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Issue 2, October 2002
Random Rolls and Off Tangent Thoughts
pened since the Summer issue hit the stands in June. Our
parent site, the d20 Magazine Rack has experienced some
fantastic growth and changes in the last few months including new
features and many new friends. On a personal level, my writing
career has taken off like a rocket. Not only am I doing work for Bas-
tion Press on a regular basis, but also some writing for Dark Quest
Games, contributing to a book by Green Ronin Publishing, and am
currently negotiating with another top name d20 publisher to take
on a very important role with them.
I also want to plug a couple of upcoming conventions in my
hometown. First up is PentaCon, which is held November 1-3 at the
Grand Wayne Center here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. This is Indiana’s
largest and oldest convention, drawing nearly 1000 gamers. I will be
giving 3 seminars on game design and publishing along with run-
ning the adventure that I wrote for Bastion Press (Where Dark Elves
Rule). Following that is the huge RPGA event, Winter Fantasy, Janu-
ary 23-27, also being held at the Grand Wayne Center. The details of
this event are still being worked out. I attended last year and had the
privilege of meeting several people including Ed Stark, Sean Reyn-
olds, JD Wiker, and Ryan Dancey. I played a game where Sean DM’d
and had a blast. Hopefully Sean will be able to make it again this year
even though he’s no longer with Wizards.
The gaming industry itself has seen many changes in the last few
months. The two biggest things are the announcements of a new
fantasy world setting search followed by a large number of layoffs
both by Wizards of the Coast. The setting search was a phenomenal
success in terms of response. No one at Wizards of the Coast could
have predicted the volume of submissions that would lood their of-
ices (over 11,000). Equally surprising was the layoffs of several key
people at Wizards of the Coast including notable igures as Skip Wil-
liams, Stan!, and JD Wiker. Although a strong creative force remains
in place there, only time will tell if the quality of future products by
Wizards of the Coast will be affected.
There are a large number of exceptionally worthy d20 products
on the market today. Here are my suggested buys that everyone
should have in their library:
Oathbound: Domains of the Forge from Bastion Press. This is
quite possibly the new campaign setting on the market, period.
It has a feel reminiscent of Planescape with a touch of Dark Sun
added in. It’s a power gamer’s dream world, with the potential
to hit epic levels with one supercharged and stacked character.
Considering that Bastion Press’ CEO is Jim Butler (who was
Brand Manager of TSR for seven years), it’s no surprise that
this book is taking the gaming world by storm.
Spycraft from Alderac Entertainment Group. This modern day
espionage spy game puts the thrill back into Cold War strategy.
Now you can be a James Bond, Ethan Phillips, or Agent X and
save the world from the forces of evil. The fact that AEG is heav-
ily supporting this campaign setting with numerous supple-
ments (such as Shadowforce Archer) further strengthens the
appeal to this game.
Monsternomicon from Privateer Press. Although I haven’t written
a review of this product yet, I have to say that, hands down, this
is the best monster supplement produced. The artwork is top
notch, done in pen and ink giving it a darker and sinister feel. If
you only buy one monster book this year, make it this one.
Necropolis by Gary Gygax and published by Sword and Sorcery
Studios. This Egyptian lavored mega-adventure will give your
players a good year’s worth of adventure, if not more...
Mercenaries from Alderac Entertainment Group. This is a good
supplement that offers some cool alternatives to the standard
classes. The title’s a bit misleading. This book’s about more
than just mercenaries.
So what’s in store for you with this issue of d20Zine!? Not only do
we have several reviews by both staff and guest reviewers, but we
also have the entries for the last two contests that have been held at
the d20 Magazine Rack. Additionally, a new selection of spells made
available for your enjoyment and use along with a column by our
Executive Director, Morgan (TempesT) Grover on tactical combat
in d20. So sit back and take in all that we have to offer in this issue.
And as always, keep your dice clean and roll those 20’s.
Steve Creech
Editor, d20Zine!
Executive Chairman, d20 Magazine Rack
issues? Drop us an email at S_Creech@d20zines.com with
“d20Zine feedback” in the subject header and let us know
what you think. Your letters will be posted in this column in the next
issue of d20Zine!. There was some very positive feedback and letters
concerning our premier issue but I lost them all due to a computer
hard drive crash. As of September 28th, d20Zine! has been down-
loaded 7178 times since it was irst published on June 23rd. I want to
thank all of you who have downloaded and read it! Now send those
letters in and let us know what you thought about this issue, the irst
issue, or the special Fantasy World edition...
