge
?  Talk#2: Center and Periphery
?  Talk#3: From Accidental to Essential
?  Talk#4: Real Love
?  Talk#5: The Real Self
?  Talk#6: The Paradox of Love
?  Talk#7: Only the Gold
?  Talk#8: Compassion, Love and Sex
?  Talk#9: The Laughing Buddha
?  Talk#10: Toward Nothingness

OSHO Audio talks, encoding info
From tape to: 
Windows PCM Wav - 22050Hz - Mono
encoded with Fraunhofer IIS - to Mp3 VBR100 
100-160 kbit/s (Highest quality). 	

Some mp3 players don?t display the total time of Mp3-VBR (variable bitrate) files correctly.  

More Osho: http://www.osho.com  
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