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Yearbook 73
24 New In Css - Te Nethelands
pening Highlights
Alexey Shirov
Shirov has played the King's Indian so oten in his
career sitting behind the black pieces that he felt
comfotable enough being White in the Bayonet Atack
against Radjabov (KI4.16, page 198). On move 21 he
launched a novelty 'with a long histoy'. It was first
discovered somewhere in November 1997 during a
training session with Zigurds Lanka. Now the time had
come to use the preparation.
Alexander Galkin
The Caro-Kann is surely not the most popular opening
among youngsters but it has seved Alexander Galkin,
World Junior Champion from Yerevan 1999, quite well
throughout his junior years and beyond. The extensive
notes in a suvey on page 78 to four of his 2004 games
with 4 ... ld7 (CK 8. 7) allow you a look into the secrets
of his opening laboratoy.
Alexey Bezgodov
Only a few living chess players have been granted the
privilige of having a sequence of opening moves named
ater themselves. It takes litle imagination to see 1.e4
c5 2.a3 (SI 48.1) being called the Bezgodov Variation
any time soon now. Bezgodov wrote an entire mono­
graph about this system, and believes it has a bright
future. On page 57, in his first Yearbook contribution,
he introduces himself and the line.
Juan Morgado
For decades now Juan Sebastian Morgado has been
one of the great personalities in the world of
correspondence chess. His first steps were made in the
early 1960's, but later on he not only played in two
world championship finals, but also in numerous
Memorial and Jubilee events of the highest calibre. A
recent postal game ignited his interest in the Bayonet
Attack (KI4.16) that he shares on page 195.
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