Assimil - Business French.pdf

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714710214 UNPDF
llustations de J.-L. Goussé
B�P. 25
94431 Chenneières-sur-Mrne Cedex
ISBN: 2-7005-0211-6
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his b..k is aimed at all wh. have already lent the vocabulary and
essential mechanisms .f everyday language nd wish t. tackle, with
c.nidence, the w.rld .f business rom a French standp.iilt.
In .rder t. make his b..k atractive, we have ch.sen t. inroduce
the v.cabulay and expressi.ns bel.nging to . his pticular ield by
f.ll.wing the career paths .f tw. y.ung graduates, pr.ducts .f diferent
educati.nal systems: a gande école, which has n. equivalent in the
Angl.-Sax.n w.rld, and the university. The gradual integrai.n .f .ur, Anne and Frédéric, in he corp.rate w.rld seemed t. us t. be the
best way t. achieve n authentic and c.herent presentati.n .f the
language .f business. here is a hird character, Ge.rges, a seni.r
executive wh. has cimbed the ladder thanks t. hard w.rk nd intenal
prom.ti.n and wh. plays an imp.rtant part in the ending t. .ur story .
. Thr.ugh his example, we wanted t. illustrate a third path which can lead
t. resp.nsibilities and which is being widened by the c.nstant
devel.pment .f c.ninuing educati.n.
The chapters which mke up his b..k are based .n perfectly realistic
discussi.ns which bring the st.ry t. life.
With.ut claiming t. tke the place .f a mnagement textb..k, we have
attempted t. make the main techniques accessible t. the uninitiated, even
if, at times, we have simplied them t. the exreme in arder n.t to detract
fr.m the .verall c.mprehensi.n.
Indeed, we felt that .ur .bjective - t. supply the lener with the
necessry t. gain a suicient degree .f .perai.nal c.mmand -
required an understanding of business terminology in context. t is
.bvi.usly that much easier t. remember the ranslati.n .f w.rds like
"balnce sheet" .r " and acc.unt" when .ne has grasped their
mening in .ne's .wn language.
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he choice of a mulinaional company, headquartered in a predominantly
French-speilg counry is not gratuitous. Its pupose is to demonsrate that
he language of business is not a sictly Franco-French area. There are the
immediate neighbours (Switzerland and Belgium), Quebec, across the
Atlic, nd numerous counries in the Near and Middle East. We have also
taken care, whenever it was possible, to place the dialogues in a European
and intenaional context. The business world is becoming a global village,
divided only by e zones.
The recordngs of the dialogues and the comprehension exercises bring
out the diferences of pronnciation. By listening carelly and repeatedly,
the listener will be able to shpen his perception of the mn diferences
in the sounds of vowels and consonants.
Each of the fort Y chapters comprises:
a dialoue n French together with its ranslation in English. (For the
idiomaic expressions, we have avoided word-for-word ranslation in
favour of an equivalent expression, urther rom the original but closer to
he real meaning).
sone notes in English explain 'or complement the vocabulary or
information inroduced by the dialogue.
a docment in French is used to illusrate, shed light on or develop the
subject dealt with in the dialogue.
a 'point de rpère" n English - indicated by the symbol )
- adds an inteesting cultural dimension, statistical or anecdotal, to give
the leamer a better understanding of the French-speaking corporate world.
pracice exercises of vrious kinds are proposed:
* comprehension: formulating the alswers to he questions asked by using
a complete sentence - written or oral - inspired by the dialogue.
* ranslaion: rom English into French, in order to facilitate he assilaion
of vocabulary, expressions or consuctions presented n the chapter.
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* vocabuly tests: with blanks or limited choice.
* ue or false
* plicaions: they range from the iting of CV s, letters, memos or
reports, to more speciie exercises liked with the interpretation and the
use, in context, of he documents and inancial statements. They require
on the part of the reader greater adaptability, more relecion or common
Each exercise has its soluion on the opposite page:
-possible -but not only -answer to the quesions asked,
-ranslation using the vocabuly of the chapter concemed, or
- "suggested" answer for the exercises of a more subjective nature.
You should not hesitate to repeat il these exercises n order to check your
acquisiion and the speed of your relexes. Do not ailow yourself to be
discouraged by hose applications which require you to drt someing n
wiing. For one hing, you will not be penalised and for another, they will
rain you to face up to real situations, such as looing for a job, for
example, or to acquire quickly a suicient level of operational commando
Finally, in order to bring a lighter touch after the exercises, a box
presents sone food for hought n the form of quotations or advice on how
to act n certain situaions.
This format is the same in each chapter.
English-French glossy covering l the terms used n
the book, will enable you to do two things:
* to fnd the meaning of cerin, oten technical, words or expressions,
appeing 'in the documents or certain exercises but not explained in
specifie notes.
* to use his book to go rom English to French, without resoring to ny
other reference work.
So now you are ready to get to know Anne, Frédéric and Georges and the
many other characters they meet in various situations.
To conclude,
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The authors wish ta express heir hks to Paricia
Cicolella of Société Générale, Cannes, for her help
and advice in the drafing of sone documents and ta
Air France for inly allowing Gênl personnel ta
ravel on its domestic and intemtionallines.
Thks lso ta Caheine Père and Sébasien Dunn for
their coup de main.
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