Rook vs Two Minor Pieces-esben Lund.pdf

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First published in Sweden 2005 by Quality Chess Europe AB
Copyright © Esben Lund 2005
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, elec­
trostatic, magnetic tape, photo coping, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission of the publisher.
ISBN 91-975243-7-9
All sales or enquiries should be directed to Quality Chess Europe
Vegagatan 18, SE-413 09 Gothenburg, Sweden
tel: +46-31-24 47 90 fx: +46-31-24 47 14
website: ww
Edited by John Shaw & Jacob Aagaard
Typeset: Ari Ziegler
Proof reading: Danny Kristiansen
Cover Design: Carole Dunlop
Printed in Estonia by Tallinnna Raamatutrikikoja LLC
Part 1: heory
1. heoretical Foundation
2. Fundamental Endgames
Part II: Practice
Introduction to Part II
3. he J c6 Catalan
5 3
4. Evaluation Exercises
5. he Scotch Endgame
Part III: Training
6. General Exercises
7. Solutions to Evaluation Exercises
8. Solutions to General Exercises
English tides
Jonathan Tisdall: Improve our Chess Now, Everyman Chess 1999.
Mark Dvoretsky: Secrets of Chess raining, Batsford 1994. (Republished as School of Chess
Excelence 1, Olms 2001.)
Mikhail Shereshevsky: Endgame Stratey, Pergamon Press 198 5.
Mihail Marin: Learn rom the Legends, Quality Chess 2004.
Mihail Marin: Secrets of Chess Dence, Gambit 2003.
lexis Troitzky: Colection of Chess studies (with a Supplement on the heory of the Endgame
oftwo Knights against Pawns), Olms 1985.
Raetsky and Chetverik: he Cataan, Everyman Chess 2004.
German tides
Alexei Suetin: Schachlehrbuch or Fortgeschrittene (Chess fo r advanced players) , Sportverlag
Tschaturanga: Darstelungen und Quelen zur Geschichte des Schachspies 13, Olms 1981.
Mark Dvoretsky: Die Endspieluniversitdt, Chessgate 2002 (Also published as Dvoretsky's
Endgame Manual - Russel 2003).
Gary Kasparov: eltmeisterschat 1985 (World Championship Match 1985), Wa lter Rau 1986.
]. Awerbach: Endspiele Springer gegen Lauer & Tu rm gegen Leichigur, Sportverlag 1989.
J. Awerbach: Lehrbuch der Endspiele l-Lduerendspiele & Springerendspiele, Sportverlag 1960.
Raetski andTschetwerik: Die Katalanische Erooung, Schachverlag Kania 200 1.
Skakbladet 5/2003: Bent Larsen: Slutspil (Endgames).
Schacknytt 6/2002 and 1/2003: Mihail Marin: as Supertorn (Tal's Super Rooks).
Mega Database 2004 (Chessbase).
t Check
: Mate
A strong move
!! A brilliant move
!? An interesting move
?! A dubious move
? A mistake
?? A blunder
1-0 White won
z-z he game was drawn
Black won
+- White has a winning position
± White is better
; White is slightly better
he position is equal
o he position is unclear
o Compensation fo r the sacriiced
+ Black is slightly better
+ Black is better
-+ Black has a winning position
(x) x'th match game
corr. Correspondence game
707323045.002.png 707323045.003.png
he subject of this book has interested me fo r a long time and still does. When I became a
stronger player and started to get these positions in my own games, I began to think about the
relationship between this material imbalance. Usually the two minor pieces are better, so how
much compensation is needed fo r the rook side to stay in the game? It was around the time
of my two games in the heoretical Foundation that I began to think about the themes that I
have fo rmulated as "rules" or guidelines. I kept thinking about the issue and fu rther games and
analysis showed that these general guidelines are very helpful as thinking tools. It helped me to
understand the positions better, and I hope that it will help you improve your chess as well. s
a coach I see this work not only as a book, but also as a collection of training material.
he material selected fo r this book has been carefully chosen and most of it has been tested
in my training sessions. I would like to give special thanks to my pupils fo r their fe edback on
these exercises - it was, ofcourse, very valuable fo r this book.
But I would above all like to thank my good fr iend Jacob Aagaard fo r making this book
possible. I am very grateful fo r that, and I would also like to thank him fo r his critical reading
of the book. I would also like to thank Rasmus 0stergaard, speciically fo r his comments on
the Scotch Endgame. hanks fo r the fe edback and all the good advice.
Of the non-chessplayers who surround me, I would like to thank my brother Rune fo r his
relaxed attitude towards less important things such as the daily duties in the kitchen.
Finally I want to thank my editor, John Shaw, fo r turning my draft into the book you now
hold in your hands.
his book required a lot of my time, but I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you will enjoy
studying it!
Esben Lund,
December 2004.
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