2 .....Random Rolls and Off Tangent Thoughts
2 .....Raves and Rants
4 .....From the Books of Ancient Lore
13 ...Tactical Combat:Arcane Casters
14 ...The Critic’s Corner
19 ...Hostile Climes Contest Entries
22 ...Design an Artifact Contest
38 ...The Gamer's Corner
44 ...Music in Gaming:Midnight Syndicate
46 ...OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a
Editor: Steven Creech
Graphic Layout: Todd Schumacher
Cover Art: Michael Loh
“Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons(r) Player’s Handbook, Third
Edition, and the Psionics Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast(r)
“Dungeons & Dragons(r) and Wizards of the Coast(r) are Registered Trade-
marks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission.”
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of
the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License ver-
sion 3.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com
W elcome to the Fall issue of d20Zine! where much has hap-
Raves and Rants
H ave something to say about our articles or content in past
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From the Books of Ancient Lore
aelements are formed by the combination of two prime ele-
ments; for example, ire and earth combine to form magma,
air and ire form smoke, air and water form ice, and earth and water
form ooze. It is strongly recommended that these domains be avail-
able only if the character takes an appropriate prestige class that
gives access to an extra domain since the spells and granted powers
are somewhat more powerful than standard cleric spells of an equiv-
alent level. In addition, some DMs may wish to restrict the paraele-
mental domains further by requiring the character to have access to
both appropriate elemental domains (i.e. to gain access to the Ice
domain, the character must have the Air and Water domains).
Ice (granted power: rebuke or command creatures with the Cold subtype as
an evil cleric rebukes or commands undead)
1 Chill Touch
2 Sleet Storm
3 Ice Storm
4 Wall of Ice
5 Iceweb
6 Blizzard
7 Ice Blight
8 Bonefreeze
9 Frost Aura
Magma (granted power: ire resistance 5)
1 Heat Metal
2 Soften Earth and Stone
3 Magma Walk
4 Lava Blade
5 Transmute Rock to Magma
6 Rain of Lava
7 Earthquake
8 Volcanic Eruption
9 Raise Volcano
Ooze (granted power: turn oozes as a good cleric turns undead)
1 Grease
2 Melf’s Acid Arrow
3 Sinkhole
4 Transmute Rock to Mud
5 Mudstorm
6 Corrosive Touch
7 Acid Storm
8 Mudform
9 Create Swamp
Smoke (granted power: +1 to all saves vs. gasses; in addition, the character
can see through 15’ of even the most impenetrable smoke, fog or gas)
1 Sleep
2 Pyrotechnics
3 Gas Cloud [found in Relics and Rituals, should be OGC material]
4 Smoke Claws
5 Cloudkill
6 Quench
7 Smokey Senses
8 Dead Air
9 Poison Air
Level: Wiz/Sor 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Long (400’+40’/level)
Target: 1 ship, up to 10’ long/level
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (object or pilot)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
You gain control of the target ship’s movement. It moves in the
direction and at the speed at which you desire (up to its normal
maximum speed) as long as the oars are manned or the sails are
Level: Ooze 6
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 creature or object
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Your hands exude a corrosive slime. Your touch deals 2d6 acid dam-
age to creatures and 6d6+1/level (max +20) to objects, ignoring the
hardness of any object except for glass and similar crystalline sub-
stances. On a large object, this damage affects a 3’ radius. Constructs
suffer damage of 4d6+1/level (max +20). You may not make more
than one attack with this spell in a round.
Level: Clr 7, Drd 9, Brd 6, Wiz/Sor 7
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level or see text
While you have countermagic active, it makes a free dispel attempt
(1d20+your level, maximum of +10) on every spell or spell-like abil-
ity that affects you. If any dispel attempt fails, the countermagic spell
Material component: Diamond dust worth at least 20 gp and a min-
iature steel shield.
Level: Ooze 9
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400’+40’/level)
Effect: Up to four 10’ squares/level of ground sinks (S)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes the area you select to sink down a number of feet
equal to your paraelementalist level. Water rises up from the ground
to a depth equal to half the depth of the swamp, maximum of 5’.
Buildings both in and out of the area when the swamp is created
suffer 8d8 points of damage, possibly having sections break or col-
lapse. Creatures exposed to the ilthy water must make Fortitude
saves against the DC of this spell or contract swamp fever (identical
to ilth fever except that the DC is much higher!)
