Standard 1, 3, 5. Test wyboru 16,18, 21
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi A,B i C wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
You're going to read about an online multi-player game. Do you play such games? Do you know anything about Second Life?
Read the text and answer the questions. Mark the sections where you have found the answers. Put the numbers of the questions next to the sections marked. What can you notice about questions 1 -3? How is the last question different?
Second Life (SL for short) was started in 2003 by Linden Lab,
an American company. It has around 10 million users, called
SL is not just a computer game, its a flat virtual world with
thousands of islands. You are represented by an avatar (avie),
a character whose appearance you design.
You can visit different places created by users. Many are
dream homes, but companies like Disney also appear in SL.
Recently, Sweden has opened an embassy, the second country
to do so after the Maldives.
Real-world places have been simulated too, for example
Las Vegas, Rome's Colosseum or Cracow's Market Square.
Building costs: you buy virtual land with in-world money,
the Linden dollar (one US dollar is L$ 266).
1 According to the text, which is the bestdescription of SL?
A A computer game.
B A virtual world.
C A group of islands.
2 Which of these is new in SL?
A The Swedish embassy. B The Maldives embassy. C The Disney entry.
3 The Market Square in Cracow
A is going to be built in SL.
B is one of only three real-world locations in SL.
C has already been recreated in SL.
4 The text
A informs about SL. B criticises SL.
C advertises SL.
What is the 'first' life? How do you understand the last line of the text?
Do you agree with the author's opinion of Second Life? In pairs write down five disadvantages of the game. Discuss in class.
Standard 1. Dobieranie streszczeń do dialogów k13
Look at the picture. Where is the woman? What problem does she have? What problems can people have when they buy clothes?
Role-play the dialogues in the situations.
1 Your friend wants to buy pyjamas that look as if they are for an elderly person. Persuade him/her to buy something for a teenager.
2 Your friend hates buying clothes and wants to buy the first pair of jeans he/she sees in the shop. Persuade him/her to try them on and see if they are OK.
CD 1-24 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć dialogów. W każdym ktoś przymierza ubranie (item of clothing). Przyporządkuj każdemu dialogowi zdanie podsumowujące jego treść, wpisując litery A-F w kratki 1 -5. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do żadnego dialogu.
A The item is very expensive.
B The persoif doesn't look good in the item.
C The item is old-fashioned.
D The item is not elegant enough.
E The person doesn't want a pattern.
F The size is wrong.
Standard 3. Dobieranie wypowiedzi do ilustracji Standard 2. Uzupełnianie luk wyrazami w odpowiedniej
Przyporządkuj wypowiedziom 1-5 ilustracje A-F. Jedna ilustracja nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
1 I feel so frightened.
2 I can't stand waiting.
3 I'm so angry with you.
4 I don't know why but I feel a bit depressed today.
5 I'm exhausted after the whole week.
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1-5 używając podanych czasowników w odpowiedniej formie.
1 2 3 4 5
CD 1-24 Listen again. List the items the people in the dialogues are trying on.
CD 1-25 Listen to the last dialogue and complete.
Look at the cartoon at the botom of the page. What makes it funny? What is 'body language'?
Look at the pictures and match them to the descriptions.
1 He's covering his mouth with his hand.
2 His hands are open.
3 He's shaking his head.
4 He's rubbing his nose.
5 He's giving a high five.
6 He's nodding.
What is the meaning of these gestures?
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wstaw zdania oznaczone literami A-F w luki 1-5, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
A The eyes, on the other hand, are the most 'honest'
body part. B For example, don't try 'giving a five' in Greece. C But if they use them to cover their mouth, the
situation is not good. D For example, how do you know if they like or
dislike your ideas? E By contrast, if they find you boring or irritating,
their pupils become narrow. F However, in Bulgaria their meanings are opposite.
Write a paragraph describing the cartoon below.
Standard 3. Test typu prawda-fałsz
Standard 3. Test luk otwartych do ilustracji
Standard 1. Dobieranie reakcji do wypowiedzi
Complete the table.
Przyjrzyj się ilustracji. Uzupełnij luki 1-6 w jej opisie. W każdą lukę wpisz jeden wyraz.
There are ' people in the front of the picture
and a few others in the background. I think they are at
a party. They are holding2 .of water. The boy
on the3 has blond hair. He's wearing a black
and white4 , The girl has a white top on. She's
in a very good mood - she's laughing. The boy on the
right has a blue5 . He seems a bit6
as he isn't smiling.