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......... HT DESIGN
Sl:'-"OnrJ edition published in 2000 by Adl3rd Coles Nautical.
an imprint of A & C Black (Puhlishers) Ltd
35 Bedford Row, london wei R 4JH
Copyright C Lars Larsson and Rolf E Eliasson 2000
First edition 1994
Reprinted 1996. 1997
Second edition 2000
ISBN 0·7136·5181-4
All rights reserved. No pan of this publkation may be
reproduced in any form or by any mC<lns - graphic.
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying. recording,
I,lping or information storage and retrieval systems -
without the prior permis~ioll in writing of Ihe publishers.
A elP o;:ata]ogue record for this book is available frolll the
British library.
Typeset in MonopholO Times by Tony & Penny Mills.
Wrentham. Beedcs, Suffolk.
Prinled and bound in Great Brilain by Hillman Prinl.ers (Frome) Ltd.
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