Modern Middlegame Lessons.pdf

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IM Jeremy Smn
M Ken Sih
751055462.002.png 751055462.003.png
Copyright© 194 Chess Digest, Inc.
ll rights reseved under Pan American and Intena­
ional Copyright conventions.
ISBN: 0-87568-213-8
No pat of this publication may e reproduced, stored n
a rerieval system, or transmitted in ny fom, or by ny means:
electronic, elecrostatic, magneic tapes, mechanical photocopy­
ing, ecording, or othewise without prior and current pemis­
sion from the publisher.
Authors: Lay Evans, Jeremy Silman, Ken Smith
Editor: John Hll
Compuer Tyeseting: Elaine Smith
Cover: Elaine Smith
Final Proof: Sid Pickard
Final Peparaion& Diagrams: Elaine Smith
Publisher: Chess Digest, Inc.® 1601 Tantor (P.O. Box
5029) Dallas, Texas 75229
Send the publisher $2.00 for the New Chess Guide that
catalogs evey chess book for general sale in the United States.
You are given publishers, page counts, notation and critical
reviews. Also included is a ree Chess Improvement course for
beginners up through Master level players.
Table of Conens
Wih ree authors, who rote what?
GM Larry Evans wrote the shot Inrduction efore each lesson and the
"Opening to Midlegame".
IM Jeremy Silman wrote "White's Midlegame Plan" and "Black's Midle­
game Plan". He inished up with "What Happened To White's and Back's
Midlegame Plan?"
M Ken Smith wrote he ook's Inrducion, the lesson's itle and anno­
tated he games with notes explaining every White nd Black move.
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