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BEAT OF TEMPTATION (An Enchanted Season
Nalini Singh
For the Sexy Regency Cave Club:
Sharyn, Peta, and Nicky,
and honorary members, Doug and Rob.
Thanks for the Christmas memories.
(I’ll never look at a cave the same way again!)
It was in the year 2019, four long decades after the
implementation of the Silence Protocol. The Protocol
itself arose out of the overwhelming incidence of insanity
and serial killing in the Psy populace. Driven to the edge,
the Psy made a choice. They conditioned their young to
feel nothing—not jealousy, not rage, and definitely not
joy at the thought of Christmas morning.
So it was that by 2019, only ice ran in the veins of the
Psy politicians who wanted to make Christmas illegal.
Since the Psy race controlled government then as it does
now, Law 5198: Deletion of Christmas and Associated
Holidays was near certain to pass.
There were a few minor hiccups. Some elderly Psy—
those who had been too old at the inception of Silence to
allow for true conditioning—weren’t certain they wanted
the holiday outlawed. But the old ones were few; the last,
unwanted vestiges of an emotion-filled past the Psy
preferred to forget. They were ignored, their fading voices
drowned out by the Silent majority.
Law 5198was read into the statute books and life moved
Except that the humans and changelings, the other two
parts of the triumvirate that is the world, took no notice.
Christmas trees went up as usual, gifts were bought, and
carols were sung. Human business owners did a roaring
trade in mulled wine, fruit cake, and roasts with all the
In comparison, Psy who owned interests in companies
that usually profited from Christmas suffered a sharp drop
in income—Law 5198meant they could no longer
advertise their products in conjunction with the outlawed
The Psy Council found itself faced with both a mass
revolt by the other races, and considerable opposition
from the very businesses that backed up its regime. Psy
might not feel, but they also did not appreciate their profit
margins being compromised. The businesses weren’t the
only ones who felt the negative impact of Law 5198 —
Enforcement could find no way to prosecute everyone
who violated the law against Christmas.
The churches simply acted as if the law didn’t exist. But
they, in their solemn dignity, weren’t the worst offenders.
The changelings, in particular the nonpredatory deer
species, took great amusement in walking the streets in
their animal forms, dressed up as Santa’s reindeer.
Then the horse-changelings decided it wouldn’t hurt
their pride to be harnessed two by two to large sleds in
order to transport shoppers around the cities. Finally, the
humans, the weakest of the three races—with neither the
psychic powers of the Psy, nor the animal strength of the
changelings—came up with the killing strike.
They changed the name of Christmas to the Day of
It was unacceptable for Psy to feel happiness. Those who
did had their minds wiped clean and their personalities
destroyed in a horrifying process known as
“rehabilitation.” But it wasn’t illegal for anyone else to
celebrate happiness. And if they wanted to do it by
singing songs, gathering with loved ones, and attending
certain ceremonies dressed in their Sunday best, well, that
wasn’t illegal either.
The powerful, deadly Psy Council was used to instant
obedience in all things. However, in the year 2021, the
Councilors admitted that wasting Psy resources to ensure
compliance with Law 5198 made no financial or strategic
sense. The law was quietly repealed.
Now, some forty years later, Christmas is a celebration
unlike any other. Though the Day of Happiness was
retired soon after the repeal of Law 5198 , changelings
and humans have always known that they are one and the
same thing. Of course, happiness isn’t guaranteed by the
magic of Christmas. Sometimes, a woman has to fight
with everything in her, with her pride and her fury, her
love and her anger, with her very soul, in order to claim
the joy…or the man, meant to be hers.
TO THE MEN AND women who stood on the other side.
Lachlan, their alpha, his hair going the white of wisdom
and age, was saying something to Lucas, who was barely
fifteen but carried the scent of a future alpha. The past and
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