*Timecode type: PAL/EBU 00:01:25:71 00:01:28:11 {0 [1 Dinner's ready, folks. 00:01:32:95 00:01:34:44 {0 [1 Our guests shall start first. 00:01:41:36 00:01:42:66 {0 [1 Make yourselves at home, friends. 00:01:53:71 00:01:55:51 {0 [1 Keep the light on, or there'll be trouble. 00:02:01:22 00:02:04:01 {0 [1 Good, it'll keep them in order. 00:02:04:05 00:02:05:14 {0 [1 No Way to get them. 00:02:09:06 00:02:13:86 {0 [1 Dinner's ready. 00:02:18:77 00:02:19:96 {0 [1 Dinner's ready. 00:03:12:12 00:03:15:61 {0 [1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. 00:03:15:79 00:03:19:28 {0 [1 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. 00:03:19:56 00:03:21:05 {0 [1 Right, all here. 00:03:51:03 00:03:53:32 {0 [1 It's over. Don't be scared, it's me. 00:03:53:76 00:03:56:79 {0 [1 Look at you, so frightened. 00:03:58:70 00:04:00:79 {0 [1 Come out, it is me. 00:04:07:64 00:04:12:64 {0 [1 Master. Help. 00:04:12:88 00:04:14:28 {0 [1 - Master. - What's the matter? 00:04:14:78 00:04:15:87 {0 [1 Inside. 00:04:15:95 00:04:16:94 {0 [1 Go. 00:04:22:26 00:04:23:55 {0 [1 Master, it's me. 00:05:00:76 00:05:02:06 {0 [1 You have over done it. 00:05:03:06 00:05:04:05 {0 [1 Cracking all up. 00:05:09:87 00:05:11:57 {0 [1 Take a rest, let me try. 00:05:18:68 00:05:19:77 {0 [1 Let me try. 00:05:21:78 00:05:23:08 {0 [1 They are inhuman. 00:05:24:52 00:05:26:21 {0 [1 Denture? You bit me for helping you? 00:05:35:50 00:05:36:49 {0 [1 Give some help. 00:05:52:91 00:05:56:41 {0 [1 Tease around With my customers? 00:05:56:72 00:05:57:71 {0 [1 It's not me. 00:05:57:82 00:05:59:72 {0 [1 Say no more, I'm leaving. 00:06:00:05 00:06:00:95 {0 [1 Stay for tWo more days, please. 00:06:01:09 00:06:03:28 {0 [1 I'm going, see you. 00:06:13:47 00:06:15:27 {0 [1 Going on the road, friends? 00:06:25:91 00:06:27:71 {0 [1 Why don't you go home? It's late. 00:06:27:82 00:06:29:31 {0 [1 Or your aunt Will come for you. Go. 00:06:39:93 00:06:41:12 {0 [1 I'll give you a hand, sir. 00:06:59:68 00:07:00:98 {0 [1 HoW's the business? 00:07:01:08 00:07:02:98 {0 [1 - Good morning. - Good morning. 00:07:03:05 00:07:04:75 {0 [1 All dress up, for What occasion. 00:07:04:92 00:07:06:01 {0 [1 Master takes me for English tea. 00:07:06:15 00:07:07:14 {0 [1 Hurry up. 00:07:13:59 00:07:15:99 {0 [1 Can I not go With you to see Mr. Yam? 00:07:16:80 00:07:19:29 {0 [1 Why? Are you afraid of him. 00:07:19:47 00:07:22:27 {0 [1 No, I don't even knoW him. 00:07:22:54 00:07:24:73 {0 [1 But I've never been to English tea. 00:07:24:81 00:07:27:00 {0 [1 I might do something embarrassing. 00:07:30:31 00:07:33:01 {0 [1 Good, so considerate. 00:07:33:21 00:07:35:41 {0 [1 You don't have to go then. 00:07:38:25 00:07:39:45 {0 [1 I've never been to English tea, either. 00:07:39:59 00:07:41:08 {0 [1 I might do something Wrong too. 00:07:41:62 00:07:44:32 {0 [1 I'll take MAN CHOR With me still. 00:07:44:53 00:07:46:12 {0 [1 I'll let him try things first. 00:07:48:30 00:07:49:19 {0 [1 MAN CHOR. 00:07:49:36 00:07:51:26 {0 [1 I'm here, I'm here. 00:07:53:80 00:07:54:79 {0 [1 You Want to see me, Master? 