OPOWIEŚCI NIEMORALNE.Contes immoraux.1974.txt

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{2588}{2671}Love, delightful as it is,|pleases even more by the ways |in which it reveals itself.
{2675}{2776}La Rochefoucauld|(Quotes)
{3084}{3201}La Maree � based on the story of|Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues
{3204}{3283}Julie, my cousin, was sixteen,|I was twenty,
{3287}{3407}and this small difference in age,|made her docile to my will.
{3551}{3606}Be careful!
{3614}{3660}You too!
{3818}{3901}Goodbye! Don't worry!
{4548}{4624}-How many tomatoes do you want?|-Two!
{4953}{5053}My hat! In my room,|under the bed!
{5376}{5429}Bring me my hat!
{5435}{5504}That is not a hat!
{8704}{8800}I will get past you,|so I won't see you!
{8805}{8856}I want to forget you.
{8859}{8960}I must yearn for you,|next time we meet.
{10240}{10292}-How many;|-Five.
{10295}{10376}I have met five boys|since last summer.
{10409}{10481}I met them in parties.
{10584}{10634}We made out...
{10655}{10696}Only that;
{10795}{10824}On the mouth;
{10828}{10930}No! Each time|my mother was present.
{11451}{11557}Thanks to my aunt|who left today!
{11627}{11721}I think your mother|looks like madame Claude.
{11726}{11803}That fat lady who introduces you|to girls in Paris?
{11809}{11883}They are my friends!
{11900}{12002}-Do you see them often?|-Every Wednesday. We have fun.
{12032}{12084}Have you kissed them?
{12087}{12172}Not exactly.|I have other uses for their mouths.
{12387}{12440}Watch out girlie!
{12572}{12651}If we go on like this,|the tide will catch us.
{12679}{12743}The tide is nearing!
{12749}{12802}It's your fault!
{12804}{12875}You should have told me earlier!
{12880}{12932}It is too late now!
{12939}{13041}We have come a long way,|to go back.
{13119}{13203}We'll head for those rocks
{13205}{13264}The tide won't reach us there.
{13268}{13350}We will wait until the waters recede.
{14432}{14483}My foot hurts!
{14900}{14949}What shall we do?
{15001}{15052}We are all alone!
{15060}{15138}The water won't get any higher.
{15141}{15217}Do you see that line on the rocks?
{15220}{15323}If we get a little higher,|we'll only wet our feet.
{16857}{16908}Andre, I am here!
{17102}{17154}Come closer!
{17965}{18010}Get up!
{18346}{18397}Give me your dress!
{18950}{19001}Did you get it dirty already?
{19017}{19119}You have time to wash it,|until your mother returns.
{19308}{19366}Tidal timetable
{19833}{19908}Now you shall take off your |swimming suit.
{19911}{19990}You'll be naked |under the dress.
{20010}{20089}Get those seaweeds off you!
{20226}{20304}You'll play another game with me.
{20463}{20513}I want it much.
{21167}{21217}Come here!
{21890}{21965}As close as you can.
{21968}{22026}Look at this!
{22054}{22129}1 1 :27...
{22161}{22260}I have craved your mouth|for a long time.
{22263}{22345}As a man in the desert|craves cool water.
{22348}{22479}I will satisfy my desire|and quench my thirst.
{22515}{22573}You'll kiss me on the mouth?
{22576}{22672}You shall not kiss me on the mouth!
{22677}{22754}You shall take me in your mouth!
{22778}{22856}I thought you understood.
{22861}{22938}Like the girls of Madame Claude.
{22941}{23024}You shall take me,|until high tide.
{23026}{23082}That's half an hour.
{23084}{23184}So you won't talk to me|and distract me...
{23187}{23265}...I will explain the tide|phenomenon.
{23268}{23364}Pay attention to what I do|to your mouth...
{23367}{23458}...to the sea that is rising|all around us...
{23465}{23541}...like the desire that rises |within me.
{23543}{23666}Exactly at 11 :27,|I will enter your mouth.
{23726}{23807}It is not easy|to subdue you...
{23830}{23958}...but I have some experience,|and I am a bit older than you.
{23968}{24114}I need to concentrate.|You too should concentrate.
{24171}{24299}Think strongly of what you need.|Yourself, me...
{24302}{24405}...somebody you desire|or something you want.
{24409}{24521}You will mostly feel|the consummation of my desire.
{24595}{24655}When I enter your throat...
{24657}{24799}...you will swallow obediently|and with pleasure my gift to you.
{24817}{24876}you shall consider this gift...
{24878}{24979}...the outcome of the tide|that is rising right now.
{25017}{25125}I do not have to tell you|what I am thinking right now.
{25250}{25339}Come on! We have no time to lose!
{26222}{26343}Wrench, don't you want something|good?
{26377}{26480}I have for you a salty stick|that all little sheep desire.
{30421}{30474}The tide is the result...
{30504}{30607}...of the gravitational pull|of the Moon and the Sun...
{30698}{30735}An action...
{30772}{30821}...that depends...
{30880}{30918}...from the moon...
{30922}{30999}...as it nears...
{34012}{34088}We still have time to have fun.
{34090}{34193}No! We didn't come to the rocks|for fun.
{34213}{34264}This was your training.
{34300}{34376}Now you know all about the tide.
