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Arts & Crafts Mantel
A project plan
for building
an elegant
©2009 The Taunton Press
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Build an Oak Bookcase
From Getting Started in Woodworking, Season 2
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Y ou can thank Mike Pekovich,
Fine Woodworking’s art direc-
tor, for designing this simple but
stylish bookcase. He took a straightfor-
ward form--an oak bookcase with dado
and rabbet joints--and added nice pro-
portions and elegant curves.
We agreed that screws would reinforce
the joints nicely, and that gave us a de-
sign option on the sides. Choose oak
plugs, and align the grain carefully, and
the plugs disappear. Make them from a
contrasting wood, like walnut, and the
rows of plugs add a nice design feature
to the broad sides, hinting at the con-
struction in a subtle way.
By design the bookcase contains a
number of fundamental lessons for
would-be furniture-makers, and like the
other projects in this video series, the
whole thing can be built with just a few
portable power tools: a circular saw, a
drill, and a router
The shelves attach to the sides with
simple dadoes, and the back and back-
splash drop into rabbets. Screws rein-
force the dado joints and also attach the
lower stretcher, and wood plugs cover
the screw holes. Smaller wood screws
are used to attach the plywood back.
Curves add life to rectangular pieces
of furniture, and Pekovich worked in
three types, each irregular and organic
(as opposed to radius curves that can
seem mechanical). At the top are gen-
tle curves that speed up as they move
forward, each taken from a section of
a French curve. At the bottom are two
long curves formed with a flexible wood
batten, one extending end to end on the
lower stretcher, and the other a short
graceful arch at the bottom of the sides,
ending at a straight step at each end to
suggest legs.
--Asa Christiana, editor, Fine Woodworking
Lumber and hardware List
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A Mantel with a Mission
Arts-and-Crafts overmantel
beautifies a tract-house fireplace
Photos this page: Timothy Schreiner
ome friends of mine live in an attractive but
indistinguishable Ranch-style house. Built
in the 1970s, it’s a typical tract house, pro-
duced cookie-cutter style to fit a tight budget and
a streamlined modern lifestyle. They loved the
house when they bought it, but they always knew
there were a few things they would want to im-
prove. First on their list was to do something with
the plain brick fireplace and raised hearth in the
living room.
When they came to me looking for a nice wood-
en mantel, it took some time to find a design that
matched the house, the furnishings and the own-
ers’ tastes all at the same time. The raised hearth
was originally intended to make a cozy fireplace
perch. A nice idea, but it brought up a design
problem I’ve never had to deal with before: Exact-
ly what kind of mantel do you install on a raised
hearth fireplace?
After looking through a number of books and a
lot of experimenting at the sketch board, I decided
a simple wrap-around mantel in an Arts-and-Crafts
style would work nicely. A wrap-around mantel
would enhance the horizontal sweep of masonry,
not fight with it. I also considered ease of con-
struction and time and materials. With a little plan-
ning, I’d be able to construct the majority of the
mantel in my own shop and install the whole job
with only a day’s work in my friends’ living room.
The design I settled on calls for a simple four-
panel overmantel and a 2 1 4 -in.-thick mantel shelf.
I wanted the mantel to appear well-balanced and
symmetrical, so I designed the shelf to rest on five
brackets that are all directly in line with the stiles
on the overmantel.
A bluestone slab on top of the hearth would be
an attractive way to cover the brick, and a wood-
en skirt around the raised hearth would hide the
masonry, tying the hearth and mantel together
visually. I didn’t want anything to detract from the
design or distract the viewer, so I chose rift-cut red
oak, both solid and plywood. This combined the
rich, rough surface of oak with an inconspicuous
dead-straight grain.
I was able to speed the construction process by
doing most of the work in my own shop and reducing the number
of cuts I had to make for the joinery (see the photos above). I used
plywood with a solid frame to make up the four-panel overmantel.
For the rails and stiles, I used 3 4 -in.-thick red oak, milled with a
1 4 -in. plow, 3 4 in. deep and centered on the inside edges of the
frame. This one groove acted as both a mortise for the stub tenons
and as the groove to hold the panels.
For the 3 4 -in. stub tenons on the ends of the rails and short stiles,
I used a tablesaw to cut the shoulders and a bandsaw to cut the
cheeks. Then I installed a dado blade on the tablesaw to cut rab-
bets into the 1 2 -in.-thick plywood panels. All the joinery was cut
with only a few machine setups. The frame-and-panel overmantel
slipped easily together for glue-up in the shop. The plywood re-
Single groove does double duty. A
groove plowed with a dado blade serves
as both the mortise for the tenons and
the groove to hold the panel.
Stub tenons make it plenty strong.
With the shoulders cut on a tablesaw, a
bandsaw completes the stub tenons on
the ends of the rails and short stiles.
Fast rabbets with a dado blade. The panels are rabbeted with a dado blade. The frame-
and-panel overmantel is glued up before it leaves the shop.
turns were mitered to the end stiles for a cleaner, more seamless
look. I used biscuits to align and secure them in place.
A plywood mantel shelf is lightweight
If I had used a 2 1 4 -in. slab of solid red oak for the shelf, it would
have added considerable weight. Instead, I used two layers of
3 4 -in. red-oak plywood with 3 4 -in. plywood strips as spacers. The
use of plywood also eliminated cross-grain movement or shrink-
age, which could be considerable so near a source of heat.
