Plisetsky D., Voronkov S. - Russians versus Fischer [1994].pdf

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Art design Yuri Gordon
Photos by B.Dolmatovsky, B.Turov and from
the archives of The Chess Herald magazine
Compiled by Dmitry Plisetsky
and Sergey Voronkov
Translated into English by JACO Ltd.
@ Chess World Ltd. 1994
©Cover and design Gordon Y.M. 1994
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the Rear
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The idea of this unusual ook occurred o us a few yas ago, when
we chanced upon some confidential dcumens of the Chss Fede­
ration and the Sors Committe of the USSR dating
to the
All of the dcumens concerned Bobby Fischer, the mst
dan gerous rival of the Soviet chssplayers in the entire stwar
p e riod , who in
managed o wrst the world title from them.
The existence of such dcumens was known (for example, from
ooks by Korchnoi and Kasparov), but they had never apeared in
the prss. Thse were "official" lettes by lading oviet grand­
masters, conaining a deailed analysis of Fischer's pesonality and
p!aying, dcuments of secial-purse methodological metins, and
the minuts of the meetins of the country's chss ladership
devoted o the "Fischer problem." Quite recently there also surfaced
documens of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist
Party. which have thrown light on the role played in the struggle for
the world chess crown by - party functionaris!
would of course have een ssible simply o publish all thse
documens, but it semed o us that the subject of "The Russians
versus Fischer" was much broader, for it covered not only olitical
intri gus but also a wealth of chss material: over one hundred of
Fis cher's gams with the lading exonens of the Soviet 5Chol of
ch ss.
That was how this ook ws orn.
PISETSY and Serey
Bobby Fischer has probably attracted more attention and aroused
keener interest than has any other world chess champion. His
pictures have appeared on the covers of the most prestigious
magazines, and hundreds of articles and ooks have een written
aout him. In the United States there has even been a novel ao ut
him, Master Prime.
Indeed, the American is a unique phenomenon in the history of
chess . Nevertheless, the heightened interest of the public at large in
Fischer is due not only to his outstanding ta lent and phenomenal
successes but also to the fact that he managed, in the apt words of
Grandmaster Bisguier, "to eat the Russians at their own ga me."
In the context of the cold war etween East and Wes t, Soviet
ideology sought to turn the chess battls with Fischer into political
battles, a struggle of two worlds, two systems. The motive ehind
such an attitude to chess in the communist countris was laid bare
by the Soviet "defector" Grandmaster Alburt:
"The discovery or a political meaning in chess is something we
owe to the Great October Revolution. However, Soviet chessplayers
appeared in the international arena en masse only after World War
Two. The USSR joined the United Nations; Soviet athletes joined
the Olympic movement, and chessplayers, the International Chess
Federation (FIDE). It became possible to conduct propaganda in
favour of the Soviet way of life not from one occasion to another, but
ubiquitously, along what might e called a broad front. To e sure,
chess is a specific sphere, a local theater of war, but in the
ideological strug & le there are no trifles. The USSR Chess Federation
is suordinate to the USSR Sports Committee, and the Committee
comes within the province of the sports sector of the Propaganda
Department of the Communist Party·s Central Committee.
"The tasks set before Soviet chessplayers were clearly defined.
First, to conquer MI. Olympus. Secondly, to rule the rost in FIDE.
There is no need to point out that these two tasks were interrelated .
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