{34633}{34702}Theresa the Philosopher
{34704}{34755}10 July 1890
{34760}{34863}''the locals demand that Theresa|be declared a Saint...''
{34867}{34968}''...a young girl|raped by a vagabond.''
{34971}{35029}The Sunday Gazette
{35083}{35164}We are good|to those who are good.
{35207}{35283}Is the holy ghost speaking?
{35285}{35338}I am the lord of the heart.
{35341}{35425}I lead all hearts|wherever I please.
{35857}{35963}My child, you don't need|to know much to love me.
{35967}{36024}As long as you love me deeply.
{36209}{36260}I love you, my lord.
{36265}{36342}I am the Lord|of the beauty of the heart.
{36346}{36433}The beauty of the body|belongs to me as well.
{36437}{36515}Ask for them, if you wish.|I can give you everything.
{36518}{36635}I give everything, when it's used|to cleanse souls.
{36671}{36730}What do you want child?
{36757}{36868}-I want to be happy.|-I am here. I won't leave you.
{36907}{37039}My heart, my hands|are your treasures.
{37051}{37161}I ask for only one thing.|that you take full pleasure from them.
{37190}{37258}Ask for my help.
{37303}{37410}Show me your weaknesses.|How sensuous are you?
{37437}{37575}Arrogant, sensitive, selfish,|cowardly, slothful?
{37697}{37756}forgive me, my Lord.
{38986}{39065}I stayed in the church|after the ritual!
{39376}{39428}I did nothing!
{39443}{39491}You are a liar!
{39494}{39545}I tell you the truth!
{39809}{39912}You will remain in here|for three days and nights!
{40172}{40227}Give me my book!
{40229}{40293}My book!
{41949}{42030}Get your mouth near that water.
{42036}{42092}It will quench your thirst.
{42102}{42178}It will give you the life|of angels.
{42184}{42247}It will reinvigorate your faith.
{42276}{42359}To will do everything for your mercy.
{42395}{42513}You will crave a better world|where no thirst exists...
{42524}{42611}...only God|and His glory.
{50055}{50131}My pleasures will be for you.
{50162}{50230}I am here|to console you...
{50233}{50323}...to make you smile,|to offer you joy.
{50326}{50401}An unexpected visit.
{50403}{50487}Is it a reward for which you|deem yourself unworthy?
{50491}{50575}I believe in your Providence.
{52508}{52615}I am coming near you, Jesus Christ.|My heart is ready.
{55087}{55140}you are so sensuous...
{67011}{67096}It is 1610. Countess Erzs�bet |B�thory and her retainer...
{67100}{67211}...visit the village of Nyitra|in Hungary.
{70626}{70655}Go away!
{72411}{72459}Don't be afraid!
{72486}{72561}Countess B�thory seeks|for her Tower...
{72564}{72641}...young girls,|honest and humble.
{72644}{72722}She offers a place to stay and food.
{72758}{72814}Tell the people to come out!
{72818}{72885}Come out! Don't be afraid!
{72986}{73037}Everybody come out!
{73118}{73214}The ones that the Countess likes|will be happy.
{73330}{73378}This sunday...
{73382}{73442}...the Countess will allow|the chosen ones...
{73446}{73596}...to touch her magic dress,|which is adorned with pearls...
{73648}{73754}Those who touch the dress,|will have eternal bliss.
{82811}{82889}-What is that?|-A Sun!
{87361}{87401}Let me go!
{87652}{87728}-What did you call me?|-Thief!
{89079}{89158}Wash the young girls!
{94548}{94604}I would like to wear it!
{115740}{115814}Countess Bathory?
{115862}{115941}You are under arrest!|By the kings orders!
{116008}{116083}Resistance is futile!
{117798}{117874}Lucrezia Borgia
{117877}{117982}Year 1498. Lucrezia Borgia|accompanied by her husband|Giovanni Sforza...
{117986}{118068}...visits her father,|Pope Alexander VI...
{118073}{118180}...and her brother,|Cardinal Caesar Borgia.
{118185}{118312}Hyeronimo Savonarola condemns|the debauched doings in the Church.
{122353}{122436}You, whore of a church...
{122500}{122608}...were once ahsamed,|for your debauchery!
{122688}{122765}but nowadays are beyond shame!
{122778}{122845}The Woman and the Tiger!
{123486}{123632}I bless my son in law|Giovanni Sforza, Count of Pezaro.
{124141}{124233}word has it that|my cookies are sour.
{124236}{124296}Judge by yourselves!
{124308}{124361}Try them!
{125279}{125357}your sensitivity offends me,|dear Count.
{125962}{126033}Lets go see the horses.
{126485}{126567}Francis,|son of Pinduriccio.
{126622}{126699}What beauty is hidden|in a mane!
{126957}{127009}Don't close your eyes Count!
{127033}{127088}Don't shut your ears!
{127105}{127184}The mares of the fields!
{127692}{127781}Look! don't object!
{127923}{128056}Lucrezia Borgia who embodies|bravery, honesty!
{128101}{128175}You know...|In the old times...
{128177}{128298}...the priests called their |children nephews.
{128347}{128455}Today they are no longer nephews|but sons...
{128528}{128630}do you exclude whores from the|Holy Church?
{128651}{128704}You are a fool!
{128708}{128767}Listen to Saint Hyeromimus.
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