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{1602}{1680}Africa, I've always wanted to come here.
{1694}{1744}Welcome to Mombasa.
{1746}{1823}Transfer to Africa|provides all enlisted men
{1825}{1902}automatic promotion|to the rank of lieutenant.
{1991}{2082}Companies C and D|will report to Barracks 12.
{2085}{2145}Company E to Barracks 9.
{2148}{2239}The rest of you|go to the train station immediately.
{2241}{2356}You will continue on to Lake Victoria|and join up with your unit there.
{2359}{2405}So much for a bath and a hot meal.
{2407}{2524}Your tickets provide free transportation|on the regularly-scheduled trains.
{2617}{2704}- Excuse me, we're headed for Victoria.|- You're the last ones, hurry.
{2793}{2829}Look at them.
{2831}{2901}Wait! Wait! That's the train to Moshi.
{2904}{2956}Hey, that's the train to Moshi!
{3266}{3318}Okay, we should be passing|Mt. Kilimanjaro on our left
{3321}{3356}any time now.
{3381}{3441}You mean on our right.|We just passed it.
{3443}{3477}No. No, that must be|some other mountain.
{3480}{3578}We're headed for Nairobi,|so it'll definitely be on our left.
{3581}{3605}Are you sure?
{3608}{3704}Trust me. If that were Mt. Kilimanjaro,|we'd be headed for Moshi.
{3869}{3971}"Trust me," he says.|Mr. Boy Scout with his map.
{3985}{4042}How could we wind up|on the wrong train?
{4045}{4140}Look, what's the difference?|Let's just try and get back, all right?
{4142}{4190}Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.
{4298}{4354}We, we go Victoria.
{4426}{4456}You miss this train.
{4459}{4532}Train take go Longido.
{4534}{4572}- Longido?|- Longido.
{4575}{4636}Longido take go Nairobi.
{4639}{4700}Nairobi take go Victoria.
{4724}{4800}- Longido, Nairobi, Victoria?|- Victoria.
{4816}{4843}Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
{5025}{5092}Come on. He said the next train|to Longido. That's us.
{5127}{5185}At this rate, we could run to Victoria.
{5291}{5362}Not go Sabella. Go Longido!
{5695}{5744}At least we're going|in the right direction.
{5747}{5781}Let's hope.
{6384}{6471}Okay, as near as I can tell, he's riding|ahead to bring back a repair group.
{6473}{6538}- How long will that take?|- A week.
{6541}{6629}{y:i}Mon Dieu. We can't wait a week.|We have to report to our unit.
{6632}{6683}I know. I know.
{6685}{6824}Okay, look. If that's the way to Longido,|then that's north, right?
{6858}{6920}So according to this map,
{6923}{6993}there's another rail line|about 10 miles east
{6996}{7044}that runs parallel to this one.
{7047}{7164}So all we have to do is walk 10 miles|that way and hop another train.
{7166}{7244}Well, it's either that,|or we wait here for a week.
{8524}{8566}Look at that sunset.
{8602}{8691}It's beautiful. It's magnificent.
{8754}{8799}In the wrong place.
{8801}{8925}Indy, if the sun sets in the west|and we are walking east,
{8928}{8972}then the sun should be over there.
{8974}{9033}You pinhead! I can't believe it!
{9062}{9096}If the Germans don't get us,
{9098}{9173}the Belgians will shoot us both|for desertion.
{9176}{9259}We might die of hunger or thirst|before that happens.
{9815}{9868}Do you hear music?
{9909}{9984}Indy, am I hallucinating?
{10434}{10494}- Germans?|- I can't tell.
{11851}{11931}You notice something strange|about these men?
{11933}{11971}They're really old.
{12298}{12349}Catch some butterflies, Mr. Golo?
{12373}{12420}They may be German spies.
{12422}{12470}We're not German spies.
{12482}{12549}An American. Put 'er there, pard!
{12581}{12646}- Texas?|- New Jersey.
{12649}{12709}Ain't nothing to be ashamed of, son.
{12753}{12811}What's with the funny uniforms?
{12813}{12863}We are Belgian soldiers.
{12865}{12928}Who are you? You are a British unit?
{12931}{12989}25th Royal Fusiliers.
{12992}{13035}Great. Now that we know|we're on the same side,
{13037}{13103}we'd like to see|your commanding officer.
{13121}{13193}The General needs seven men|with very specific skills.
{13196}{13249}His letter's very clear on that point.
{13252}{13327}- I can't just show up one man short.|- Understood.
{13330}{13394}But where in blazes|are we going to find someone
{13397}{13521}with an intimate working knowledge|of trains who also speaks German?
{13612}{13642}Who the devil are you?
{13645}{13675}Lieutenant Defense
{13677}{13736}and this is Lieutenant Baudouin.|Belgian army.
{13738}{13764}Belgian army?
{13766}{13820}They just came straggling in|off the veldt.
{13823}{13888}I'm afraid we got lost|trying to join our unit,
{13890}{13945}and we're about a day late|getting to Lake Victoria.
{13948}{13992}Damn! That's 300 miles from here.
{13994}{14032}When you boys get lost,|you don't mess around.
{14035}{14092}Excuse me. Sir, have we met?
{14094}{14145}Not that I'm aware. Captain Selous.
{14148}{14212}Good to see you again, sir.