00:07:54:87 00:07:59:24 {0 [1 I'll take you to English Tea, you're smart. 00:07:59:37 00:08:00:27 {0 [1 Oh, good. 00:08:00:44 00:08:01:53 {0 [1 Let's go. 00:08:08:45 00:08:10:35 {0 [1 Reservation? 00:08:10:45 00:08:11:35 {0 [1 No. 00:08:11:75 00:08:13:74 {0 [1 Why, hasn't Mr. Yam booked a table? 00:08:14:12 00:08:15:82 {0 [1 Mr. Yam, oh, please folloW me. 00:08:19:79 00:08:20:69 {0 [1 Please. 00:08:24:30 00:08:25:39 {0 [1 Please. 00:08:25:87 00:08:27:46 {0 [1 - Please sit doWn. - Mr. Yam. 00:08:27:60 00:08:28:59 {0 [1 - Please. - Greet Mr. Yam. 00:08:28:70 00:08:29:60 {0 [1 Mr. Yam, sir. 00:08:29:74 00:08:31:43 {0 [1 Please. 00:08:31:74 00:08:34:83 {0 [1 Your daughter is back from the city. Why didn't you bring her along. 00:08:34:94 00:08:37:74 {0 [1 She's been around shoWing her neW trade. 00:08:37:91 00:08:40:11 {0 [1 She's learned make-up in the city. 00:08:40:48 00:08:43:45 {0 [1 Make-up Wouldn't help too much, having you for a father. 00:08:43:65 00:08:44:64 {0 [1 My daughter's coming. 00:08:53:79 00:08:54:89 {0 [1 Papa. 00:08:55:03 00:08:55:93 {0 [1 Uncle KoW is here. 00:08:56:23 00:08:57:32 {0 [1 Uncle KoW. 00:08:57:50 00:09:01:09 {0 [1 Such big girl noW. Sit doWn, please. 00:09:01:87 00:09:03:67 {0 [1 Yes, very big. 00:09:07:28 00:09:08:26 {0 [1 What Would you like? 00:09:08:38 00:09:09:37 {0 [1 I'd like a coffee. 00:09:11:41 00:09:12:61 {0 [1 Coffee. 00:09:12:78 00:09:13:87 {0 [1 I'll have coffee too. 00:09:14:02 00:09:15:00 {0 [1 Me too. 00:09:15:48 00:09:16:88 {0 [1 What Would you like, Master? 00:09:19:52 00:09:21:11 {0 [1 - I have coffee too. - Good. 00:09:21:89 00:09:23:29 {0 [1 I don't Want coffee, Master. 00:09:23:46 00:09:24:95 {0 [1 I'll have coffee too, OK? 00:09:25:13 00:09:26:12 {0 [1 Stick to What you've order. 00:09:27:03 00:09:29:52 {0 [1 About the reburial of my father... 00:09:29:80 00:09:31:49 {0 [1 Have you pick a proper date yet? 00:09:32:07 00:09:35:90 {0 [1 Think tWice before you do it. 00:09:36:60 00:09:38:00 {0 [1 I have considered it thoroughly. 00:09:38:14 00:09:42:30 {0 [1 A fortune teller foretold it 20 years ago. 00:09:42:48 00:09:44:57 {0 [1 It'll bring us good fortune. 00:09:44:75 00:09:46:54 {0 [1 Don't take it too seriously. 00:09:47:18 00:09:49:27 {0 [1 And I'm to take you seriously. 00:09:49:58 00:09:50:48 {0 [1 Of course. 00:09:54:06 00:09:55:65 {0 [1 You have no right to speak here, kid. 00:09:56:16 00:09:59:06 {0 [1 Well then, We'll do it in 3 days time. 00:09:59:36 00:10:00:66 {0 [1 What should We prepare? 00:10:00:86 00:10:01:95 {0 [1 Money. 00:10:03:06 00:10:04:16 {0 [1 HoW much? 00:10:04:87 00:10:06:77 {0 [1 Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. 00:10:07:07 00:10:09:06 {0 [1 Mr. Yam, Mr. Wong is here, over there. 00:10:10:27 00:10:11:86 {0 [1 I've to say hello to a friend, excuse me. 00:10:12:01 00:10:13:80 {0 [1 Serve them some custard tarts. 00:10:13:98 00:10:14:87 {0 [1 Alright. 00:10:24:29 00:10:26:28 {0 [1 A black and a White, Which one first? 00:10:26:79 00:10:27:98 {0 [1 Let's Watch What others do. 00:10:44:44 00:10:48:14 {0 [1 Drink it While it is not. 00:10:48:24 00:10:49:64 {0 [1 Alright. 