The Black Lotus and Axis present... => "MiNd The Co-Op" <= (for DTL Symposium 1995!) (Yes, this is REALLY a 3-day intro (started Wednesday, finished Friday), so don't blame us for the bugs/screwups, if there are any. :) ) The credits: Coding: Offa/TBL Noy/TBL Rubberduck/TBL Graphics: Rodney/Axis Music: Hollywood/Axis The Black Lotus greetz: (PASSION,BALANCE,RAZOR 1911,ABYSS,TRSI,MORANET, SPACEBALLS,PARALLAX,INSANE,YODEL...) Axis greetz: (VALHALLA,DCS,NERVE AXIS,LSD,CNCD,COMPLEX,KOSMIC, SPACEBALLS,TRSI,LEGO,EvErYbOdY!!!!!!!!!) We're outta here... peace. (no fastmem needed, btw.)