{14215}{14242}Good to see you.
{14245}{14345}You... You don't remember me.|I guess I was about nine years old.
{14348}{14389}Henry Jones, Junior.
{14392}{14461}- Son of Professor Jones?|- Yes.
{14463}{14511}You were lost then too, I recall.
{14513}{14568}Well, this really wasn't my fault.
{14571}{14656}We thought we were on the right train|and somehow it was the wrong train,
{14658}{14747}and then we got on another train, and,|well, that train broke down, but...
{14749}{14814}Well, I guess it was the wrong train|anyway, because here we are.
{14817}{14857}Easy for you to say.
{14860}{14924}You don't appear to know|much about trains.
{14927}{14976}Well, actually I know a lot about trains.
{14979}{15035}I spent my summers working|shoveling coal on trains,
{15037}{15074}but that really doesn't teach you much
{15077}{15162}about the timetables|here in the middle of Africa.
{15165}{15256}- I see.|- I don't suppose you speak German?
{15304}{15373}But again, that really doesn't help me|get to Lake Victoria.
{15375}{15444}We really need transportation north|to the Belgian lines.
{15446}{15484}Can you help us?
{15514}{15640}Oh, dear. You are out of luck.|Our supply truck isn't due in for weeks.
{15702}{15766}So, how about the General?
{15791}{15820}Now, there's an idea.
{15823}{15868}We were just about to visit|our dear friend,
{15870}{15906}General Smuts, on the beach.
{15909}{15970}Why don't you come along,|I'm sure he could fix something up.
{15973}{16044}- A trip to the beach?|- Sounds great.
{16047}{16156}- That's settled. Donald, the staff car.|- Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
{16252}{16322}We really, really appreciate this.
{16325}{16376}Oh, yes, we do.
{16378}{16414}- Think nothing of it.|- Think nothing of it.
{16417}{16474}- Short cut, sir?|- By all means!
{17017}{17073}There's the British lines, just ahead.
{17434}{17496}25th Royal Fusiliers,|reporting as ordered.
{17499}{17540}Password is "coral."
{17543}{17646}Gentlemen, this is going|to be a rough ride.
{17649}{17705}Look at that mess on the beach.
{17708}{17784}Germans seem to have General Smuts|pinned down.
{17869}{17953}Hang on, we're going to|have to play a little dodge ball.
{18621}{18676}Let's get the heck out of here!
{19021}{19054}Well, so much for the car.
{19093}{19147}Lieutenant Defense.|Have your friend stay here,
{19149}{19188}you come with me.
{19225}{19273}Don't worry, Remy,|I'll get everything taken care of.
{19275}{19322}I'll be back in a few minutes.
{19473}{19504}Good Lord.
{19506}{19577}Frank. You've made it.|Jolly good to see you again.
{19580}{19636}You know Major Meinertzhagen,|British Intelligence.
{19638}{19716}- I've not had that pleasure.|- The pleasure is entirely mine.
{19718}{19756}Well, I'm surprised|to find you here, General.
{19759}{19805}I thought you'd be to Morogoro by now.
{19807}{19848}Trouble is, every time|we try to make a move,
{19850}{19923}the Germans hit us with something big.|I mean big.
{19925}{20007}The shells leave craters|50 yards across.
{20009}{20107}Sounds like a naval cannon to me,|380 most like.
{20109}{20158}- 380?|- 380 millimeter cannon,
{20161}{20214}designed by Jerry for his battleships.
{20217}{20313}It fires a two-ton shell 30 miles|and has a barrel 50 feet long.
{20316}{20406}Thirty miles? Mother of mercy.|They got a battleship out there?
{20409}{20480}That's just it.|They're not hitting us from the sea.
{20483}{20560}They're shelling us from inland,|somewhere around here.
{20562}{20640}- Inland?|- Yes, and it's hellishly mobile.
{20650}{20729}It's not just us. It's all of our positions|within a hundred-mile radius.
{20732}{20868}Gentlemen, if you had|the biggest cannon in the world
{20870}{20984}and you wish to bedevil your enemy|by land, how would you do it?
{20986}{21108}I'd mount that sucker on a flatcar|and ride the rails like a hobo out of hell.
{21147}{21216}The German railroad is 30 miles inland.
{21233}{21286}You can bet the farm|that's where she is.
{21345}{21420}Captain, I see your men|haven't lost their edge.
{21423}{21458}They're the best of the best.
{21461}{21508}Right. You lot, form up.
{21593}{21636}Eyes front!
{21681}{21769}Birdy Soames. Former merchant|marine, former lighthouse-keeper,
{21772}{21871}expert on all things sea-going,|including naval artillery.
{21873}{21975}Bill MacMillan. Former rodeo man,|wildcat miner, demolitions expert.
{21977}{22004}Big Mac, to my friends.
{22007}{22083}Mr. Golo. Best tracker in Africa.
{22085}{22160}Zoltan. Ace mechanic,|expert with knives,
{22162}{22207}best clown in Europe.
{22209}{22273}Donald Parks.|Former secretary to His Majesty,
{22276}{22347}former British Intelligence,|expert strategist.
{22349}{22459}Henry Jones Junior.|Expert on trains, fluent in German.
{22461}{22564}Gentlemen, on behalf on His Majesty,|I thank you all for volunteering.
{22622}{22667}Volunteering for what?
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