00:10:55:38 00:10:57:78 {0 [1 You like it black? 00:10:59:02 00:11:01:22 {0 [1 Yes, I like it black. 00:11:01:99 00:11:03:79 {0 [1 I'll put cream in yours, Papa. 00:11:03:89 00:11:04:79 {0 [1 Alright. 00:11:11:23 00:11:12:43 {0 [1 Come. 00:11:15:94 00:11:18:23 {0 [1 I'd like to buy some cosmetics. 00:11:18:77 00:11:20:07 {0 [1 Go ahead, I'll meet you later. 00:11:22:94 00:11:24:24 {0 [1 Come, come, please. 00:11:24:38 00:11:25:78 {0 [1 - Have one. - I'll have one. 00:11:25:91 00:11:27:01 {0 [1 Help yourself. 00:11:27:38 00:11:28:68 {0 [1 Behave yourself. 00:11:28:95 00:11:30:85 {0 [1 Mr. Yam, hoW much sugar. 00:11:31:25 00:11:32:05 {0 [1 No, no thanks. 00:11:32:32 00:11:34:41 {0 [1 You like it unsWeetened. 00:11:44:17 00:11:46:07 {0 [1 Too sWeet, Master. 00:11:46:57 00:11:47:97 {0 [1 Take it like candies. 00:11:55:08 00:11:56:37 {0 [1 I'm going grocery shopping. 00:11:57:21 00:12:00:27 {0 [1 A girl from across Will come. 00:12:00:45 00:12:02:54 {0 [1 Treat her nicely even she's a Whore. 00:12:02:85 00:12:04:84 {0 [1 Alright, go do your shopping. 00:12:05:99 00:12:08:18 {0 [1 I knoW What to do. 00:12:13:66 00:12:14:86 {0 [1 Where can I buy some cosmetics? 00:12:15:76 00:12:19:46 {0 [1 So pretty, only if she's my Wife. 00:12:27:64 00:12:29:44 {0 [1 Help yourself, Miss. 00:12:30:14 00:12:32:04 {0 [1 My aunt said you'd come. 00:12:32:25 00:12:33:34 {0 [1 Who's she? 00:12:33:95 00:12:35:85 {0 [1 The one you just talked to. 00:12:37:08 00:12:40:92 {0 [1 I just asked one question. I don't knoW her. 00:12:42:69 00:12:43:78 {0 [1 Stop pretending. 00:12:44:76 00:12:46:45 {0 [1 So you don't knoW my auntie. 00:12:46:69 00:12:48:99 {0 [1 Try this one, not bad. 00:12:51:27 00:12:52:86 {0 [1 When did you start? 00:12:53:00 00:12:54:19 {0 [1 You mean learning this. 00:12:54:44 00:12:55:93 {0 [1 All the same. 00:12:56:90 00:12:59:20 {0 [1 My mother started to teach me When I Was 12. 00:12:59:44 00:13:01:24 {0 [1 Your mother taught you? 00:13:01:34 00:13:05:37 {0 [1 She died early, so I Went to the city. 00:13:06:01 00:13:07:50 {0 [1 Nice color. 00:13:08:15 00:13:10:98 {0 [1 Yes, hoW old are you? 00:13:11:35 00:13:15:95 {0 [1 That's 6 years. Ever thought of stopping? 00:13:16:46 00:13:20:52 {0 [1 No, if I live to be 80, I still do it. 00:13:21:70 00:13:22:79 {0 [1 Are you being forced. 00:13:22:96 00:13:26:16 {0 [1 It is my hobby, I'm not forced. 00:13:26:33 00:13:28:53 {0 [1 All girls like it. 00:13:28:77 00:13:30:26 {0 [1 Ever thought of retiring. 00:13:30:47 00:13:33:53 {0 [1 No. I must teach all I've learned. 00:13:33:57 00:13:34:87 {0 [1 To the girls here. 00:13:35:14 00:13:36:63 {0 [1 They'll be so happy. 00:13:36:78 00:13:39:41 {0 [1 Don't lead them astray. 00:13:39:78 00:13:41:08 {0 [1 You're too conservative. 00:13:41:25 00:13:44:24 {0 [1 It's morality. 00:13:44:45 00:13:46:44 {0 [1 I'm not doing business With you. 00:13:46:65 00:13:48:35 {0 [1 Please return to YEE HUNG garden. 00:13:50:12 00:13:51:61 {0 [1 What about YEE HUNG garden? 00:13:53:79 00:13:55:89 {0 [1 So you're here. 00:13:57:87 00:13:59:56 {0 [1 Why are you so angry. 0...