By James Sutherland with contributions from Aaron Heister, Paul Macias,
Craig Dorrough, Jeff Neuhaus, Steve Miles, Vic Francesci, Celeste Drais-
ner, and James Collins
T he following are four new, paraelemental domains. The par-
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Level: Smoke 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400’++40’/level)
Effect: 10’/level caster spread of foul air
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes a large area of air to ill with an amber haze. All
the usable oxygen is destroyed and new breathable air will enter the
area (or if it does, it immediately spoils unless sealed in an airtight
container). Within the dead air, the following effects occur:
• Creatures must hold their breath or suffocate. Normally, a char-
acter can hold her breath for 2 rounds/point of constitution,
but in an area of dead air, this is reduced to 1 round/2 points of
• Visibility is limited. Up to 15’ away from viewer, creatures have
50% concealment; beyond that range, all creatures and objects
have 100% concealment.
• Within the dead air, normal ires will extinguish in a single
round. Magical ire
• Upon leaving the dead air creatures immediately catch ire, suf-
fering 1d6 hp of ire damage each round until succeeding at a
Relex save (DC15).
Every round spent within the dead air saps the strength of creatures
that breathe, doing 1d6 points of temporary strength damage (Fort
save negates each round).
Level: Wiz/Sor 4, Brd 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The spell’s target can stretch her body in whole or in part up to
thrice its normal length. The creature’s reach expands by 10’ and
it gets a +3 natural armor bonus in addition to the obvious ability
to stretch.
Level: Wiz/Sor 3, Drd 3
Range: Long (400’+40’/level)
Effect: 100’ emanation, 20’ high, centered on an object, creature or point
in space
Saving Throw: Yes (creature) or no (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes
As fog cloud, except the fog emanates from and surrounds a speciic
object. Cast on an opposing ship, this spell puts it into a perpetual
fog until it expires. Additionally, as the target moves, the fog moves
with it, remaining centered on the object.
Level: Ice 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Effect: Up to a 20’ radius emanation centered on you
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No
You gain an aura of frost that is shockingly cold. Creatures in the
area of effect suffer 4d6 hp cold damage per round within the ema-
nation. You, on the other hand, gain cold immunity. Furthermore,
ire spells cast into your frost aura fail to work if you beat their caster
in an opposed level check. Any weapons that strike you (including
magic weapons but not including natural weaponry) must make a
Fortitude save or shatter, dealing no damage.
You set the size of the emanation when you cast frost aura, but you
can contract or expand it within the limits of the effect throughout
the duration.
Material component: an icicle.
Level: Drd 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25’+5’/2 levels)
Area: 10’ diameter circle of ground (see text)
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Relex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You cause a patch of ground to open up as a mouth illed with
stalactite teeth. It erupts forth, attacking all creatures within a 10’
circle in range (and it can even reach creatures up to 10’ in the air).
Creatures must make relex saves to avoid the maw; it then retracts
into the earth.
Creatures that fail their saving throws suffer 4d4 hp of damage and
are buried 2d4’ underground. The ground is somewhat disturbed so
the victims may make a Str check (DC15+2/foot of depth) to force
their way free. A character with ranks in escape artist may make an
escape artist check using their strength instead of dexterity modi-
ier instead. Creatures may attempt this as a standard action (this
is strenuous activity; the character must hold their breath all the
while). A creature with a burrowing speed can move out normally
and the creature’s allies can, of course, help to dig it out. While bur-
ied, a creature cannot take any action requiring free movement.
Material component: the tooth of a predatory animal.
Transmutation [Cold]
Level: Ice 7
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 0
Area: 1 mile/level radius spread
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You summon fearsome freezing winds, ice, and snow. Gray scudding
clouds gather within minutes and rain begins drizzling down. The
temperature falls 40 degrees per day until it is -20 degrees Fahren-
heit. Each day conditions worsen. In arctic or wintry conditions,
snow begins falling after six hours. Even in tropical conditions, it
snows after 48 hours. The snow accumulates at a rate of 1”/hour
until a reaches a typical height of 4’ with 12’ drifts. The winds build
10 mph/day to a maximum of 30 mph (DMG pg. 87).
Exposed characters must make Fort saves every ten minutes
(DC15+1/ previous check) or suffer 1d6 points of subdual damage
and be frostbitten (can’t run or charge, -2 Str and Dex). The snow
gives a -4 circumstance penalty to spot, search, and ranged attack
rolls, as well as halving ground-based movement. With the winds
providing a -2 circumstance penalty to ranged attacks and listen
checks, the ranged attack penalty is -6 while the ice blight is at its
Casting this spell deals 2d6 temporary Con damage to you due to
strain (strain resistance applies). You must be outside to cast it.
Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Mind-Affecting, Lawful, Language-Dependent]
Level: Clr 5
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
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