I cut two identical pieces to make up the top and bottom of the
shelf. One of the spacers is placed flush with the front of the shelf;
the other is inset 1 2 in. from the back. Leaving this room on the back
edge reduced the amount of material I’d have to trim to get a snug
Photos except where noted: Matthew Teague
fit when the shelf was installed.
With the shelf built up to a thick-
ness of 2 1 4 in., I glued plywood
spacers on each of the returns that
extend back to the wall. When the
shelf was dry, I edged the entire
lamination with red oak cut to a
light 1 8 in. thick on the tablesaw.
When the glue had dried, the over-
hang was carefully trimmed flush to
the plywood with a block plane,
then scraped and sanded.
This mantel was designed to revive an old fireplace
with a raised hearth. The use of a straight-grained
wood draws attention to the design. Small details
like a repeated cornice molding tie the hearth and
overmantel together visually.
1 in.
Cornice molding, 1 5 8 in.
3 in.
Cut everything ahead of time
The mantel skirt is made of 3 4 -in.
red-oak plywood, mitered at the
outside corners and later nailed in-
to place. I prepared the wood for
the mantel skirt, but I did not as-
semble it in the shop. By leaving
the skirt in parts, I could easily
scribe the returns to the wall before
they were attached.
I knew that there would probably
be a conspicuous gap between the
masonry and the skirt’s bottom
edge. I also knew that the exposed
plywood edge of the skirt would
have to be covered. A simple and
attractive way to deal with both
problems was to attach a quirk-
and-bead molding along the bot-
tom edge of the mantel skirt. I used
a 3 4 -in. beading bit to run off two
8-ft. pieces from clean, straight-
grained oak. This allowed me a lit-
tle more than I’d need.
For the cornice molding, I used a
simple 1 5 8 -in. cove molding from
a local lumberyard. This type of
molding is usually a stock profile
and shouldn’t be difficult to find.
Because of their prominent posi-
tion, the brackets on this mantel
must be well executed: clean square edges and smooth flowing
curves. Aside from the installation, they’re probably the most de-
manding part of this job. The method I use ensures crisp edges and
reliable curves (see the photos on p. 74).
The skirt around the hearth does more than just cover the bricks:
It’s the key to connecting the hearth and mantel visually. The
hearth skirt is also made of 3 4 -in.-thick red-oak plywood mitered at
the corners and tacked over cleats that are screwed to the brick.
With the plywood for the hearth skirt cut to size, my work in the
shop was almost done.
Top rail
11 1 2 in.
Panel, 1 2 -in. plywood
Bottom rail
Mantel shelf
3 1 2 in.
10 in.
2 1 4 in.
Starting from scratch. To make this
design work, the area above the fire-
place was built out flush with the brick.
A 2x4 frame was attached above the
fireplace; drywall and mud made it a
workable wall. All the stud positions
were marked, and measurements were
taken to make sure the mantel went
up without a hitch.
7 1 2 in.
5 1 4 in.
3 4 in.
8 in.
Quirk-and-bead molding
faster when things can be laid out flat in your own shop before
you have to be careful with someone else’s walls.
After all the parts were sanded with 220-grit paper, I applied a
light honey-colored oil-based stain by Minwax (Ipswich pine)
with a 2-in. brush and wiped up drips with a rag. When the stain
was dry, I coated all the parts with two light coats of orange shel-
lac. This gives the oak a very rich color with a slight orange cast. If
your taste runs to a cooler shade of oak, you can use blond shellac
instead of orange. To get a satin finish, I gently rubbed out the shel-
lac with steel wool between coats.
Rubbing out woodwork usually results in cut-throughs—spots
on the sharp outside corners where the color and finish have
been rubbed through by the steel wool. To repair these spots, I
ran a medium-brown furniture marker along the exposed edges,
Finish before mantel is attached to the wall
Finishing can be a slow and tedious process if you wait until the
whole piece is assembled and installed. The process goes much
Top photo: Timothy Schreiner
Cornice molding, 1 5 8 in.
Returns, 3 4 -in. plywood mitered
and biscuited at the corners, rear
edge rabbeted for easy scribing
Overmantel, four 1 2 -in. plywood
panels set into an oak frame
Mantel skirt, 3 4 -in. plywood
mitered and nailed at the corners
Brackets, cut from oak and
planed to 1 5 8 in. thick
Spacers, 3 4 -in.
plywood, 2 1 4 in. wide
Shelf, 3 4 -in. plywood
Edging, 1 8 in.
Quirk-and-bead molding
Cornice molding, 1 5 8 in.
Bluestone covers
the old hearth’s masonry.
Furring blocks, 3 4 -in. plywood
Hearth skirt, 3 4 -in. plywood
mitered at the corners
Overmantel slides onto the wall. With the
overmantel shimmed level, driving a few
screws ties it to the wall.
Skirt abuts the overmantel. Shims guaran-
tee that the overmantel and skirt meet flush.
Shelf fits easily onto the brackets. Using
reliable measurements in the planning stage
ensures the shelf seats itself perfectly level.
Drawings: Bob La Pointe
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